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2005 Economic Census⚓︎

Table Summary⚓︎

Fifth wave of the Indian Economic Census.

File Metadata⚓︎

Table Information (SHRID)⚓︎

Aggregation Level File Name Unique Identifiers
SHRID ec05_shrid.dta shrid2

Variable Information (SHRID)⚓︎

Variable Name Description Missing % Non-missing count
⭐ ec05_emp_all Total non-farm employment (2005) 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_f Female employment count 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_m Male employment count 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_hired Total count of hired employees 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_unhired Total count of non-hired employees 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_gov Total count of employees in public sector firms 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_priv Total count of employees in private sector firms 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_inf Total count of informal sector employees 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_own_m Total count of employees in firms with sex of enterprise owner: male 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_own_f Total count of employees in firms with sex of enterprise owner: female 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_own_other Total count of employees in firms with sex of enterprise owner: other 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_pub_banks Total count of employees in public sector banks 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_pub_mines Total count of employees in public sector mines 14% 510,659
ec05_emp_size20 Count of employees working for firms with 20 or fewer employees 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_size50 Count of employees working for firms with 21 to 50 employees 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_size100 Count of employees working for firms with 51 to 100 employees 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_size101 Count of employees working for firms with greater than 100 employees 13% 517,378
ec05_emp_st Total count of employees in firms with owner: scheduled tribe 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_sc Total count of employees in firms with owner: SC 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_obc Total count of employees in firms with owner: OBC 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_other Total count of employees in firms with owner: other caste 13% 517,389
ec05_count_all Count of total firms 13% 517,389
ec05_count_f Count of firms with females employed 13% 517,389
ec05_count_m Count of firms with males employed 13% 517,389
ec05_count_gov Count of public sector firms 13% 517,389
ec05_count_priv Count of private sector firms 13% 517,389
ec05_count_inf Count of informal sector firms 13% 517,389
ec05_count_own_m Count of firms with sex of owner: male 13% 517,389
ec05_count_own_f Count of firms with sex of owner: female 13% 517,389
ec05_count_own_other Count of firms with sex of owner: other 13% 517,389
ec05_count_pub_banks Count of public sector banking firms 13% 517,389
ec05_count_pub_mines Count of public sector mining firms 14% 510,659
ec05_count_size20 Count of firms with 20 or fewer employees 13% 517,389
ec05_count_size50 Count of firms with 21 to 50 employees 13% 517,389
ec05_count_size100 Count of firms with 51 to 100 employees 13% 517,389
ec05_count_size101 Count of firms with greater than 100 employees 13% 517,378
ec05_count_st Count of firms with owner: scheduled tribe 13% 517,389
ec05_count_sc Count of firms with owner: scheduled caste 13% 517,389
ec05_count_obc Count of firms with owner: OBC 13% 517,389
ec05_count_other Count of firms with owner: other caste 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_manuf Total manufacturing employment from SHRIC variables (excluding primary sector) 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_services Total services employment from SHRIC variables 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_1 Total count of employees from SHRIC 1. 13% 517,352
ec05_emp_shric_2 Total count of employees from SHRIC 2. 13% 517,319
ec05_emp_shric_3 Total count of employees from SHRIC 3. 13% 517,273
ec05_emp_shric_4 Total count of employees from SHRIC 4. 13% 517,378
ec05_emp_shric_5 Total count of employees from SHRIC 5. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_6 Total count of employees from SHRIC 6. 13% 516,041
ec05_emp_shric_7 Total count of employees from SHRIC 7. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_8 Total count of employees from SHRIC 8. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_9 Total count of employees from SHRIC 9. 13% 516,707
ec05_emp_shric_10 Total count of employees from SHRIC 10. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_11 Total count of employees from SHRIC 11. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_12 Total count of employees from SHRIC 12. 14% 512,221
ec05_emp_shric_13 Total count of employees from SHRIC 13. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_14 Total count of employees from SHRIC 14. 13% 517,378
ec05_emp_shric_15 Total count of employees from SHRIC 15. 13% 517,378
ec05_emp_shric_16 Total count of employees from SHRIC 16. 13% 517,377
ec05_emp_shric_17 Total count of employees from SHRIC 17. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_18 Total count of employees from SHRIC 18. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_19 Total count of employees from SHRIC 19. 13% 514,730
ec05_emp_shric_20 Total count of employees from SHRIC 20. 14% 510,369
ec05_emp_shric_21 Total count of employees from SHRIC 21. 14% 512,251
ec05_emp_shric_22 Total count of employees from SHRIC 22. 13% 517,378
ec05_emp_shric_23 Total count of employees from SHRIC 23. 15% 505,614
ec05_emp_shric_24 Total count of employees from SHRIC 24. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_25 Total count of employees from SHRIC 25. 13% 516,715
ec05_emp_shric_26 Total count of employees from SHRIC 26. 13% 517,377
ec05_emp_shric_27 Total count of employees from SHRIC 27. 14% 512,669
ec05_emp_shric_28 Total count of employees from SHRIC 28. 13% 517,369
ec05_emp_shric_29 Total count of employees from SHRIC 29. 13% 517,377
ec05_emp_shric_30 Total count of employees from SHRIC 30. 13% 516,646
ec05_emp_shric_31 Total count of employees from SHRIC 31. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_32 Total count of employees from SHRIC 32. 16% 500,493
ec05_emp_shric_33 Total count of employees from SHRIC 33. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_34 Total count of employees from SHRIC 34. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_35 Total count of employees from SHRIC 35. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_36 Total count of employees from SHRIC 36. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_37 Total count of employees from SHRIC 37. 13% 515,458
ec05_emp_shric_38 Total count of employees from SHRIC 38. 13% 517,378
ec05_emp_shric_39 Total count of employees from SHRIC 39. 13% 517,378
ec05_emp_shric_40 Total count of employees from SHRIC 40. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_41 Total count of employees from SHRIC 41. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_42 Total count of employees from SHRIC 42. 13% 517,308
ec05_emp_shric_43 Total count of employees from SHRIC 43. 13% 517,378
ec05_emp_shric_44 Total count of employees from SHRIC 44. 13% 517,378
ec05_emp_shric_45 Total count of employees from SHRIC 45. 13% 517,378
ec05_emp_shric_46 Total count of employees from SHRIC 46. 13% 517,377
ec05_emp_shric_47 Total count of employees from SHRIC 47. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_48 Total count of employees from SHRIC 48. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_49 Total count of employees from SHRIC 49. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_50 Total count of employees from SHRIC 50. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_51 Total count of employees from SHRIC 51. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_52 Total count of employees from SHRIC 52. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_53 Total count of employees from SHRIC 53. 13% 517,308
ec05_emp_shric_54 Total count of employees from SHRIC 54. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_55 Total count of employees from SHRIC 55. 13% 514,801
ec05_emp_shric_56 Total count of employees from SHRIC 56. 15% 502,349
ec05_emp_shric_57 Total count of employees from SHRIC 57. 13% 517,299
ec05_emp_shric_58 Total count of employees from SHRIC 58. 13% 517,319
ec05_emp_shric_59 Total count of employees from SHRIC 59. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_60 Total count of employees from SHRIC 60. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_61 Total count of employees from SHRIC 61. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_62 Total count of employees from SHRIC 62. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_63 Total count of employees from SHRIC 63. 13% 517,378
ec05_emp_shric_64 Total count of employees from SHRIC 64. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_65 Total count of employees from SHRIC 65. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_66 Total count of employees from SHRIC 66. 13% 517,388
ec05_emp_shric_67 Total count of employees from SHRIC 67. 13% 516,131
ec05_emp_shric_68 Total count of employees from SHRIC 68. 13% 515,457
ec05_emp_shric_69 Total count of employees from SHRIC 69. 13% 516,716
ec05_emp_shric_70 Total count of employees from SHRIC 70. 13% 517,370
ec05_emp_shric_71 Total count of employees from SHRIC 71. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_72 Total count of employees from SHRIC 72. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_73 Total count of employees from SHRIC 73. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_74 Total count of employees from SHRIC 74. 13% 515,443
ec05_emp_shric_75 Total count of employees from SHRIC 75. 13% 514,846
ec05_emp_shric_76 Total count of employees from SHRIC 76. 14% 513,577
ec05_emp_shric_77 Total count of employees from SHRIC 77. 16% 499,572
ec05_emp_shric_78 Total count of employees from SHRIC 78. 13% 516,620
ec05_emp_shric_79 Total count of employees from SHRIC 79. 13% 516,718
ec05_emp_shric_80 Total count of employees from SHRIC 80. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_81 Total count of employees from SHRIC 81. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_82 Total count of employees from SHRIC 82. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_83 Total count of employees from SHRIC 83. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_84 Total count of employees from SHRIC 84. 13% 516,716
ec05_emp_shric_85 Total count of employees from SHRIC 85. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_86 Total count of employees from SHRIC 86. 13% 517,378
ec05_emp_shric_87 Total count of employees from SHRIC 87. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_88 Total count of employees from SHRIC 88. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_89 Total count of employees from SHRIC 89. 13% 517,389
ec05_emp_shric_90 Total count of employees from SHRIC 90. 13% 517,389

Table Information (Subdistrict)⚓︎

No Data available

Variable Information (Subdistrict)⚓︎

No Data available

Table Information (District)⚓︎

Aggregation Level File Name Unique Identifiers
District ec05_pc01dist.dta pc01_state_id, pc01_district_id

Variable Information (District)⚓︎

Variable Name Description Missing % Non-missing count
⭐ ec05_emp_all Total non-farm employment (2005) 0% 591
ec05_emp_f Female employment count 0% 591
ec05_emp_m Male employment count 0% 591
ec05_emp_hired Total count of hired employees 0% 591
ec05_emp_unhired Total count of non-hired employees 0% 591
ec05_emp_gov Total count of employees in public sector firms 0% 591
ec05_emp_priv Total count of employees in private sector firms 0% 591
ec05_emp_inf Total count of informal sector employees 0% 591
ec05_emp_own_m Total count of employees in firms with sex of enterprise owner: male 0% 591
ec05_emp_own_f Total count of employees in firms with sex of enterprise owner: female 0% 591
ec05_emp_own_other Total count of employees in firms with sex of enterprise owner: other 0% 591
ec05_emp_pub_banks Total count of employees in public sector banks 0% 591
ec05_emp_pub_mines Total count of employees in public sector mines 10% 531
ec05_emp_size20 Count of employees working for firms with 20 or fewer employees 0% 591
ec05_emp_size50 Count of employees working for firms with 21 to 50 employees 0% 591
ec05_emp_size100 Count of employees working for firms with 51 to 100 employees 0% 591
ec05_emp_size101 Count of employees working for firms with greater than 100 employees 1% 590
ec05_emp_st Total count of employees in firms with owner: scheduled tribe 0% 591
ec05_emp_sc Total count of employees in firms with owner: SC 0% 591
ec05_emp_obc Total count of employees in firms with owner: OBC 0% 591
ec05_emp_other Total count of employees in firms with owner: other caste 0% 591
ec05_count_all Count of total firms 0% 591
ec05_count_f Count of firms with females employed 0% 591
ec05_count_m Count of firms with males employed 0% 591
ec05_count_gov Count of public sector firms 0% 591
ec05_count_priv Count of private sector firms 0% 591
ec05_count_inf Count of informal sector firms 0% 591
ec05_count_own_m Count of firms with sex of owner: male 0% 591
ec05_count_own_f Count of firms with sex of owner: female 0% 591
ec05_count_own_other Count of firms with sex of owner: other 0% 591
ec05_count_pub_banks Count of public sector banking firms 0% 591
ec05_count_pub_mines Count of public sector mining firms 10% 531
ec05_count_size20 Count of firms with 20 or fewer employees 0% 591
ec05_count_size50 Count of firms with 21 to 50 employees 0% 591
ec05_count_size100 Count of firms with 51 to 100 employees 0% 591
ec05_count_size101 Count of firms with greater than 100 employees 1% 590
ec05_count_st Count of firms with owner: scheduled tribe 0% 591
ec05_count_sc Count of firms with owner: scheduled caste 0% 591
ec05_count_obc Count of firms with owner: OBC 0% 591
ec05_count_other Count of firms with owner: other caste 0% 591
ec05_emp_manuf Total manufacturing employment from SHRIC variables (excluding primary sector) 0% 591
ec05_emp_services Total services employment from SHRIC variables 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_1 Total count of employees from SHRIC 1. 1% 587
ec05_emp_shric_2 Total count of employees from SHRIC 2. 1% 590
ec05_emp_shric_3 Total count of employees from SHRIC 3. 2% 581
ec05_emp_shric_4 Total count of employees from SHRIC 4. 1% 590
ec05_emp_shric_5 Total count of employees from SHRIC 5. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_6 Total count of employees from SHRIC 6. 3% 576
ec05_emp_shric_7 Total count of employees from SHRIC 7. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_8 Total count of employees from SHRIC 8. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_9 Total count of employees from SHRIC 9. 3% 577
ec05_emp_shric_10 Total count of employees from SHRIC 10. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_11 Total count of employees from SHRIC 11. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_12 Total count of employees from SHRIC 12. 7% 554
ec05_emp_shric_13 Total count of employees from SHRIC 13. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_14 Total count of employees from SHRIC 14. 1% 590
ec05_emp_shric_15 Total count of employees from SHRIC 15. 1% 590
ec05_emp_shric_16 Total count of employees from SHRIC 16. 1% 589
ec05_emp_shric_17 Total count of employees from SHRIC 17. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_18 Total count of employees from SHRIC 18. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_19 Total count of employees from SHRIC 19. 6% 560
ec05_emp_shric_20 Total count of employees from SHRIC 20. 7% 553
ec05_emp_shric_21 Total count of employees from SHRIC 21. 4% 567
ec05_emp_shric_22 Total count of employees from SHRIC 22. 1% 590
ec05_emp_shric_23 Total count of employees from SHRIC 23. 10% 533
ec05_emp_shric_24 Total count of employees from SHRIC 24. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_25 Total count of employees from SHRIC 25. 2% 581
ec05_emp_shric_26 Total count of employees from SHRIC 26. 1% 589
ec05_emp_shric_27 Total count of employees from SHRIC 27. 5% 565
ec05_emp_shric_28 Total count of employees from SHRIC 28. 1% 585
ec05_emp_shric_29 Total count of employees from SHRIC 29. 1% 589
ec05_emp_shric_30 Total count of employees from SHRIC 30. 2% 581
ec05_emp_shric_31 Total count of employees from SHRIC 31. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_32 Total count of employees from SHRIC 32. 10% 535
ec05_emp_shric_33 Total count of employees from SHRIC 33. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_34 Total count of employees from SHRIC 34. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_35 Total count of employees from SHRIC 35. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_36 Total count of employees from SHRIC 36. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_37 Total count of employees from SHRIC 37. 3% 574
ec05_emp_shric_38 Total count of employees from SHRIC 38. 1% 590
ec05_emp_shric_39 Total count of employees from SHRIC 39. 1% 590
ec05_emp_shric_40 Total count of employees from SHRIC 40. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_41 Total count of employees from SHRIC 41. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_42 Total count of employees from SHRIC 42. 1% 589
ec05_emp_shric_43 Total count of employees from SHRIC 43. 1% 590
ec05_emp_shric_44 Total count of employees from SHRIC 44. 1% 590
ec05_emp_shric_45 Total count of employees from SHRIC 45. 1% 590
ec05_emp_shric_46 Total count of employees from SHRIC 46. 1% 589
ec05_emp_shric_47 Total count of employees from SHRIC 47. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_48 Total count of employees from SHRIC 48. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_49 Total count of employees from SHRIC 49. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_50 Total count of employees from SHRIC 50. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_51 Total count of employees from SHRIC 51. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_52 Total count of employees from SHRIC 52. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_53 Total count of employees from SHRIC 53. 1% 589
ec05_emp_shric_54 Total count of employees from SHRIC 54. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_55 Total count of employees from SHRIC 55. 5% 562
ec05_emp_shric_56 Total count of employees from SHRIC 56. 11% 527
ec05_emp_shric_57 Total count of employees from SHRIC 57. 2% 584
ec05_emp_shric_58 Total count of employees from SHRIC 58. 1% 590
ec05_emp_shric_59 Total count of employees from SHRIC 59. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_60 Total count of employees from SHRIC 60. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_61 Total count of employees from SHRIC 61. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_62 Total count of employees from SHRIC 62. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_63 Total count of employees from SHRIC 63. 1% 590
ec05_emp_shric_64 Total count of employees from SHRIC 64. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_65 Total count of employees from SHRIC 65. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_66 Total count of employees from SHRIC 66. 1% 590
ec05_emp_shric_67 Total count of employees from SHRIC 67. 2% 583
ec05_emp_shric_68 Total count of employees from SHRIC 68. 3% 573
ec05_emp_shric_69 Total count of employees from SHRIC 69. 2% 582
ec05_emp_shric_70 Total count of employees from SHRIC 70. 1% 586
ec05_emp_shric_71 Total count of employees from SHRIC 71. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_72 Total count of employees from SHRIC 72. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_73 Total count of employees from SHRIC 73. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_74 Total count of employees from SHRIC 74. 4% 572
ec05_emp_shric_75 Total count of employees from SHRIC 75. 4% 570
ec05_emp_shric_76 Total count of employees from SHRIC 76. 5% 561
ec05_emp_shric_77 Total count of employees from SHRIC 77. 7% 549
ec05_emp_shric_78 Total count of employees from SHRIC 78. 3% 578
ec05_emp_shric_79 Total count of employees from SHRIC 79. 3% 578
ec05_emp_shric_80 Total count of employees from SHRIC 80. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_81 Total count of employees from SHRIC 81. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_82 Total count of employees from SHRIC 82. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_83 Total count of employees from SHRIC 83. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_84 Total count of employees from SHRIC 84. 2% 582
ec05_emp_shric_85 Total count of employees from SHRIC 85. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_86 Total count of employees from SHRIC 86. 1% 590
ec05_emp_shric_87 Total count of employees from SHRIC 87. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_88 Total count of employees from SHRIC 88. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_89 Total count of employees from SHRIC 89. 0% 591
ec05_emp_shric_90 Total count of employees from SHRIC 90. 0% 591

Table Information (AC07)⚓︎

Aggregation Level File Name Unique Identifiers
2007 Assembly Constituency ec05_con07.dta ac07_id

Variable Information (AC07)⚓︎

Variable Name Description Missing % Non-missing count
⭐ ec05_emp_all Total non-farm employment (2005) 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_f Female employment count 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_m Male employment count 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_hired Total count of hired employees 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_unhired Total count of non-hired employees 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_gov Total count of employees in public sector firms 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_priv Total count of employees in private sector firms 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_inf Total count of informal sector employees 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_own_m Total count of employees in firms with sex of enterprise owner: male 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_own_f Total count of employees in firms with sex of enterprise owner: female 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_own_other Total count of employees in firms with sex of enterprise owner: other 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_pub_banks Total count of employees in public sector banks 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_pub_mines Total count of employees in public sector mines 16% 3,234
ec05_emp_size20 Count of employees working for firms with 20 or fewer employees 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_size50 Count of employees working for firms with 21 to 50 employees 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_size100 Count of employees working for firms with 51 to 100 employees 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_size101 Count of employees working for firms with greater than 100 employees 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_st Total count of employees in firms with owner: scheduled tribe 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_sc Total count of employees in firms with owner: SC 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_obc Total count of employees in firms with owner: OBC 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_other Total count of employees in firms with owner: other caste 11% 3,404
ec05_count_all Count of total firms 11% 3,404
ec05_count_f Count of firms with females employed 11% 3,404
ec05_count_m Count of firms with males employed 11% 3,404
ec05_count_gov Count of public sector firms 11% 3,404
ec05_count_priv Count of private sector firms 11% 3,404
ec05_count_inf Count of informal sector firms 11% 3,404
ec05_count_own_m Count of firms with sex of owner: male 11% 3,404
ec05_count_own_f Count of firms with sex of owner: female 11% 3,404
ec05_count_own_other Count of firms with sex of owner: other 11% 3,404
ec05_count_pub_banks Count of public sector banking firms 11% 3,404
ec05_count_pub_mines Count of public sector mining firms 16% 3,234
ec05_count_size20 Count of firms with 20 or fewer employees 11% 3,404
ec05_count_size50 Count of firms with 21 to 50 employees 11% 3,404
ec05_count_size100 Count of firms with 51 to 100 employees 11% 3,404
ec05_count_size101 Count of firms with greater than 100 employees 11% 3,404
ec05_count_st Count of firms with owner: scheduled tribe 11% 3,404
ec05_count_sc Count of firms with owner: scheduled caste 11% 3,404
ec05_count_obc Count of firms with owner: OBC 11% 3,404
ec05_count_other Count of firms with owner: other caste 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_manuf Total manufacturing employment from SHRIC variables (excluding primary sector) 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_services Total services employment from SHRIC variables 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_1 Total count of employees from SHRIC 1. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_2 Total count of employees from SHRIC 2. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_3 Total count of employees from SHRIC 3. 11% 3,402
ec05_emp_shric_4 Total count of employees from SHRIC 4. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_5 Total count of employees from SHRIC 5. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_6 Total count of employees from SHRIC 6. 12% 3,365
ec05_emp_shric_7 Total count of employees from SHRIC 7. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_8 Total count of employees from SHRIC 8. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_9 Total count of employees from SHRIC 9. 12% 3,381
ec05_emp_shric_10 Total count of employees from SHRIC 10. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_11 Total count of employees from SHRIC 11. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_12 Total count of employees from SHRIC 12. 15% 3,276
ec05_emp_shric_13 Total count of employees from SHRIC 13. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_14 Total count of employees from SHRIC 14. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_15 Total count of employees from SHRIC 15. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_16 Total count of employees from SHRIC 16. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_17 Total count of employees from SHRIC 17. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_18 Total count of employees from SHRIC 18. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_19 Total count of employees from SHRIC 19. 13% 3,330
ec05_emp_shric_20 Total count of employees from SHRIC 20. 15% 3,253
ec05_emp_shric_21 Total count of employees from SHRIC 21. 14% 3,304
ec05_emp_shric_22 Total count of employees from SHRIC 22. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_23 Total count of employees from SHRIC 23. 17% 3,194
ec05_emp_shric_24 Total count of employees from SHRIC 24. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_25 Total count of employees from SHRIC 25. 12% 3,383
ec05_emp_shric_26 Total count of employees from SHRIC 26. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_27 Total count of employees from SHRIC 27. 14% 3,316
ec05_emp_shric_28 Total count of employees from SHRIC 28. 11% 3,402
ec05_emp_shric_29 Total count of employees from SHRIC 29. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_30 Total count of employees from SHRIC 30. 12% 3,383
ec05_emp_shric_31 Total count of employees from SHRIC 31. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_32 Total count of employees from SHRIC 32. 16% 3,211
ec05_emp_shric_33 Total count of employees from SHRIC 33. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_34 Total count of employees from SHRIC 34. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_35 Total count of employees from SHRIC 35. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_36 Total count of employees from SHRIC 36. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_37 Total count of employees from SHRIC 37. 13% 3,346
ec05_emp_shric_38 Total count of employees from SHRIC 38. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_39 Total count of employees from SHRIC 39. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_40 Total count of employees from SHRIC 40. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_41 Total count of employees from SHRIC 41. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_42 Total count of employees from SHRIC 42. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_43 Total count of employees from SHRIC 43. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_44 Total count of employees from SHRIC 44. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_45 Total count of employees from SHRIC 45. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_46 Total count of employees from SHRIC 46. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_47 Total count of employees from SHRIC 47. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_48 Total count of employees from SHRIC 48. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_49 Total count of employees from SHRIC 49. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_50 Total count of employees from SHRIC 50. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_51 Total count of employees from SHRIC 51. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_52 Total count of employees from SHRIC 52. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_53 Total count of employees from SHRIC 53. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_54 Total count of employees from SHRIC 54. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_55 Total count of employees from SHRIC 55. 13% 3,330
ec05_emp_shric_56 Total count of employees from SHRIC 56. 18% 3,152
ec05_emp_shric_57 Total count of employees from SHRIC 57. 11% 3,402
ec05_emp_shric_58 Total count of employees from SHRIC 58. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_59 Total count of employees from SHRIC 59. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_60 Total count of employees from SHRIC 60. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_61 Total count of employees from SHRIC 61. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_62 Total count of employees from SHRIC 62. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_63 Total count of employees from SHRIC 63. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_64 Total count of employees from SHRIC 64. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_65 Total count of employees from SHRIC 65. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_66 Total count of employees from SHRIC 66. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_67 Total count of employees from SHRIC 67. 12% 3,367
ec05_emp_shric_68 Total count of employees from SHRIC 68. 13% 3,346
ec05_emp_shric_69 Total count of employees from SHRIC 69. 12% 3,383
ec05_emp_shric_70 Total count of employees from SHRIC 70. 11% 3,402
ec05_emp_shric_71 Total count of employees from SHRIC 71. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_72 Total count of employees from SHRIC 72. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_73 Total count of employees from SHRIC 73. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_74 Total count of employees from SHRIC 74. 13% 3,346
ec05_emp_shric_75 Total count of employees from SHRIC 75. 13% 3,332
ec05_emp_shric_76 Total count of employees from SHRIC 76. 14% 3,295
ec05_emp_shric_77 Total count of employees from SHRIC 77. 15% 3,249
ec05_emp_shric_78 Total count of employees from SHRIC 78. 12% 3,383
ec05_emp_shric_79 Total count of employees from SHRIC 79. 12% 3,381
ec05_emp_shric_80 Total count of employees from SHRIC 80. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_81 Total count of employees from SHRIC 81. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_82 Total count of employees from SHRIC 82. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_83 Total count of employees from SHRIC 83. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_84 Total count of employees from SHRIC 84. 12% 3,383
ec05_emp_shric_85 Total count of employees from SHRIC 85. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_86 Total count of employees from SHRIC 86. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_87 Total count of employees from SHRIC 87. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_88 Total count of employees from SHRIC 88. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_89 Total count of employees from SHRIC 89. 11% 3,404
ec05_emp_shric_90 Total count of employees from SHRIC 90. 11% 3,404

Table Information (AC08)⚓︎

Aggregation Level File Name Unique Identifiers
2008 Assembly Constituency ec05_con08.dta ac08_id

Variable Information (AC08)⚓︎

Variable Name Description Missing % Non-missing count
⭐ ec05_emp_all Total non-farm employment (2005) 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_f Female employment count 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_m Male employment count 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_hired Total count of hired employees 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_unhired Total count of non-hired employees 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_gov Total count of employees in public sector firms 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_priv Total count of employees in private sector firms 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_inf Total count of informal sector employees 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_own_m Total count of employees in firms with sex of enterprise owner: male 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_own_f Total count of employees in firms with sex of enterprise owner: female 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_own_other Total count of employees in firms with sex of enterprise owner: other 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_pub_banks Total count of employees in public sector banks 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_pub_mines Total count of employees in public sector mines 16% 3,077
ec05_emp_size20 Count of employees working for firms with 20 or fewer employees 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_size50 Count of employees working for firms with 21 to 50 employees 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_size100 Count of employees working for firms with 51 to 100 employees 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_size101 Count of employees working for firms with greater than 100 employees 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_st Total count of employees in firms with owner: scheduled tribe 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_sc Total count of employees in firms with owner: SC 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_obc Total count of employees in firms with owner: OBC 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_other Total count of employees in firms with owner: other caste 11% 3,235
ec05_count_all Count of total firms 11% 3,235
ec05_count_f Count of firms with females employed 11% 3,235
ec05_count_m Count of firms with males employed 11% 3,235
ec05_count_gov Count of public sector firms 11% 3,235
ec05_count_priv Count of private sector firms 11% 3,235
ec05_count_inf Count of informal sector firms 11% 3,235
ec05_count_own_m Count of firms with sex of owner: male 11% 3,235
ec05_count_own_f Count of firms with sex of owner: female 11% 3,235
ec05_count_own_other Count of firms with sex of owner: other 11% 3,235
ec05_count_pub_banks Count of public sector banking firms 11% 3,235
ec05_count_pub_mines Count of public sector mining firms 16% 3,077
ec05_count_size20 Count of firms with 20 or fewer employees 11% 3,235
ec05_count_size50 Count of firms with 21 to 50 employees 11% 3,235
ec05_count_size100 Count of firms with 51 to 100 employees 11% 3,235
ec05_count_size101 Count of firms with greater than 100 employees 11% 3,235
ec05_count_st Count of firms with owner: scheduled tribe 11% 3,235
ec05_count_sc Count of firms with owner: scheduled caste 11% 3,235
ec05_count_obc Count of firms with owner: OBC 11% 3,235
ec05_count_other Count of firms with owner: other caste 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_manuf Total manufacturing employment from SHRIC variables (excluding primary sector) 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_services Total services employment from SHRIC variables 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_1 Total count of employees from SHRIC 1. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_2 Total count of employees from SHRIC 2. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_3 Total count of employees from SHRIC 3. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_4 Total count of employees from SHRIC 4. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_5 Total count of employees from SHRIC 5. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_6 Total count of employees from SHRIC 6. 12% 3,211
ec05_emp_shric_7 Total count of employees from SHRIC 7. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_8 Total count of employees from SHRIC 8. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_9 Total count of employees from SHRIC 9. 12% 3,215
ec05_emp_shric_10 Total count of employees from SHRIC 10. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_11 Total count of employees from SHRIC 11. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_12 Total count of employees from SHRIC 12. 14% 3,148
ec05_emp_shric_13 Total count of employees from SHRIC 13. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_14 Total count of employees from SHRIC 14. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_15 Total count of employees from SHRIC 15. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_16 Total count of employees from SHRIC 16. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_17 Total count of employees from SHRIC 17. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_18 Total count of employees from SHRIC 18. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_19 Total count of employees from SHRIC 19. 13% 3,181
ec05_emp_shric_20 Total count of employees from SHRIC 20. 14% 3,128
ec05_emp_shric_21 Total count of employees from SHRIC 21. 13% 3,162
ec05_emp_shric_22 Total count of employees from SHRIC 22. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_23 Total count of employees from SHRIC 23. 15% 3,092
ec05_emp_shric_24 Total count of employees from SHRIC 24. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_25 Total count of employees from SHRIC 25. 12% 3,215
ec05_emp_shric_26 Total count of employees from SHRIC 26. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_27 Total count of employees from SHRIC 27. 14% 3,158
ec05_emp_shric_28 Total count of employees from SHRIC 28. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_29 Total count of employees from SHRIC 29. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_30 Total count of employees from SHRIC 30. 12% 3,215
ec05_emp_shric_31 Total count of employees from SHRIC 31. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_32 Total count of employees from SHRIC 32. 16% 3,057
ec05_emp_shric_33 Total count of employees from SHRIC 33. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_34 Total count of employees from SHRIC 34. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_35 Total count of employees from SHRIC 35. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_36 Total count of employees from SHRIC 36. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_37 Total count of employees from SHRIC 37. 13% 3,191
ec05_emp_shric_38 Total count of employees from SHRIC 38. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_39 Total count of employees from SHRIC 39. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_40 Total count of employees from SHRIC 40. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_41 Total count of employees from SHRIC 41. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_42 Total count of employees from SHRIC 42. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_43 Total count of employees from SHRIC 43. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_44 Total count of employees from SHRIC 44. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_45 Total count of employees from SHRIC 45. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_46 Total count of employees from SHRIC 46. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_47 Total count of employees from SHRIC 47. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_48 Total count of employees from SHRIC 48. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_49 Total count of employees from SHRIC 49. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_50 Total count of employees from SHRIC 50. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_51 Total count of employees from SHRIC 51. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_52 Total count of employees from SHRIC 52. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_53 Total count of employees from SHRIC 53. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_54 Total count of employees from SHRIC 54. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_55 Total count of employees from SHRIC 55. 13% 3,181
ec05_emp_shric_56 Total count of employees from SHRIC 56. 16% 3,063
ec05_emp_shric_57 Total count of employees from SHRIC 57. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_58 Total count of employees from SHRIC 58. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_59 Total count of employees from SHRIC 59. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_60 Total count of employees from SHRIC 60. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_61 Total count of employees from SHRIC 61. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_62 Total count of employees from SHRIC 62. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_63 Total count of employees from SHRIC 63. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_64 Total count of employees from SHRIC 64. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_65 Total count of employees from SHRIC 65. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_66 Total count of employees from SHRIC 66. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_67 Total count of employees from SHRIC 67. 12% 3,211
ec05_emp_shric_68 Total count of employees from SHRIC 68. 13% 3,191
ec05_emp_shric_69 Total count of employees from SHRIC 69. 12% 3,215
ec05_emp_shric_70 Total count of employees from SHRIC 70. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_71 Total count of employees from SHRIC 71. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_72 Total count of employees from SHRIC 72. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_73 Total count of employees from SHRIC 73. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_74 Total count of employees from SHRIC 74. 13% 3,191
ec05_emp_shric_75 Total count of employees from SHRIC 75. 13% 3,181
ec05_emp_shric_76 Total count of employees from SHRIC 76. 14% 3,157
ec05_emp_shric_77 Total count of employees from SHRIC 77. 15% 3,102
ec05_emp_shric_78 Total count of employees from SHRIC 78. 12% 3,215
ec05_emp_shric_79 Total count of employees from SHRIC 79. 12% 3,215
ec05_emp_shric_80 Total count of employees from SHRIC 80. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_81 Total count of employees from SHRIC 81. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_82 Total count of employees from SHRIC 82. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_83 Total count of employees from SHRIC 83. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_84 Total count of employees from SHRIC 84. 12% 3,215
ec05_emp_shric_85 Total count of employees from SHRIC 85. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_86 Total count of employees from SHRIC 86. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_87 Total count of employees from SHRIC 87. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_88 Total count of employees from SHRIC 88. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_89 Total count of employees from SHRIC 89. 11% 3,235
ec05_emp_shric_90 Total count of employees from SHRIC 90. 11% 3,235


  • Missing %: Proportion of observations with missing data
  • Zero %: Proportion of observations with zero values
  • Canary variable: The ⭐ indicates the canary variable for imputation, see this link for more details about the imputation algorithm.

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