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Chi, Guanghua, Han Fang, Sourav Chatterjee, and Joshua E. Blumenstock. "Microestimates of wealth for all low-and middle-income countries." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, no. 3 (2022): e2113658119.

Asher, Sam, Tobias Lunt, Ryu Matsuura, and Paul Novosad. "Development research at high geographic resolution: an analysis of night-lights, firms, and poverty in India using the shrug open data platform." The World Bank Economic Review 35, no. 4 (2021): 845-871.
  title={Microestimates of wealth for all low-and middle-income countries},
  author={Chi, Guanghua and Fang, Han and Chatterjee, Sourav and Blumenstock, Joshua E},
  journal={Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
  publisher={National Acad Sciences}

  title={Development research at high geographic resolution: an analysis of night-lights, firms, and poverty in India using the shrug open data platform},
  author={Asher, Sam and Lunt, Tobias and Matsuura, Ryu and Novosad, Paul},
  journal={The World Bank Economic Review},
  publisher={Oxford University Press}
About Facebook relative wealth index and population data.
Geographic Coverage National
Aggregations Shrid, District, Subdistrict, Village/Town
Source URL
  • Facebook relative wealth index (RWI) predicted for every populated 2.4-km grid cell in India. The prediction comes from a supervised machine-learning model with target variables collected from traditional survey data (Demographic and Health Surveys) spatially linked to features constructed from non-traditional data such as high-resolution satellite imagery, data from mobile phone networks, and topographic maps, as well as aggregated and deidentified connectivity data from Facebook. The data was release in 2021 and uses the DHS data round 2015-16 for India.
  • Facebook population density predicted for every 30x30 meter tiles of census area in India. The prediction is based on census data and satellite imagery. More details can be found at Meta Data for Good website. The reference period for the data is March 2021. Please cite this data as “Facebook Connectivity Lab and Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University. 2016. High Resolution Settlement Layer (HRSL). Source imagery for HRSL © 2016 DigitalGlobe. Accessed May 26 2021”.

Release Details⚓︎

Release Number 2.0
Release Name pakora
Last updated June 27, 2023

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