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1991 Population Census Town Directory⚓︎

Table Summary⚓︎

Town Directory provides information on population growth, physical, economic, civic and development parameters of each notified town in India.

File Metadata⚓︎

Table Information (SHRID)⚓︎

Aggregation Level File Name Unique Identifiers
SHRID pc91_td_clean_shrid.dta shrid2

Variable Information (SHRID)⚓︎

Variable Name Description Missing % Non-missing count
pc91_td_area Area of town in sq km 2% 4,177
pc91_td_res_house No. of occupied residential houses 0% 4,259
⭐ pc91_td_p_7andup Total population 7 and up 0% 4,259
pc91_td_p_lit_7andup Total literate population 7 and up 0% 4,259
pc91_td_tot_work_p Total Workers 0% 4,259
pc91_td_mainwork_p Total Main Workers 0% 4,259
pc91_td_margwork_p Total Marginal Workers 0% 4,259
pc91_td_non_work_p Total Non Workers 0% 4,259
pc91_td_workers_non_per1000 Non Workers per 1000 workers 0% 4,259
pc91_td_p_sc Total SC Population 0% 4,259
pc91_td_p_st Total ST Population 0% 4,259
pc91_td_avg_rain Average Rainfall in Millimetres 6% 3,985
pc91_td_max_temp Maximum Temperature in Celsius 13% 3,720
pc91_td_min_temp Minimum Temperature in Celsius 13% 3,712
pc91_td_sh_dist state hq distance 0% 4,251
pc91_td_dh_dist district hq distance 0% 4,249
pc91_td_sd_dist subdistrict hq distance 2% 4,198
pc91_td_rail_dist Nearest railway station distance in km 2% 4,189
pc91_td_tap Tap Water Supply 0% 4,259
pc91_td_well Well Water Supply 0% 4,259
pc91_td_tank Tank Water Supply 0% 4,258
pc91_td_tube_well Tube Well Water Supply 0% 4,259
pc91_td_stor_cap_tank Water Storage Capacity - Overhead Tank 3% 4,151
pc91_td_stor_cap_res Water Storage Capacity - Service Reservoir 1% 4,218
pc91_td_stor_cap_rivergal Water Storage Capacity - River Infiltration Gallery 0% 4,242
pc91_td_stor_cap_wellpump Water Storage Capacity - Borewell Pumping System 1% 4,221
pc91_td_stor_cap_pressuretank Water Storage Capacity - Pressure Tank 0% 4,251
pc91_td_el_dom Electric Connections - Domestic 4% 4,111
pc91_td_el_ind Electric Connections - Industrial 4% 4,106
pc91_td_el_com Electric Connections - Commercial 4% 4,107
pc91_td_el_road_l Electric Connections - Road Lighting Points 3% 4,142
pc91_td_el_others Electric Connections - Other 4% 4,104
pc91_td_p_road Pacca Road length in km 19% 3,434
pc91_td_k_road Kachcha Road Length in km 19% 3,431
pc91_td_tot_road Total road length in km 2% 4,173
pc91_td_dist_f_ser Distance (in km.) in bracket of fire fighting services 1% 4,230
pc91_td_sewage_sewer Sewage type - sewer - one of two most important types in town 0% 4,257
pc91_td_sewage_opendrain Sewage type - open drain - one of two most important types in town 0% 4,259
pc91_td_sewage_boxdrain Sewage type - box drain - one of two most important types in town 0% 4,259
pc91_td_sewage_sylkdrain Sewage type - sylk pattern drain - one of two most important types in town 0% 4,258
pc91_td_sewage_cess Sewage type - cess pool - one of two most important types in town 0% 4,259
pc91_td_sewage_pit Sewage type - pit - one of two most important types in town 0% 4,259
pc91_td_sewage_other Sewage type - other - one of two most important types in town 0% 4,258
pc91_td_water_bor Number of wet (flush) latrines in buildings 10% 3,844
pc91_td_service Number of dry latrines where waste has to be removed manually 10% 3,833
pc91_td_lat_oth Number of latrines not otherwise classified 9% 3,866
pc91_td_nsoil_head Night soil disposal - head load - one of two most prevalent methods in town 0% 4,257
pc91_td_nsoil_basket Night soil disposal - basket - one of two most prevalent methods in town 0% 4,258
pc91_td_nsoil_wb Night soil disposal - wheel barrow - one of two most prevalent methods in town 0% 4,258
pc91_td_nsoil_septic Night soil disposal - septic tank - one of two most prevalent methods in town 0% 4,257
pc91_td_nsoil_sewerage Night soil disposal - sewerage - one of two most prevalent methods in town 0% 4,258
pc91_td_nsoil_pit Night soil disposal - pit system - one of two most prevalent methods in town 0% 4,258
pc91_td_nsoil_other Night soil disposal - other - one of two most prevalent methods in town 0% 4,258
pc91_td_hospitals Number of Hospitals 0% 4,249
pc91_td_disp Number of Dispensaries 0% 4,248
pc91_td_health_ctr Number of health centres 0% 4,250
pc91_td_f_w_ctr Number of family planning (welfare) centres 0% 4,251
pc91_td_nur_homes Number of nursing homes 1% 4,207
pc91_td_med_oth Number of other medical facilities 0% 4,249
pc91_td_tot_beds Total number of beds 2% 4,196
pc91_td_primary Number of primary schooles 0% 4,246
pc91_td_middle Number of middle/junior secondary schools 0% 4,245
pc91_td_secondary Number of secondary schools 0% 4,244
pc91_td_s_sec number of senior secondary schools 0% 4,245
pc91_td_vt_inst Number of Recognised shorthand, Typewriting & Vocational training Institutions 1% 4,231
pc91_td_polytech Number of polytechnics 0% 4,247
pc91_td_arts Number of Arts College 0% 4,241
pc91_td_science Number of science Collage 0% 4,241
pc91_td_commerce Number of Commerce College 0% 4,242
pc91_td_medical Number of Medical College 0% 4,246
pc91_td_engg Number of Engineering College 0% 4,243
pc91_td_law Number of Law College 0% 4,250
pc91_td_adult_cnt Number of Adult Literacy Centres 3% 4,143
pc91_td_n_hostels Number of Working Women's Hostels 0% 4,241
pc91_td_n_seats Number of Working Women's Hostel seats 2% 4,175
pc91_td_stadium Stadium 0% 4,242
pc91_td_cinema Cinema 0% 4,250
pc91_td_auditorium Auditorium/Drama/Community Halls 0% 4,243
pc91_td_p_lib Public Libraries 0% 4,244
pc91_td_r_rooms Reading Rooms 0% 4,248
pc91_td_banks Banks 1% 4,238
pc91_td_a_c_soc Agricultural Credit Societies 2% 4,181
pc91_td_n_a_c_soc Non-Agricultural Credit Societies 2% 4,182
pc91_td_inc_8889 Annual town income, 1988-89 14% 3,661
pc91_td_exp_8889 Annual town expenditure, 1988-89 14% 3,646
pc91_td_joint_muni 1 if towns have joint municipality. Separate income data by town not available 100% 2

Table Information (Subdistrict)⚓︎

No Data available

Variable Information (Subdistrict)⚓︎

No Data available

Table Information (District)⚓︎

Aggregation Level File Name Unique Identifiers
District pc91_td_clean_pc91dist.dta pc91_state_id, pc91_district_id

Variable Information (District)⚓︎

Variable Name Description Missing % Non-missing count
pc91_td_area Area of town in sq km 2% 430
pc91_td_res_house No. of occupied residential houses 0% 441
⭐ pc91_td_p_7andup Total population 7 and up 0% 441
pc91_td_p_lit_7andup Total literate population 7 and up 0% 441
pc91_td_tot_work_p Total Workers 0% 441
pc91_td_mainwork_p Total Main Workers 0% 441
pc91_td_margwork_p Total Marginal Workers 0% 441
pc91_td_non_work_p Total Non Workers 0% 441
pc91_td_workers_non_per1000 Non Workers per 1000 workers 0% 441
pc91_td_p_sc Total SC Population 0% 441
pc91_td_p_st Total ST Population 0% 441
pc91_td_avg_rain Average Rainfall in Millimetres 2% 432
pc91_td_max_temp Maximum Temperature in Celsius 6% 414
pc91_td_min_temp Minimum Temperature in Celsius 7% 411
pc91_td_sh_dist state hq distance 0% 439
pc91_td_dh_dist district hq distance 0% 440
pc91_td_sd_dist subdistrict hq distance 0% 440
pc91_td_rail_dist Nearest railway station distance in km 1% 438
pc91_td_tap Tap Water Supply 0% 441
pc91_td_well Well Water Supply 0% 441
pc91_td_tank Tank Water Supply 0% 441
pc91_td_tube_well Tube Well Water Supply 0% 441
pc91_td_stor_cap_tank Water Storage Capacity - Overhead Tank 1% 435
pc91_td_stor_cap_res Water Storage Capacity - Service Reservoir 0% 440
pc91_td_stor_cap_rivergal Water Storage Capacity - River Infiltration Gallery 0% 440
pc91_td_stor_cap_wellpump Water Storage Capacity - Borewell Pumping System 0% 441
pc91_td_stor_cap_pressuretank Water Storage Capacity - Pressure Tank 0% 441
pc91_td_el_dom Electric Connections - Domestic 0% 440
pc91_td_el_ind Electric Connections - Industrial 0% 439
pc91_td_el_com Electric Connections - Commercial 0% 439
pc91_td_el_road_l Electric Connections - Road Lighting Points 0% 440
pc91_td_el_others Electric Connections - Other 1% 438
pc91_td_p_road Pacca Road length in km 19% 357
pc91_td_k_road Kachcha Road Length in km 19% 357
pc91_td_tot_road Total road length in km 1% 436
pc91_td_dist_f_ser Distance (in km.) in bracket of fire fighting services 0% 440
pc91_td_sewage_sewer Sewage type - sewer - one of two most important types in town 0% 441
pc91_td_sewage_opendrain Sewage type - open drain - one of two most important types in town 0% 441
pc91_td_sewage_boxdrain Sewage type - box drain - one of two most important types in town 0% 441
pc91_td_sewage_sylkdrain Sewage type - sylk pattern drain - one of two most important types in town 0% 441
pc91_td_sewage_cess Sewage type - cess pool - one of two most important types in town 0% 441
pc91_td_sewage_pit Sewage type - pit - one of two most important types in town 0% 441
pc91_td_sewage_other Sewage type - other - one of two most important types in town 0% 441
pc91_td_water_bor Number of wet (flush) latrines in buildings 1% 435
pc91_td_service Number of dry latrines where waste has to be removed manually 3% 429
pc91_td_lat_oth Number of latrines not otherwise classified 2% 432
pc91_td_nsoil_head Night soil disposal - head load - one of two most prevalent methods in town 0% 441
pc91_td_nsoil_basket Night soil disposal - basket - one of two most prevalent methods in town 0% 441
pc91_td_nsoil_wb Night soil disposal - wheel barrow - one of two most prevalent methods in town 0% 441
pc91_td_nsoil_septic Night soil disposal - septic tank - one of two most prevalent methods in town 0% 441
pc91_td_nsoil_sewerage Night soil disposal - sewerage - one of two most prevalent methods in town 0% 441
pc91_td_nsoil_pit Night soil disposal - pit system - one of two most prevalent methods in town 0% 441
pc91_td_nsoil_other Night soil disposal - other - one of two most prevalent methods in town 0% 441
pc91_td_hospitals Number of Hospitals 0% 441
pc91_td_disp Number of Dispensaries 0% 441
pc91_td_health_ctr Number of health centres 0% 441
pc91_td_f_w_ctr Number of family planning (welfare) centres 0% 441
pc91_td_nur_homes Number of nursing homes 0% 441
pc91_td_med_oth Number of other medical facilities 0% 441
pc91_td_tot_beds Total number of beds 0% 441
pc91_td_primary Number of primary schooles 0% 441
pc91_td_middle Number of middle/junior secondary schools 0% 441
pc91_td_secondary Number of secondary schools 0% 441
pc91_td_s_sec number of senior secondary schools 0% 441
pc91_td_vt_inst Number of Recognised shorthand, Typewriting & Vocational training Institutions 1% 436
pc91_td_polytech Number of polytechnics 0% 441
pc91_td_arts Number of Arts College 0% 441
pc91_td_science Number of science Collage 0% 441
pc91_td_commerce Number of Commerce College 0% 441
pc91_td_medical Number of Medical College 0% 441
pc91_td_engg Number of Engineering College 0% 441
pc91_td_law Number of Law College 0% 441
pc91_td_adult_cnt Number of Adult Literacy Centres 1% 436
pc91_td_n_hostels Number of Working Women's Hostels 0% 439
pc91_td_n_seats Number of Working Women's Hostel seats 1% 435
pc91_td_stadium Stadium 0% 440
pc91_td_cinema Cinema 0% 441
pc91_td_auditorium Auditorium/Drama/Community Halls 0% 441
pc91_td_p_lib Public Libraries 0% 439
pc91_td_r_rooms Reading Rooms 0% 440
pc91_td_banks Banks 0% 441
pc91_td_a_c_soc Agricultural Credit Societies 1% 437
pc91_td_n_a_c_soc Non-Agricultural Credit Societies 1% 437
pc91_td_inc_8889 Annual town income, 1988-89 4% 424
pc91_td_exp_8889 Annual town expenditure, 1988-89 4% 423
pc91_td_joint_muni 1 if towns have joint municipality. Separate income data by town not available 100% 2

Table Information (AC07)⚓︎

Aggregation Level File Name Unique Identifiers
2007 Assembly Constituency pc91_td_clean_con07.dta ac07_id

Variable Information (AC07)⚓︎

Variable Name Description Missing % Non-missing count
pc91_td_area Area of town in sq km 41% 2,244
pc91_td_res_house No. of occupied residential houses 41% 2,241
⭐ pc91_td_p_7andup Total population 7 and up 41% 2,241
pc91_td_p_lit_7andup Total literate population 7 and up 41% 2,241
pc91_td_tot_work_p Total Workers 41% 2,241
pc91_td_mainwork_p Total Main Workers 41% 2,241
pc91_td_margwork_p Total Marginal Workers 41% 2,241
pc91_td_non_work_p Total Non Workers 41% 2,241
pc91_td_workers_non_per1000 Non Workers per 1000 workers 41% 2,241
pc91_td_p_sc Total SC Population 41% 2,241
pc91_td_p_st Total ST Population 41% 2,241
pc91_td_avg_rain Average Rainfall in Millimetres 42% 2,215
pc91_td_max_temp Maximum Temperature in Celsius 46% 2,061
pc91_td_min_temp Minimum Temperature in Celsius 46% 2,057
pc91_td_sh_dist state hq distance 39% 2,342
pc91_td_dh_dist district hq distance 39% 2,340
pc91_td_sd_dist subdistrict hq distance 40% 2,293
pc91_td_rail_dist Nearest railway station distance in km 40% 2,303
pc91_td_tap Tap Water Supply 39% 2,340
pc91_td_well Well Water Supply 39% 2,340
pc91_td_tank Tank Water Supply 39% 2,339
pc91_td_tube_well Tube Well Water Supply 39% 2,340
pc91_td_stor_cap_tank Water Storage Capacity - Overhead Tank 43% 2,188
pc91_td_stor_cap_res Water Storage Capacity - Service Reservoir 42% 2,218
pc91_td_stor_cap_rivergal Water Storage Capacity - River Infiltration Gallery 42% 2,228
pc91_td_stor_cap_wellpump Water Storage Capacity - Borewell Pumping System 42% 2,226
pc91_td_stor_cap_pressuretank Water Storage Capacity - Pressure Tank 41% 2,240
pc91_td_el_dom Electric Connections - Domestic 43% 2,180
pc91_td_el_ind Electric Connections - Industrial 43% 2,179
pc91_td_el_com Electric Connections - Commercial 43% 2,174
pc91_td_el_road_l Electric Connections - Road Lighting Points 42% 2,231
pc91_td_el_others Electric Connections - Other 43% 2,178
pc91_td_p_road Pacca Road length in km 51% 1,874
pc91_td_k_road Kachcha Road Length in km 51% 1,872
pc91_td_tot_road Total road length in km 40% 2,293
pc91_td_dist_f_ser Distance (in km.) in bracket of fire fighting services 39% 2,340
pc91_td_sewage_sewer Sewage type - sewer - one of two most important types in town 39% 2,340
pc91_td_sewage_opendrain Sewage type - open drain - one of two most important types in town 39% 2,340
pc91_td_sewage_boxdrain Sewage type - box drain - one of two most important types in town 39% 2,340
pc91_td_sewage_sylkdrain Sewage type - sylk pattern drain - one of two most important types in town 39% 2,340
pc91_td_sewage_cess Sewage type - cess pool - one of two most important types in town 39% 2,340
pc91_td_sewage_pit Sewage type - pit - one of two most important types in town 39% 2,340
pc91_td_sewage_other Sewage type - other - one of two most important types in town 39% 2,340
pc91_td_water_bor Number of wet (flush) latrines in buildings 45% 2,112
pc91_td_service Number of dry latrines where waste has to be removed manually 45% 2,094
pc91_td_lat_oth Number of latrines not otherwise classified 45% 2,104
pc91_td_nsoil_head Night soil disposal - head load - one of two most prevalent methods in town 39% 2,339
pc91_td_nsoil_basket Night soil disposal - basket - one of two most prevalent methods in town 39% 2,340
pc91_td_nsoil_wb Night soil disposal - wheel barrow - one of two most prevalent methods in town 39% 2,340
pc91_td_nsoil_septic Night soil disposal - septic tank - one of two most prevalent methods in town 39% 2,340
pc91_td_nsoil_sewerage Night soil disposal - sewerage - one of two most prevalent methods in town 39% 2,340
pc91_td_nsoil_pit Night soil disposal - pit system - one of two most prevalent methods in town 39% 2,340
pc91_td_nsoil_other Night soil disposal - other - one of two most prevalent methods in town 39% 2,340
pc91_td_hospitals Number of Hospitals 41% 2,241
pc91_td_disp Number of Dispensaries 41% 2,240
pc91_td_health_ctr Number of health centres 41% 2,241
pc91_td_f_w_ctr Number of family planning (welfare) centres 41% 2,241
pc91_td_nur_homes Number of nursing homes 43% 2,194
pc91_td_med_oth Number of other medical facilities 41% 2,240
pc91_td_tot_beds Total number of beds 42% 2,230
pc91_td_primary Number of primary schooles 41% 2,240
pc91_td_middle Number of middle/junior secondary schools 41% 2,240
pc91_td_secondary Number of secondary schools 41% 2,240
pc91_td_s_sec number of senior secondary schools 42% 2,238
pc91_td_vt_inst Number of Recognised shorthand, Typewriting & Vocational training Institutions 42% 2,233
pc91_td_polytech Number of polytechnics 41% 2,240
pc91_td_arts Number of Arts College 42% 2,238
pc91_td_science Number of science Collage 42% 2,238
pc91_td_commerce Number of Commerce College 42% 2,239
pc91_td_medical Number of Medical College 42% 2,238
pc91_td_engg Number of Engineering College 42% 2,236
pc91_td_law Number of Law College 41% 2,240
pc91_td_adult_cnt Number of Adult Literacy Centres 44% 2,137
pc91_td_n_hostels Number of Working Women's Hostels 42% 2,229
pc91_td_n_seats Number of Working Women's Hostel seats 43% 2,168
pc91_td_stadium Stadium 42% 2,236
pc91_td_cinema Cinema 42% 2,239
pc91_td_auditorium Auditorium/Drama/Community Halls 42% 2,239
pc91_td_p_lib Public Libraries 42% 2,213
pc91_td_r_rooms Reading Rooms 41% 2,240
pc91_td_banks Banks 42% 2,235
pc91_td_a_c_soc Agricultural Credit Societies 43% 2,195
pc91_td_n_a_c_soc Non-Agricultural Credit Societies 43% 2,190
pc91_td_inc_8889 Annual town income, 1988-89 44% 2,151
pc91_td_exp_8889 Annual town expenditure, 1988-89 44% 2,145
pc91_td_joint_muni 1 if towns have joint municipality. Separate income data by town not available 100% 0

Table Information (AC08)⚓︎

Aggregation Level File Name Unique Identifiers
2008 Assembly Constituency pc91_td_clean_con08.dta ac08_id

Variable Information (AC08)⚓︎

Variable Name Description Missing % Non-missing count
pc91_td_area Area of town in sq km 43% 2,090
pc91_td_res_house No. of occupied residential houses 42% 2,105
⭐ pc91_td_p_7andup Total population 7 and up 42% 2,105
pc91_td_p_lit_7andup Total literate population 7 and up 42% 2,105
pc91_td_tot_work_p Total Workers 42% 2,105
pc91_td_mainwork_p Total Main Workers 42% 2,105
pc91_td_margwork_p Total Marginal Workers 42% 2,105
pc91_td_non_work_p Total Non Workers 42% 2,105
pc91_td_workers_non_per1000 Non Workers per 1000 workers 42% 2,105
pc91_td_p_sc Total SC Population 42% 2,105
pc91_td_p_st Total ST Population 42% 2,105
pc91_td_avg_rain Average Rainfall in Millimetres 44% 2,041
pc91_td_max_temp Maximum Temperature in Celsius 48% 1,889
pc91_td_min_temp Minimum Temperature in Celsius 48% 1,883
pc91_td_sh_dist state hq distance 41% 2,137
pc91_td_dh_dist district hq distance 41% 2,134
pc91_td_sd_dist subdistrict hq distance 42% 2,105
pc91_td_rail_dist Nearest railway station distance in km 42% 2,122
pc91_td_tap Tap Water Supply 41% 2,140
pc91_td_well Well Water Supply 41% 2,140
pc91_td_tank Tank Water Supply 41% 2,139
pc91_td_tube_well Tube Well Water Supply 41% 2,140
pc91_td_stor_cap_tank Water Storage Capacity - Overhead Tank 44% 2,034
pc91_td_stor_cap_res Water Storage Capacity - Service Reservoir 43% 2,071
pc91_td_stor_cap_rivergal Water Storage Capacity - River Infiltration Gallery 42% 2,096
pc91_td_stor_cap_wellpump Water Storage Capacity - Borewell Pumping System 43% 2,095
pc91_td_stor_cap_pressuretank Water Storage Capacity - Pressure Tank 42% 2,102
pc91_td_el_dom Electric Connections - Domestic 43% 2,072
pc91_td_el_ind Electric Connections - Industrial 43% 2,072
pc91_td_el_com Electric Connections - Commercial 43% 2,069
pc91_td_el_road_l Electric Connections - Road Lighting Points 42% 2,097
pc91_td_el_others Electric Connections - Other 43% 2,070
pc91_td_p_road Pacca Road length in km 55% 1,655
pc91_td_k_road Kachcha Road Length in km 55% 1,653
pc91_td_tot_road Total road length in km 42% 2,096
pc91_td_dist_f_ser Distance (in km.) in bracket of fire fighting services 41% 2,135
pc91_td_sewage_sewer Sewage type - sewer - one of two most important types in town 41% 2,140
pc91_td_sewage_opendrain Sewage type - open drain - one of two most important types in town 41% 2,140
pc91_td_sewage_boxdrain Sewage type - box drain - one of two most important types in town 41% 2,140
pc91_td_sewage_sylkdrain Sewage type - sylk pattern drain - one of two most important types in town 41% 2,139
pc91_td_sewage_cess Sewage type - cess pool - one of two most important types in town 41% 2,140
pc91_td_sewage_pit Sewage type - pit - one of two most important types in town 41% 2,140
pc91_td_sewage_other Sewage type - other - one of two most important types in town 41% 2,140
pc91_td_water_bor Number of wet (flush) latrines in buildings 45% 2,011
pc91_td_service Number of dry latrines where waste has to be removed manually 45% 1,995
pc91_td_lat_oth Number of latrines not otherwise classified 45% 2,007
pc91_td_nsoil_head Night soil disposal - head load - one of two most prevalent methods in town 41% 2,140
pc91_td_nsoil_basket Night soil disposal - basket - one of two most prevalent methods in town 41% 2,140
pc91_td_nsoil_wb Night soil disposal - wheel barrow - one of two most prevalent methods in town 41% 2,140
pc91_td_nsoil_septic Night soil disposal - septic tank - one of two most prevalent methods in town 41% 2,140
pc91_td_nsoil_sewerage Night soil disposal - sewerage - one of two most prevalent methods in town 41% 2,140
pc91_td_nsoil_pit Night soil disposal - pit system - one of two most prevalent methods in town 41% 2,140
pc91_td_nsoil_other Night soil disposal - other - one of two most prevalent methods in town 41% 2,140
pc91_td_hospitals Number of Hospitals 42% 2,102
pc91_td_disp Number of Dispensaries 42% 2,102
pc91_td_health_ctr Number of health centres 42% 2,103
pc91_td_f_w_ctr Number of family planning (welfare) centres 42% 2,104
pc91_td_nur_homes Number of nursing homes 45% 2,014
pc91_td_med_oth Number of other medical facilities 42% 2,103
pc91_td_tot_beds Total number of beds 43% 2,094
pc91_td_primary Number of primary schooles 42% 2,103
pc91_td_middle Number of middle/junior secondary schools 42% 2,104
pc91_td_secondary Number of secondary schools 42% 2,103
pc91_td_s_sec number of senior secondary schools 42% 2,101
pc91_td_vt_inst Number of Recognised shorthand, Typewriting & Vocational training Institutions 43% 2,088
pc91_td_polytech Number of polytechnics 42% 2,103
pc91_td_arts Number of Arts College 42% 2,101
pc91_td_science Number of science Collage 42% 2,101
pc91_td_commerce Number of Commerce College 42% 2,102
pc91_td_medical Number of Medical College 42% 2,102
pc91_td_engg Number of Engineering College 42% 2,101
pc91_td_law Number of Law College 42% 2,104
pc91_td_adult_cnt Number of Adult Literacy Centres 44% 2,031
pc91_td_n_hostels Number of Working Women's Hostels 42% 2,098
pc91_td_n_seats Number of Working Women's Hostel seats 44% 2,056
pc91_td_stadium Stadium 42% 2,099
pc91_td_cinema Cinema 42% 2,102
pc91_td_auditorium Auditorium/Drama/Community Halls 42% 2,098
pc91_td_p_lib Public Libraries 42% 2,097
pc91_td_r_rooms Reading Rooms 42% 2,101
pc91_td_banks Banks 42% 2,102
pc91_td_a_c_soc Agricultural Credit Societies 43% 2,082
pc91_td_n_a_c_soc Non-Agricultural Credit Societies 43% 2,080
pc91_td_inc_8889 Annual town income, 1988-89 44% 2,032
pc91_td_exp_8889 Annual town expenditure, 1988-89 44% 2,026
pc91_td_joint_muni 1 if towns have joint municipality. Separate income data by town not available 100% 1


  • Missing %: Proportion of observations with missing data
  • Zero %: Proportion of observations with zero values
  • Canary variable: The ⭐ indicates the canary variable for imputation, see this link for more details about the imputation algorithm.

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