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Economic Census⚓︎

What is the sampling frame for EC; households or establishments? If establishments then the employment recorded may not reflect the village level employment as workers from nearby villages may also travel to work?

The sampling frame is the household. The EC reflects the number of people working in a town or village. There may indeed be a discrepancy between the number of working people who live in a village and the number of people who work in a village. The EC tells us the latter.

In terms of employment measures, should we prioritize PC over EC and SECC over EC?

None of these measures are perfect. PCA measures of employment do not appear to be very reliable. EC is a good measure of non-farm economic activity, but does not cover agricultural activity. SECC records what people say is their primary work, but it is the least carefully collected of the measure and it is recorded with a lot of noise.


How do I access the names of geographies like districts or shrids?

On the SHRUG download page, look for the module named "Shrug Location Names and Additional Keys". This module includes the file shrid_loc_names.[csv/dta], which contains name strings for state, district, and town/village name for each shrid2 in the SHRUG. For more information on shrid2 identifiers, please see here.