2001 Population Census Town Directory⚓︎
Table Summary⚓︎
Town Directory provides information on population growth, physical, economic, civic and development parameters of each notified town in India.
File Metadata⚓︎
Table Information (SHRID)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
SHRID | pc01_td_clean_shrid.dta | shrid2 |
Variable Information (SHRID)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
pc01_td_area | Area of town in sq. Km. | 1% | 4,988 |
pc01_td_no_hh | Number of Households (2001 Census) | 0% | 5,016 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1901 | Population of town - 1901 Census | 70% | 1,496 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1911 | Population of town - 1911 Census | 69% | 1,549 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1921 | Population of town - 1921 Census | 67% | 1,658 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1931 | Population of town - 1931 Census | 64% | 1,786 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1941 | Population of town - 1941 Census | 62% | 1,927 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1951 | Population of town - 1951 Census | 56% | 2,213 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1961 | Population of town - 1961 Census | 55% | 2,251 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1971 | Population of town - 1971 Census | 49% | 2,577 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1981 | Population of town - 1981 Census | 34% | 3,304 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1991 | Population of town - 1991 Census | 21% | 3,954 |
pc01_td_tot_p_2001 | Population of town - 2001 Census | 0% | 5,016 |
pc01_td_avg_rain | Average Rainfall in Millimetres | 2% | 4,938 |
pc01_td_max_temp | Average Maximum temperature in Centigrade | 2% | 4,912 |
pc01_td_min_temp | Average Minimum temperature in Centigrade | 2% | 4,910 |
pc01_td_sh_dist | State HQ - Distance in Km. | 1% | 4,975 |
pc01_td_dh_dist | District HQ - Distance in Km. | 1% | 5,000 |
pc01_td_sd_dist | Subdistrict HQ Distance in Km. | 13% | 4,358 |
pc01_td_th_dist | Block HQ Distance in Km. | 1% | 4,958 |
pc01_td_city_dist | City of 100,000 ppl Distance in Km. | 1% | 4,996 |
pc01_td_rail_dist | Railway Station - Distance in Km. | 4% | 4,806 |
pc01_td_br_dist | Bus Route - Distance in Km. | 35% | 3,245 |
pc01_td_nav_dist | Nav River - Distance in Km. | 46% | 2,734 |
pc01_td_rec_tax | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Receipt through taxes Etc. | 9% | 4,583 |
pc01_td_rev_m_t | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Revenue derived from Municipal properties and power | 16% | 4,247 |
pc01_td_govt_grant | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Government Grant | 9% | 4,568 |
pc01_td_loan | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Loan | 32% | 3,425 |
pc01_td_advance | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Advance | 30% | 3,513 |
pc01_td_oth_sour | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Other sources (Specity) | 26% | 3,706 |
pc01_td_tot_rec | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Total Receipts | 6% | 4,715 |
pc01_td_gen_adm | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - General Administration | 9% | 4,581 |
pc01_td_pub_saf | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Safety | 14% | 4,299 |
pc01_td_pub_h_c | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Health and Convenience | 17% | 4,165 |
pc01_td_pub_works | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Works | 12% | 4,439 |
pc01_td_pub_inst | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Institutions | 28% | 3,618 |
pc01_td_oth_exp | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Others (Specity) | 22% | 3,932 |
pc01_td_tot_exp | Total Expenditure | 6% | 4,708 |
pc01_td_population | Population (2001 Census) | 0% | 5,016 |
pc01_td_sc_pop | Scheduled Castes population (2001 Census) | 2% | 4,949 |
pc01_td_st_pop | Scheduled Tribes population (2001 Census) | 23% | 3,858 |
pc01_td_k_road | Kachcha Road length (in km.) in bracket | 9% | 4,562 |
pc01_td_p_road | Pacca Road length (in km.) in bracket | 1% | 4,958 |
pc01_td_water_bor | Latrines - Water Borne | 4% | 4,834 |
pc01_td_service | Latrines - Service | 47% | 2,662 |
pc01_td_fire_f_ser | Fire Fighting services (A/NA) { Yes or 1 is available and No or 2 is not available | 17% | 4,192 |
pc01_td_dist_f_ser | Distance (in km.) in bracket | 20% | 4,035 |
pc01_td_el_dom | Domestic Electrical Connections | 1% | 4,978 |
pc01_td_el_ind | Industrial Electrical Connections | 4% | 4,829 |
pc01_td_el_com | Commercial Electrical Connections | 2% | 4,934 |
pc01_td_el_road_l | Road Lighting (Points) Electrical Connections | 1% | 4,958 |
pc01_td_el_others | Others (Specity) Electrical Connections | 13% | 4,350 |
pc01_td_hos_beds | Total number of Beds in Hospitals | 34% | 3,304 |
pc01_td_disp | Number of Dispensary | 26% | 3,717 |
pc01_td_disp_beds | Total number of Beds in Dispensaries | 46% | 2,706 |
pc01_td_health_ctr | Number of Health Centre | 21% | 3,965 |
pc01_td_hc_beds | Total number of Beds in Health Centres | 36% | 3,196 |
pc01_td_f_w_ctr | Number of Family Welfare Centre | 31% | 3,486 |
pc01_td_fwc_beds | Total number of Beds in Family Welfare Centres | 48% | 2,617 |
pc01_td_tb_clinic | Number of TB Clinics | 37% | 3,181 |
pc01_td_tbc_beds | Total number of Beds in TB Clinics | 49% | 2,589 |
pc01_td_nur_homes | Number of Nursing Home | 38% | 3,127 |
pc01_td_nh_beds | Total number of Beds in Nursing Homes | 63% | 1,841 |
pc01_td_med_oth | Number of Other Medical Institutions | 42% | 2,920 |
pc01_td_othmi_beds | Total number of Beds in Other Medical Institutions | 52% | 2,431 |
pc01_td_arts | Number of Arts College | 42% | 2,931 |
pc01_td_science | Number of science Collage | 48% | 2,595 |
pc01_td_commerce | Number of Commerce College | 48% | 2,593 |
pc01_td_arts_sci | Number of Arts & science Collage | 47% | 2,687 |
pc01_td_arts_comm | Number of Arts & Commerce College | 46% | 2,701 |
pc01_td_art_sc_co | Number of Arts, science & Commerce College | 38% | 3,132 |
pc01_td_law | Number of Law College | 49% | 2,582 |
pc01_td_univ | Number of Univeristy | 50% | 2,533 |
pc01_td_oth_col | Number of any Other College of Degree Level or Above | 49% | 2,570 |
pc01_td_medical | Number of Medical College | 46% | 2,704 |
pc01_td_engg | Number of Engineering College | 45% | 2,763 |
pc01_td_polytech | Number of polytechnics | 42% | 2,912 |
pc01_td_vt_inst | Number of Recognised shorthand, Typewriting & Vocational training Institutions | 44% | 2,804 |
pc01_td_sh_inst | Number of Shorthand Institutes | 46% | 2,697 |
pc01_td_type_inst | Number of typewriting Institutes | 35% | 3,276 |
pc01_td_sh_type_in | Number of Shorthand and Typewriting Institutes | 37% | 3,174 |
pc01_td_oth_inst_s | Number of other institutes (specify) | 40% | 2,993 |
pc01_td_s_sec | Schools - Higher Secondary/Intermediate etc. | 8% | 4,608 |
pc01_td_secondary | Schools - Secondary/Matriculation | 4% | 4,814 |
pc01_td_middle | Schools - Middle/Junior secondary | 6% | 4,720 |
pc01_td_primary | Schools - Primary | 1% | 4,996 |
pc01_td_adult_cnt | Schools - Number of Adult Literacy Centres | 40% | 3,021 |
pc01_td_n_hostels | Number of Working Women's Hostels | 42% | 2,910 |
pc01_td_n_seats | Working Women's Hostels Number of seats | 48% | 2,605 |
pc01_td_rc_fac | Number of Recreational and Cultural facilities | 20% | 4,025 |
pc01_td_stadium | Stadium | 41% | 2,989 |
pc01_td_auditorium | Auditorium/Drama/Community Halls | 29% | 3,571 |
pc01_td_p_lib | Public Libraries | 18% | 4,098 |
pc01_td_r_rooms | Reading Rooms | 33% | 3,365 |
pc01_td_banks | Number of Banks | 3% | 4,865 |
pc01_td_a_c_soc | Number of Agricultural Credit Societies | 13% | 4,386 |
pc01_td_n_a_c_soc | Number of Non-Agricultural Credit Societies | 24% | 3,797 |
pc01_td_tot_road | Total Road Length (in km) | 9% | 4,555 |
pc01_td_hospitals | Number of hospitals | 16% | 4,207 |
pc01_td_cinema | Cinema | 18% | 4,136 |
Table Information (Subdistrict)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
Subdistrict | pc01_td_clean_pc01subdist.dta | pc01_state_id , pc01_district_id , pc01_subdistrict_id |
Variable Information (Subdistrict)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
pc01_td_area | Area of town in sq. Km. | 1% | 2,540 |
pc01_td_no_hh | Number of Households (2001 Census) | 0% | 2,554 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1901 | Population of town - 1901 Census | 52% | 1,215 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1911 | Population of town - 1911 Census | 51% | 1,258 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1921 | Population of town - 1921 Census | 48% | 1,329 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1931 | Population of town - 1931 Census | 45% | 1,404 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1941 | Population of town - 1941 Census | 41% | 1,497 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1951 | Population of town - 1951 Census | 35% | 1,660 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1961 | Population of town - 1961 Census | 32% | 1,735 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1971 | Population of town - 1971 Census | 25% | 1,903 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1981 | Population of town - 1981 Census | 16% | 2,138 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1991 | Population of town - 1991 Census | 9% | 2,333 |
pc01_td_tot_p_2001 | Population of town - 2001 Census | 0% | 2,554 |
pc01_td_avg_rain | Average Rainfall in Millimetres | 1% | 2,530 |
pc01_td_max_temp | Average Maximum temperature in Centigrade | 2% | 2,497 |
pc01_td_min_temp | Average Minimum temperature in Centigrade | 2% | 2,498 |
pc01_td_sh_dist | State HQ - Distance in Km. | 0% | 2,546 |
pc01_td_dh_dist | District HQ - Distance in Km. | 0% | 2,548 |
pc01_td_sd_dist | Subdistrict HQ Distance in Km. | 9% | 2,321 |
pc01_td_th_dist | Block HQ Distance in Km. | 1% | 2,533 |
pc01_td_city_dist | City of 100,000 ppl Distance in Km. | 0% | 2,551 |
pc01_td_rail_dist | Railway Station - Distance in Km. | 1% | 2,534 |
pc01_td_br_dist | Bus Route - Distance in Km. | 23% | 1,965 |
pc01_td_nav_dist | Nav River - Distance in Km. | 37% | 1,603 |
pc01_td_rec_tax | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Receipt through taxes Etc. | 3% | 2,471 |
pc01_td_rev_m_t | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Revenue derived from Municipal properties and power | 9% | 2,325 |
pc01_td_govt_grant | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Government Grant | 3% | 2,468 |
pc01_td_loan | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Loan | 26% | 1,889 |
pc01_td_advance | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Advance | 25% | 1,904 |
pc01_td_oth_sour | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Other sources (Specity) | 18% | 2,097 |
pc01_td_tot_rec | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Total Receipts | 3% | 2,487 |
pc01_td_gen_adm | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - General Administration | 3% | 2,470 |
pc01_td_pub_saf | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Safety | 6% | 2,394 |
pc01_td_pub_h_c | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Health and Convenience | 12% | 2,259 |
pc01_td_pub_works | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Works | 5% | 2,423 |
pc01_td_pub_inst | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Institutions | 21% | 2,008 |
pc01_td_oth_exp | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Others (Specity) | 14% | 2,196 |
pc01_td_tot_exp | Total Expenditure | 3% | 2,487 |
pc01_td_population | Population (2001 Census) | 0% | 2,554 |
pc01_td_sc_pop | Scheduled Castes population (2001 Census) | 1% | 2,527 |
pc01_td_st_pop | Scheduled Tribes population (2001 Census) | 13% | 2,212 |
pc01_td_k_road | Kachcha Road length (in km.) in bracket | 4% | 2,446 |
pc01_td_p_road | Pacca Road length (in km.) in bracket | 0% | 2,543 |
pc01_td_water_bor | Latrines - Water Borne | 2% | 2,500 |
pc01_td_service | Latrines - Service | 38% | 1,581 |
pc01_td_fire_f_ser | Fire Fighting services (A/NA) { Yes or 1 is available and No or 2 is not available | 11% | 2,266 |
pc01_td_dist_f_ser | Distance (in km.) in bracket | 16% | 2,138 |
pc01_td_el_dom | Domestic Electrical Connections | 0% | 2,548 |
pc01_td_el_ind | Industrial Electrical Connections | 2% | 2,515 |
pc01_td_el_com | Commercial Electrical Connections | 0% | 2,544 |
pc01_td_el_road_l | Road Lighting (Points) Electrical Connections | 0% | 2,545 |
pc01_td_el_others | Others (Specity) Electrical Connections | 9% | 2,333 |
pc01_td_hos_beds | Total number of Beds in Hospitals | 15% | 2,171 |
pc01_td_disp | Number of Dispensary | 15% | 2,167 |
pc01_td_disp_beds | Total number of Beds in Dispensaries | 34% | 1,675 |
pc01_td_health_ctr | Number of Health Centre | 12% | 2,256 |
pc01_td_hc_beds | Total number of Beds in Health Centres | 22% | 1,984 |
pc01_td_f_w_ctr | Number of Family Welfare Centre | 15% | 2,165 |
pc01_td_fwc_beds | Total number of Beds in Family Welfare Centres | 37% | 1,598 |
pc01_td_tb_clinic | Number of TB Clinics | 23% | 1,974 |
pc01_td_tbc_beds | Total number of Beds in TB Clinics | 38% | 1,581 |
pc01_td_nur_homes | Number of Nursing Home | 27% | 1,869 |
pc01_td_nh_beds | Total number of Beds in Nursing Homes | 53% | 1,211 |
pc01_td_med_oth | Number of Other Medical Institutions | 31% | 1,770 |
pc01_td_othmi_beds | Total number of Beds in Other Medical Institutions | 43% | 1,460 |
pc01_td_arts | Number of Arts College | 27% | 1,860 |
pc01_td_science | Number of science Collage | 38% | 1,572 |
pc01_td_commerce | Number of Commerce College | 39% | 1,564 |
pc01_td_arts_sci | Number of Arts & science Collage | 35% | 1,653 |
pc01_td_arts_comm | Number of Arts & Commerce College | 35% | 1,667 |
pc01_td_art_sc_co | Number of Arts, science & Commerce College | 24% | 1,943 |
pc01_td_law | Number of Law College | 39% | 1,561 |
pc01_td_univ | Number of Univeristy | 41% | 1,512 |
pc01_td_oth_col | Number of any Other College of Degree Level or Above | 39% | 1,546 |
pc01_td_medical | Number of Medical College | 38% | 1,590 |
pc01_td_engg | Number of Engineering College | 36% | 1,635 |
pc01_td_polytech | Number of polytechnics | 31% | 1,772 |
pc01_td_vt_inst | Number of Recognised shorthand, Typewriting & Vocational training Institutions | 35% | 1,657 |
pc01_td_sh_inst | Number of Shorthand Institutes | 37% | 1,606 |
pc01_td_type_inst | Number of typewriting Institutes | 22% | 1,989 |
pc01_td_sh_type_in | Number of Shorthand and Typewriting Institutes | 24% | 1,946 |
pc01_td_oth_inst_s | Number of other institutes (specify) | 28% | 1,842 |
pc01_td_s_sec | Schools - Higher Secondary/Intermediate etc. | 1% | 2,524 |
pc01_td_secondary | Schools - Secondary/Matriculation | 0% | 2,546 |
pc01_td_middle | Schools - Middle/Junior secondary | 6% | 2,411 |
pc01_td_primary | Schools - Primary | 0% | 2,550 |
pc01_td_adult_cnt | Schools - Number of Adult Literacy Centres | 28% | 1,827 |
pc01_td_n_hostels | Number of Working Women's Hostels | 32% | 1,743 |
pc01_td_n_seats | Working Women's Hostels Number of seats | 37% | 1,614 |
pc01_td_rc_fac | Number of Recreational and Cultural facilities | 25% | 1,926 |
pc01_td_stadium | Stadium | 28% | 1,844 |
pc01_td_auditorium | Auditorium/Drama/Community Halls | 16% | 2,139 |
pc01_td_p_lib | Public Libraries | 9% | 2,331 |
pc01_td_r_rooms | Reading Rooms | 20% | 2,046 |
pc01_td_banks | Number of Banks | 0% | 2,548 |
pc01_td_a_c_soc | Number of Agricultural Credit Societies | 5% | 2,423 |
pc01_td_n_a_c_soc | Number of Non-Agricultural Credit Societies | 12% | 2,242 |
pc01_td_tot_road | Total Road Length (in km) | 4% | 2,445 |
pc01_td_hospitals | Number of hospitals | 5% | 2,423 |
pc01_td_cinema | Cinema | 6% | 2,405 |
Table Information (District)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
District | pc01_td_clean_pc01dist.dta | pc01_state_id , pc01_district_id |
Variable Information (District)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
pc01_td_area | Area of town in sq. Km. | 1% | 575 |
pc01_td_no_hh | Number of Households (2001 Census) | 0% | 582 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1901 | Population of town - 1901 Census | 28% | 420 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1911 | Population of town - 1911 Census | 25% | 434 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1921 | Population of town - 1921 Census | 23% | 448 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1931 | Population of town - 1931 Census | 21% | 458 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1941 | Population of town - 1941 Census | 19% | 473 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1951 | Population of town - 1951 Census | 16% | 491 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1961 | Population of town - 1961 Census | 10% | 521 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1971 | Population of town - 1971 Census | 6% | 547 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1981 | Population of town - 1981 Census | 6% | 548 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1991 | Population of town - 1991 Census | 3% | 564 |
pc01_td_tot_p_2001 | Population of town - 2001 Census | 0% | 582 |
pc01_td_avg_rain | Average Rainfall in Millimetres | 1% | 578 |
pc01_td_max_temp | Average Maximum temperature in Centigrade | 2% | 571 |
pc01_td_min_temp | Average Minimum temperature in Centigrade | 2% | 572 |
pc01_td_sh_dist | State HQ - Distance in Km. | 1% | 579 |
pc01_td_dh_dist | District HQ - Distance in Km. | 0% | 580 |
pc01_td_sd_dist | Subdistrict HQ Distance in Km. | 8% | 537 |
pc01_td_th_dist | Block HQ Distance in Km. | 2% | 572 |
pc01_td_city_dist | City of 100,000 ppl Distance in Km. | 0% | 581 |
pc01_td_rail_dist | Railway Station - Distance in Km. | 0% | 581 |
pc01_td_br_dist | Bus Route - Distance in Km. | 22% | 453 |
pc01_td_nav_dist | Nav River - Distance in Km. | 27% | 426 |
pc01_td_rec_tax | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Receipt through taxes Etc. | 3% | 565 |
pc01_td_rev_m_t | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Revenue derived from Municipal properties and power | 5% | 555 |
pc01_td_govt_grant | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Government Grant | 4% | 558 |
pc01_td_loan | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Loan | 20% | 466 |
pc01_td_advance | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Advance | 19% | 472 |
pc01_td_oth_sour | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Other sources (Specity) | 9% | 527 |
pc01_td_tot_rec | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Total Receipts | 4% | 559 |
pc01_td_gen_adm | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - General Administration | 4% | 557 |
pc01_td_pub_saf | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Safety | 5% | 552 |
pc01_td_pub_h_c | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Health and Convenience | 6% | 546 |
pc01_td_pub_works | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Works | 5% | 554 |
pc01_td_pub_inst | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Institutions | 13% | 507 |
pc01_td_oth_exp | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Others (Specity) | 8% | 534 |
pc01_td_tot_exp | Total Expenditure | 4% | 558 |
pc01_td_population | Population (2001 Census) | 0% | 582 |
pc01_td_sc_pop | Scheduled Castes population (2001 Census) | 2% | 570 |
pc01_td_st_pop | Scheduled Tribes population (2001 Census) | 8% | 534 |
pc01_td_k_road | Kachcha Road length (in km.) in bracket | 4% | 559 |
pc01_td_p_road | Pacca Road length (in km.) in bracket | 1% | 578 |
pc01_td_water_bor | Latrines - Water Borne | 2% | 573 |
pc01_td_service | Latrines - Service | 29% | 415 |
pc01_td_fire_f_ser | Fire Fighting services (A/NA) { Yes or 1 is available and No or 2 is not available | 1% | 578 |
pc01_td_dist_f_ser | Distance (in km.) in bracket | 8% | 537 |
pc01_td_el_dom | Domestic Electrical Connections | 0% | 582 |
pc01_td_el_ind | Industrial Electrical Connections | 0% | 580 |
pc01_td_el_com | Commercial Electrical Connections | 0% | 581 |
pc01_td_el_road_l | Road Lighting (Points) Electrical Connections | 0% | 582 |
pc01_td_el_others | Others (Specity) Electrical Connections | 3% | 565 |
pc01_td_hos_beds | Total number of Beds in Hospitals | 1% | 575 |
pc01_td_disp | Number of Dispensary | 6% | 545 |
pc01_td_disp_beds | Total number of Beds in Dispensaries | 25% | 437 |
pc01_td_health_ctr | Number of Health Centre | 5% | 554 |
pc01_td_hc_beds | Total number of Beds in Health Centres | 9% | 527 |
pc01_td_f_w_ctr | Number of Family Welfare Centre | 7% | 544 |
pc01_td_fwc_beds | Total number of Beds in Family Welfare Centres | 28% | 419 |
pc01_td_tb_clinic | Number of TB Clinics | 8% | 538 |
pc01_td_tbc_beds | Total number of Beds in TB Clinics | 26% | 428 |
pc01_td_nur_homes | Number of Nursing Home | 17% | 481 |
pc01_td_nh_beds | Total number of Beds in Nursing Homes | 36% | 373 |
pc01_td_med_oth | Number of Other Medical Institutions | 21% | 459 |
pc01_td_othmi_beds | Total number of Beds in Other Medical Institutions | 39% | 357 |
pc01_td_arts | Number of Arts College | 10% | 526 |
pc01_td_science | Number of science Collage | 31% | 399 |
pc01_td_commerce | Number of Commerce College | 34% | 384 |
pc01_td_arts_sci | Number of Arts & science Collage | 22% | 452 |
pc01_td_arts_comm | Number of Arts & Commerce College | 31% | 399 |
pc01_td_art_sc_co | Number of Arts, science & Commerce College | 12% | 514 |
pc01_td_law | Number of Law College | 31% | 401 |
pc01_td_univ | Number of Univeristy | 37% | 368 |
pc01_td_oth_col | Number of any Other College of Degree Level or Above | 34% | 385 |
pc01_td_medical | Number of Medical College | 30% | 408 |
pc01_td_engg | Number of Engineering College | 26% | 429 |
pc01_td_polytech | Number of polytechnics | 13% | 508 |
pc01_td_vt_inst | Number of Recognised shorthand, Typewriting & Vocational training Institutions | 28% | 421 |
pc01_td_sh_inst | Number of Shorthand Institutes | 27% | 424 |
pc01_td_type_inst | Number of typewriting Institutes | 14% | 500 |
pc01_td_sh_type_in | Number of Shorthand and Typewriting Institutes | 11% | 516 |
pc01_td_oth_inst_s | Number of other institutes (specify) | 22% | 456 |
pc01_td_s_sec | Schools - Higher Secondary/Intermediate etc. | 1% | 579 |
pc01_td_secondary | Schools - Secondary/Matriculation | 0% | 580 |
pc01_td_middle | Schools - Middle/Junior secondary | 4% | 560 |
pc01_td_primary | Schools - Primary | 0% | 582 |
pc01_td_adult_cnt | Schools - Number of Adult Literacy Centres | 14% | 501 |
pc01_td_n_hostels | Number of Working Women's Hostels | 17% | 483 |
pc01_td_n_seats | Working Women's Hostels Number of seats | 26% | 431 |
pc01_td_rc_fac | Number of Recreational and Cultural facilities | 18% | 479 |
pc01_td_stadium | Stadium | 8% | 537 |
pc01_td_auditorium | Auditorium/Drama/Community Halls | 5% | 555 |
pc01_td_p_lib | Public Libraries | 2% | 571 |
pc01_td_r_rooms | Reading Rooms | 6% | 548 |
pc01_td_banks | Number of Banks | 0% | 582 |
pc01_td_a_c_soc | Number of Agricultural Credit Societies | 3% | 563 |
pc01_td_n_a_c_soc | Number of Non-Agricultural Credit Societies | 5% | 555 |
pc01_td_tot_road | Total Road Length (in km) | 4% | 559 |
pc01_td_hospitals | Number of hospitals | 1% | 577 |
pc01_td_cinema | Cinema | 2% | 568 |
Table Information (AC07)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
2007 Assembly Constituency | pc01_td_clean_con07.dta | ac07_id |
Variable Information (AC07)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
pc01_td_area | Area of town in sq. Km. | 32% | 2,614 |
pc01_td_no_hh | Number of Households (2001 Census) | 34% | 2,522 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1901 | Population of town - 1901 Census | 62% | 1,440 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1911 | Population of town - 1911 Census | 61% | 1,484 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1921 | Population of town - 1921 Census | 59% | 1,573 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1931 | Population of town - 1931 Census | 57% | 1,648 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1941 | Population of town - 1941 Census | 55% | 1,731 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1951 | Population of town - 1951 Census | 51% | 1,876 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1961 | Population of town - 1961 Census | 50% | 1,915 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1971 | Population of town - 1971 Census | 46% | 2,067 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1981 | Population of town - 1981 Census | 41% | 2,261 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1991 | Population of town - 1991 Census | 38% | 2,393 |
pc01_td_tot_p_2001 | Population of town - 2001 Census | 34% | 2,522 |
pc01_td_avg_rain | Average Rainfall in Millimetres | 32% | 2,590 |
pc01_td_max_temp | Average Maximum temperature in Centigrade | 33% | 2,584 |
pc01_td_min_temp | Average Minimum temperature in Centigrade | 33% | 2,575 |
pc01_td_sh_dist | State HQ - Distance in Km. | 32% | 2,617 |
pc01_td_dh_dist | District HQ - Distance in Km. | 31% | 2,624 |
pc01_td_sd_dist | Subdistrict HQ Distance in Km. | 40% | 2,293 |
pc01_td_th_dist | Block HQ Distance in Km. | 32% | 2,601 |
pc01_td_city_dist | City of 100,000 ppl Distance in Km. | 31% | 2,631 |
pc01_td_rail_dist | Railway Station - Distance in Km. | 32% | 2,596 |
pc01_td_br_dist | Bus Route - Distance in Km. | 49% | 1,942 |
pc01_td_nav_dist | Nav River - Distance in Km. | 58% | 1,621 |
pc01_td_rec_tax | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Receipt through taxes Etc. | 36% | 2,435 |
pc01_td_rev_m_t | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Revenue derived from Municipal properties and power | 41% | 2,271 |
pc01_td_govt_grant | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Government Grant | 37% | 2,431 |
pc01_td_loan | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Loan | 53% | 1,798 |
pc01_td_advance | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Advance | 53% | 1,782 |
pc01_td_oth_sour | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Other sources (Specity) | 50% | 1,931 |
pc01_td_tot_rec | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Total Receipts | 36% | 2,457 |
pc01_td_gen_adm | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - General Administration | 37% | 2,427 |
pc01_td_pub_saf | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Safety | 39% | 2,333 |
pc01_td_pub_h_c | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Health and Convenience | 43% | 2,201 |
pc01_td_pub_works | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Works | 38% | 2,373 |
pc01_td_pub_inst | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Institutions | 50% | 1,915 |
pc01_td_oth_exp | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Others (Specity) | 47% | 2,046 |
pc01_td_tot_exp | Total Expenditure | 36% | 2,456 |
pc01_td_population | Population (2001 Census) | 34% | 2,522 |
pc01_td_sc_pop | Scheduled Castes population (2001 Census) | 35% | 2,491 |
pc01_td_st_pop | Scheduled Tribes population (2001 Census) | 45% | 2,123 |
pc01_td_k_road | Kachcha Road length (in km.) in bracket | 38% | 2,380 |
pc01_td_p_road | Pacca Road length (in km.) in bracket | 34% | 2,512 |
pc01_td_water_bor | Latrines - Water Borne | 35% | 2,486 |
pc01_td_service | Latrines - Service | 61% | 1,493 |
pc01_td_fire_f_ser | Fire Fighting services (A/NA) { Yes or 1 is available and No or 2 is not available | 40% | 2,312 |
pc01_td_dist_f_ser | Distance (in km.) in bracket | 49% | 1,963 |
pc01_td_el_dom | Domestic Electrical Connections | 34% | 2,520 |
pc01_td_el_ind | Industrial Electrical Connections | 35% | 2,500 |
pc01_td_el_com | Commercial Electrical Connections | 34% | 2,512 |
pc01_td_el_road_l | Road Lighting (Points) Electrical Connections | 34% | 2,516 |
pc01_td_el_others | Others (Specity) Electrical Connections | 39% | 2,327 |
pc01_td_hos_beds | Total number of Beds in Hospitals | 42% | 2,205 |
pc01_td_disp | Number of Dispensary | 45% | 2,095 |
pc01_td_disp_beds | Total number of Beds in Dispensaries | 60% | 1,537 |
pc01_td_health_ctr | Number of Health Centre | 44% | 2,149 |
pc01_td_hc_beds | Total number of Beds in Health Centres | 53% | 1,804 |
pc01_td_f_w_ctr | Number of Family Welfare Centre | 45% | 2,096 |
pc01_td_fwc_beds | Total number of Beds in Family Welfare Centres | 61% | 1,482 |
pc01_td_tb_clinic | Number of TB Clinics | 49% | 1,965 |
pc01_td_tbc_beds | Total number of Beds in TB Clinics | 60% | 1,521 |
pc01_td_nur_homes | Number of Nursing Home | 53% | 1,790 |
pc01_td_nh_beds | Total number of Beds in Nursing Homes | 68% | 1,238 |
pc01_td_med_oth | Number of Other Medical Institutions | 57% | 1,652 |
pc01_td_othmi_beds | Total number of Beds in Other Medical Institutions | 65% | 1,358 |
pc01_td_arts | Number of Arts College | 53% | 1,789 |
pc01_td_science | Number of science Collage | 61% | 1,498 |
pc01_td_commerce | Number of Commerce College | 61% | 1,495 |
pc01_td_arts_sci | Number of Arts & science Collage | 59% | 1,581 |
pc01_td_arts_comm | Number of Arts & Commerce College | 59% | 1,569 |
pc01_td_art_sc_co | Number of Arts, science & Commerce College | 51% | 1,893 |
pc01_td_law | Number of Law College | 60% | 1,513 |
pc01_td_univ | Number of Univeristy | 62% | 1,457 |
pc01_td_oth_col | Number of any Other College of Degree Level or Above | 62% | 1,461 |
pc01_td_medical | Number of Medical College | 59% | 1,588 |
pc01_td_engg | Number of Engineering College | 58% | 1,621 |
pc01_td_polytech | Number of polytechnics | 54% | 1,772 |
pc01_td_vt_inst | Number of Recognised shorthand, Typewriting & Vocational training Institutions | 59% | 1,577 |
pc01_td_sh_inst | Number of Shorthand Institutes | 60% | 1,518 |
pc01_td_type_inst | Number of typewriting Institutes | 51% | 1,892 |
pc01_td_sh_type_in | Number of Shorthand and Typewriting Institutes | 51% | 1,882 |
pc01_td_oth_inst_s | Number of other institutes (specify) | 54% | 1,772 |
pc01_td_s_sec | Schools - Higher Secondary/Intermediate etc. | 35% | 2,493 |
pc01_td_secondary | Schools - Secondary/Matriculation | 34% | 2,509 |
pc01_td_middle | Schools - Middle/Junior secondary | 37% | 2,415 |
pc01_td_primary | Schools - Primary | 34% | 2,513 |
pc01_td_adult_cnt | Schools - Number of Adult Literacy Centres | 55% | 1,728 |
pc01_td_n_hostels | Number of Working Women's Hostels | 55% | 1,741 |
pc01_td_n_seats | Working Women's Hostels Number of seats | 59% | 1,560 |
pc01_td_rc_fac | Number of Recreational and Cultural facilities | 48% | 1,991 |
pc01_td_stadium | Stadium | 52% | 1,827 |
pc01_td_auditorium | Auditorium/Drama/Community Halls | 45% | 2,087 |
pc01_td_p_lib | Public Libraries | 41% | 2,277 |
pc01_td_r_rooms | Reading Rooms | 48% | 2,007 |
pc01_td_banks | Number of Banks | 34% | 2,514 |
pc01_td_a_c_soc | Number of Agricultural Credit Societies | 38% | 2,365 |
pc01_td_n_a_c_soc | Number of Non-Agricultural Credit Societies | 43% | 2,185 |
pc01_td_tot_road | Total Road Length (in km) | 35% | 2,480 |
pc01_td_hospitals | Number of hospitals | 37% | 2,397 |
pc01_td_cinema | Cinema | 38% | 2,381 |
Table Information (AC08)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
2008 Assembly Constituency | pc01_td_clean_con08.dta | ac08_id |
Variable Information (AC08)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
pc01_td_area | Area of town in sq. Km. | 36% | 2,338 |
pc01_td_no_hh | Number of Households (2001 Census) | 35% | 2,366 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1901 | Population of town - 1901 Census | 65% | 1,277 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1911 | Population of town - 1911 Census | 64% | 1,299 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1921 | Population of town - 1921 Census | 62% | 1,379 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1931 | Population of town - 1931 Census | 60% | 1,449 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1941 | Population of town - 1941 Census | 58% | 1,531 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1951 | Population of town - 1951 Census | 54% | 1,681 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1961 | Population of town - 1961 Census | 53% | 1,701 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1971 | Population of town - 1971 Census | 48% | 1,909 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1981 | Population of town - 1981 Census | 44% | 2,038 |
pc01_td_tot_p_1991 | Population of town - 1991 Census | 39% | 2,239 |
pc01_td_tot_p_2001 | Population of town - 2001 Census | 35% | 2,366 |
pc01_td_avg_rain | Average Rainfall in Millimetres | 37% | 2,305 |
pc01_td_max_temp | Average Maximum temperature in Centigrade | 35% | 2,365 |
pc01_td_min_temp | Average Minimum temperature in Centigrade | 37% | 2,297 |
pc01_td_sh_dist | State HQ - Distance in Km. | 36% | 2,326 |
pc01_td_dh_dist | District HQ - Distance in Km. | 36% | 2,336 |
pc01_td_sd_dist | Subdistrict HQ Distance in Km. | 44% | 2,030 |
pc01_td_th_dist | Block HQ Distance in Km. | 37% | 2,300 |
pc01_td_city_dist | City of 100,000 ppl Distance in Km. | 36% | 2,337 |
pc01_td_rail_dist | Railway Station - Distance in Km. | 37% | 2,305 |
pc01_td_br_dist | Bus Route - Distance in Km. | 53% | 1,700 |
pc01_td_nav_dist | Nav River - Distance in Km. | 61% | 1,411 |
pc01_td_rec_tax | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Receipt through taxes Etc. | 37% | 2,292 |
pc01_td_rev_m_t | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Revenue derived from Municipal properties and power | 41% | 2,132 |
pc01_td_govt_grant | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Government Grant | 37% | 2,298 |
pc01_td_loan | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Loan | 54% | 1,681 |
pc01_td_advance | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Advance | 54% | 1,681 |
pc01_td_oth_sour | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Other sources (Specity) | 50% | 1,813 |
pc01_td_tot_rec | Receipt (in thousand Rs.) - Total Receipts | 36% | 2,322 |
pc01_td_gen_adm | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - General Administration | 37% | 2,301 |
pc01_td_pub_saf | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Safety | 40% | 2,193 |
pc01_td_pub_h_c | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Health and Convenience | 43% | 2,076 |
pc01_td_pub_works | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Works | 39% | 2,239 |
pc01_td_pub_inst | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Public Institutions | 51% | 1,784 |
pc01_td_oth_exp | Expenditure (in thousand Rs.) - Others (Specity) | 47% | 1,946 |
pc01_td_tot_exp | Total Expenditure | 36% | 2,321 |
pc01_td_population | Population (2001 Census) | 35% | 2,366 |
pc01_td_sc_pop | Scheduled Castes population (2001 Census) | 36% | 2,335 |
pc01_td_st_pop | Scheduled Tribes population (2001 Census) | 46% | 1,961 |
pc01_td_k_road | Kachcha Road length (in km.) in bracket | 38% | 2,250 |
pc01_td_p_road | Pacca Road length (in km.) in bracket | 35% | 2,359 |
pc01_td_water_bor | Latrines - Water Borne | 36% | 2,337 |
pc01_td_service | Latrines - Service | 60% | 1,475 |
pc01_td_fire_f_ser | Fire Fighting services (A/NA) { Yes or 1 is available and No or 2 is not available | 43% | 2,072 |
pc01_td_dist_f_ser | Distance (in km.) in bracket | 51% | 1,782 |
pc01_td_el_dom | Domestic Electrical Connections | 35% | 2,363 |
pc01_td_el_ind | Industrial Electrical Connections | 36% | 2,345 |
pc01_td_el_com | Commercial Electrical Connections | 35% | 2,359 |
pc01_td_el_road_l | Road Lighting (Points) Electrical Connections | 35% | 2,360 |
pc01_td_el_others | Others (Specity) Electrical Connections | 40% | 2,191 |
pc01_td_hos_beds | Total number of Beds in Hospitals | 43% | 2,069 |
pc01_td_disp | Number of Dispensary | 47% | 1,938 |
pc01_td_disp_beds | Total number of Beds in Dispensaries | 60% | 1,440 |
pc01_td_health_ctr | Number of Health Centre | 44% | 2,036 |
pc01_td_hc_beds | Total number of Beds in Health Centres | 52% | 1,752 |
pc01_td_f_w_ctr | Number of Family Welfare Centre | 46% | 1,950 |
pc01_td_fwc_beds | Total number of Beds in Family Welfare Centres | 61% | 1,406 |
pc01_td_tb_clinic | Number of TB Clinics | 51% | 1,784 |
pc01_td_tbc_beds | Total number of Beds in TB Clinics | 61% | 1,420 |
pc01_td_nur_homes | Number of Nursing Home | 55% | 1,640 |
pc01_td_nh_beds | Total number of Beds in Nursing Homes | 68% | 1,148 |
pc01_td_med_oth | Number of Other Medical Institutions | 58% | 1,535 |
pc01_td_othmi_beds | Total number of Beds in Other Medical Institutions | 65% | 1,264 |
pc01_td_arts | Number of Arts College | 55% | 1,648 |
pc01_td_science | Number of science Collage | 62% | 1,395 |
pc01_td_commerce | Number of Commerce College | 62% | 1,382 |
pc01_td_arts_sci | Number of Arts & science Collage | 60% | 1,469 |
pc01_td_arts_comm | Number of Arts & Commerce College | 60% | 1,467 |
pc01_td_art_sc_co | Number of Arts, science & Commerce College | 52% | 1,760 |
pc01_td_law | Number of Law College | 62% | 1,400 |
pc01_td_univ | Number of Univeristy | 63% | 1,337 |
pc01_td_oth_col | Number of any Other College of Degree Level or Above | 63% | 1,361 |
pc01_td_medical | Number of Medical College | 61% | 1,429 |
pc01_td_engg | Number of Engineering College | 60% | 1,458 |
pc01_td_polytech | Number of polytechnics | 56% | 1,587 |
pc01_td_vt_inst | Number of Recognised shorthand, Typewriting & Vocational training Institutions | 59% | 1,491 |
pc01_td_sh_inst | Number of Shorthand Institutes | 61% | 1,429 |
pc01_td_type_inst | Number of typewriting Institutes | 51% | 1,787 |
pc01_td_sh_type_in | Number of Shorthand and Typewriting Institutes | 52% | 1,743 |
pc01_td_oth_inst_s | Number of other institutes (specify) | 55% | 1,640 |
pc01_td_s_sec | Schools - Higher Secondary/Intermediate etc. | 36% | 2,349 |
pc01_td_secondary | Schools - Secondary/Matriculation | 35% | 2,359 |
pc01_td_middle | Schools - Middle/Junior secondary | 38% | 2,271 |
pc01_td_primary | Schools - Primary | 35% | 2,361 |
pc01_td_adult_cnt | Schools - Number of Adult Literacy Centres | 56% | 1,616 |
pc01_td_n_hostels | Number of Working Women's Hostels | 57% | 1,567 |
pc01_td_n_seats | Working Women's Hostels Number of seats | 61% | 1,415 |
pc01_td_rc_fac | Number of Recreational and Cultural facilities | 48% | 1,884 |
pc01_td_stadium | Stadium | 55% | 1,646 |
pc01_td_auditorium | Auditorium/Drama/Community Halls | 47% | 1,921 |
pc01_td_p_lib | Public Libraries | 42% | 2,114 |
pc01_td_r_rooms | Reading Rooms | 49% | 1,847 |
pc01_td_banks | Number of Banks | 35% | 2,361 |
pc01_td_a_c_soc | Number of Agricultural Credit Societies | 39% | 2,241 |
pc01_td_n_a_c_soc | Number of Non-Agricultural Credit Societies | 44% | 2,035 |
pc01_td_tot_road | Total Road Length (in km) | 39% | 2,222 |
pc01_td_hospitals | Number of hospitals | 39% | 2,241 |
pc01_td_cinema | Cinema | 39% | 2,231 |
- Missing %: Proportion of observations with missing data
- Zero %: Proportion of observations with zero values
- Canary variable: The indicates the canary variable for imputation, see this link for more details about the imputation algorithm.