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DMSP Night Lights (1992 - 2013)⚓︎

Table Summary⚓︎

The Defense Meteorological Program (DMSP) Operational Line-Scan System (OLS) has a unique capability to detect visible and near-infrared (VNIR) emission sources at night. In cases where two satellites were collecting data, two composites were produced.

File Metadata⚓︎

Table Information (SHRID)⚓︎

Aggregation Level File Name Unique Identifiers
SHRID dmsp_shrid.dta shrid2, year

Variable Information (SHRID)⚓︎

Variable Name Description Missing % Non-missing count
dmsp_max_light Max night light pixel value in polygon 0% 18,446,560
dmsp_total_light Total night light in polygon, by year 0% 18,446,560
⭐ dmsp_total_light_cal Total night light (calibrated) in polygon, by year 0% 18,446,560
dmsp_mean_light Mean night light in polygon, by year 0% 18,446,560
dmsp_mean_light_cal Mean night light (calibrated) in polygon, by year 0% 18,446,560
dmsp_num_cells Count of raster pixels overlapping polygon 0% 18,446,560
dmsp_f_version DMSP satellite that collected the data, ranging from F10 to F18 nan% nan
year Year 0% 18,446,560

Table Information (Subdistrict)⚓︎

Aggregation Level File Name Unique Identifiers
Subdistrict dmsp_pc11subdist.dta pc11_state_id, pc11_district_id, pc11_subdistrict_id, year

Variable Information (Subdistrict)⚓︎

Variable Name Description Missing % Non-missing count
dmsp_max_light Max night light pixel value in polygon 0% 191,008
dmsp_total_light Total night light in polygon, by year 0% 191,008
⭐ dmsp_total_light_cal Total night light (calibrated) in polygon, by year 0% 191,008
dmsp_mean_light Mean night light in polygon, by year 0% 191,008
dmsp_mean_light_cal Mean night light (calibrated) in polygon, by year 0% 191,008
dmsp_num_cells Count of raster pixels overlapping polygon 0% 191,008
dmsp_f_version DMSP satellite that collected the data, ranging from F10 to F18 nan% nan
year Year 0% 191,008

Table Information (District)⚓︎

Aggregation Level File Name Unique Identifiers
District dmsp_pc11dist.dta pc11_state_id, pc11_district_id, year

Variable Information (District)⚓︎

Variable Name Description Missing % Non-missing count
dmsp_max_light Max night light pixel value in polygon 0% 20,480
dmsp_total_light Total night light in polygon, by year 0% 20,480
⭐ dmsp_total_light_cal Total night light (calibrated) in polygon, by year 0% 20,480
dmsp_mean_light Mean night light in polygon, by year 0% 20,480
dmsp_mean_light_cal Mean night light (calibrated) in polygon, by year 0% 20,480
dmsp_num_cells Count of raster pixels overlapping polygon 0% 20,480
dmsp_f_version DMSP satellite that collected the data, ranging from F10 to F18 nan% nan
year Year 0% 20,480

Table Information (AC07)⚓︎

Aggregation Level File Name Unique Identifiers
2007 Assembly Constituency dmsp_con07.dta ac07_id, year

Variable Information (AC07)⚓︎

Variable Name Description Missing % Non-missing count
dmsp_max_light Max night light pixel value in polygon 0% 130,560
dmsp_total_light Total night light in polygon, by year 0% 130,560
⭐ dmsp_total_light_cal Total night light (calibrated) in polygon, by year 0% 130,560
dmsp_mean_light Mean night light in polygon, by year 0% 130,560
dmsp_mean_light_cal Mean night light (calibrated) in polygon, by year 0% 130,560
dmsp_num_cells Count of raster pixels overlapping polygon 0% 130,560
dmsp_f_version DMSP satellite that collected the data, ranging from F10 to F18 nan% nan
year Year 0% 130,560

Table Information (AC08)⚓︎

Aggregation Level File Name Unique Identifiers
2008 Assembly Constituency dmsp_con08.dta ac08_id, year

Variable Information (AC08)⚓︎

Variable Name Description Missing % Non-missing count
dmsp_max_light Max night light pixel value in polygon 0% 131,776
dmsp_total_light Total night light in polygon, by year 0% 131,776
⭐ dmsp_total_light_cal Total night light (calibrated) in polygon, by year 0% 131,776
dmsp_mean_light Mean night light in polygon, by year 0% 131,776
dmsp_mean_light_cal Mean night light (calibrated) in polygon, by year 0% 131,776
dmsp_num_cells Count of raster pixels overlapping polygon 0% 131,776
dmsp_f_version DMSP satellite that collected the data, ranging from F10 to F18 nan% nan
year Year 0% 131,776


  • Missing %: Proportion of observations with missing data
  • Zero %: Proportion of observations with zero values
  • Canary variable: The ⭐ indicates the canary variable for imputation, see this link for more details about the imputation algorithm.

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