Mission Antyodaya Village Facilities⚓︎
Table Summary⚓︎
Data on village facilities in 2020 from the Ministry of Rural Development
File Metadata⚓︎
Table Information (SHRID)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
SHRID | antyodaya_shrid.dta | shrid2 |
Variable Information (SHRID)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
total_no_of_farmers | Number of farmers | 12% | 521,223 |
net_sown_area_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) | 12% | 521,223 |
is_bank_available | Is there a bank? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_atm_available | Is there an ATM? | 12% | 521,223 |
mandi | Is there a mandi (agricultural market)? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_handloom | Are handlooms prevalent? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_bee_farming | Is bee keeping prevalent? | 12% | 521,223 |
weekly_haat | Availablity of weekly haat | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_lactating_mothers | Number of lactating mothers | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd | Total household count (2020) | 12% | 521,223 |
Total rural population (2020) | 12% | 521,223 | |
availability_of_high_school | Is a high school available? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_village_connected_to_all_weat | Is there an all-weather road? | 12% | 521,223 |
open_kuchha_drainage | Presence of open kuccha drain | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_public_library | Is a public library available? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_pregnant_women | Total number of pregnant women | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_middle_school | Is a middle school available? | 12% | 521,223 |
canal | Is canal irrigation being used? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_fertilizer_shop_available | Is there a fertilizer shop? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_registered_children_ | Number of children in Anganwadi | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_panchayat_bhawan | Are there any panchayat bhawans? | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_primary_school | Is a primary school available? | 12% | 521,223 |
regular_market | Is there a regular market? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_anemic_pregnant_women | Number of anaemic pregnant women | 12% | 521,223 |
is_handicrafts | Is there a handicrafts industry? | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_community_forest | Availability of community forest | 12% | 521,223 |
pc11_land_area | Population Census 2011 land area | 12% | 521,218 |
availability_of_railway_station | Is a railway station present? | 12% | 521,223 |
area_irrigated_in_hac | Total irrigated area (in hectare) | 12% | 521,223 |
telephone_services | Are telephone services available? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_shg | Number of Self Help Groups (SHGs) | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_elected_representati | Number of elected representatives | 12% | 521,223 |
male_population | Total rural male population (2020) | 12% | 521,223 |
total_grd_and_pg_in_village | Number of graduates/post-graduates | 12% | 521,223 |
total_anemic_adolescent_girls | Number of anaemic adolescent girls | 12% | 521,223 |
closed_drainage | Presence of closed drainage system | 12% | 521,223 |
sub_centre | Is there a health sub-centre? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_cultivable_area_in_hac | Total cultivable area (in hectares) | 12% | 521,223 |
public_transport | Is public transportation available? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_primary_school_with_playgroun | Do primary schools have playground? | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_govt_degree_coll | Is there a degree granting college? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_male_child_age_bw_0_6 | Number of male children (0-6 years) | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_solor_wind_energ | Is solar/wind electricity available? | 12% | 521,223 |
female_population | Total rural female population (2020) | 12% | 521,223 |
is_soil_testing_centre_available | Is there a soil testing centre? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_unirrigated_land_area_in_h | Total unirrigated area (in hectares) | 12% | 521,223 |
is_primary_school_with_electrici | Do primary schools have electricity? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_female_child_age_bw_0_6 | Number of female children (0-6 years) | 12% | 521,223 |
any_primary_sch_toilet | Number of primary schools with toilet | 29% | 415,799 |
surface_water | Is anyone using surface water irrigation? | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_adult_edu_centre | Availability of adult education centre | 12% | 521,223 |
phc | Is there a primary health centre? | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_fish_farming | Are community ponds used for fisheries? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_primary_school_with_computer_ | Do primary schools have a computer lab? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_primary_school_have_drinking_ | Do primary schools have drinking water? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_primary_school_students | Number of students in primary school(s) | 12% | 520,760 |
total_primary_school_teachers | Number of teachers in primary school(s) | 12% | 520,760 |
no_of_children_not_attending_sch | Number of children not attending school | 12% | 521,223 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years_i | Number of children aged 0-3 years immunized | 12% | 521,223 |
total_shg_accessed_bank_loans | Number of SHGs that accessed bank loans | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_minor_forest_pro | Availability of minor forest production | 12% | 521,223 |
ground_water | Is anyone using ground water irrigation? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_govt_seed_centre_available | Is there a government seed centre? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_broadband_available | Is there an internet/broadband facility? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_mobilized_into_shg | Number of households mobilized into SHGs | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_farmers_registered_u | Number of farmers registered under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana (PMKPY) | 12% | 521,223 |
other_irrigation | Availability of oher irrigation sources | 12% | 521,223 |
chc | Is there a community health centre? | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_watershed_dev_pr | Is there a Watershed Development project? | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_mother_child_hea | Is there a maternal health facility? | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_ssc_school | Is there a higher/senior secondary school? | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_cottage_small_sc | Presence of cottage and small scale units (fabrication/ construction material/ dairy based/ textile etc.) units | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_poultry_dev_proj | Any project supporting poultry development? | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_goatary_dev_proj | Any project supporting goatery development? | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_pigery_developme | Any project supporting piggery development? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_availing_pmuy_benefits | Number of households availing Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) benefits | 12% | 521,223 |
is_community_waste_disposal_syst | Is there a community waste disposal system? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_sericulture | Is sericulture (silk production) prevalent? | 12% | 521,223 |
open_uncovered_drainage | Presence of open uncovered drainage system | 12% | 521,223 |
fpo | Are there any Farmer produce organizations? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_aanganwadi_centre_available | Is there an aanganwadi child care centre? | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_food_storage_war | Is there a warehouse for food grain storage? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_having_bpl_cards | Number of Households having BPL ration cards | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_eligible_beneficiari | Number of eligible beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana | 12% | 521,223 |
is_veterinary_hospital_available | Is a veterinary clinic or hospital available? | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_fish_community_p | Is any pisciculture community project present? (inland fishery/ coastal fishery/ any other) | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_elect_supply_to_ | Is electricity supply available to MSME units? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_with_more_than_2_child | Number of households with more than 2 children | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_having_piped_water_con | Number of households having piped water connection | 12% | 521,223 |
is_post_office_available | Is there a post office / sub-post office? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_pds_available | Is public distribution system (PDS) available? | 12% | 521,223 |
net_sown_area_rabi_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during the rabi growing season | 12% | 521,223 |
no_of_farmers_using_drip_sprinkl | Number of farmers using drip/sprinkler irrigation | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_with_kuccha_wall_kucch | Number of households with kuccha wall and kuccha roof | 12% | 521,223 |
piped_water_fully_covered | Is piped tap water available in every habitation? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_common_pastures_available | Are there common pastures as per revenue records? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_availing_pmjdy_bank_ac | Number of households having Jan-Dhan bank account | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_not_having_sanitary_la | Number of households not having sanitary latrines | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_farmers_subscribed_a | Number of farmers in the age of 18-40 years who have subscribed to Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana (PMKPY) | 12% | 521,223 |
total_approved_labour_budget_for | Total approved labour budget for the year 2018-19 | 12% | 521,223 |
open_covered_drainage | Presence of open drainage covered with tile slabs | 12% | 521,223 |
net_sown_area_other_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during any other growing season | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_jan_aushadhi_ken | Are there any pharmacies under Jan Aushadhi Kendra? | 12% | 521,223 |
net_sown_area_kharif_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during the kharif growing season | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_aquaculture_ext_ | Are extension facilities for aquaculture available? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_pregnant_women_recei | Number of pregnant women receiving services under ICDS | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_mid_day_meal_sch | Is mid day meal scheme available in primary schools? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_early_childhood_edu_provided_ | Is early childhood education provided in Anganwadis? | 12% | 521,223 |
no_electricity | Does the village have no electricity? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_with_clean_energy | Number of households using clean energy (LPG/ biogas) | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_newly_born_children | Number of newly born children during the year 2018-19 | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_newly_born_underweig | Number of newly born children during the year 2018-19 | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_farmers_adopted_organic | Number of farmers who adopted organic farming during 2018-19 | 12% | 521,223 |
csc | Is there a Common Service Centre (CSC) in the village? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_lactating_mothers_re | Number of lactating mothers receiving services under ICDS | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_beneficiaries_receiv | Number of beneficiaries receiving benefits under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_farmers_add_fert_in_ | Number of farmers who received the soil testing report | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_engaged_in_farm_activi | Number of households engaged majorly in farm activities | 12% | 521,223 |
livestock_ext_services | Does the village have any livestock extension services? | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_custom_hiring_ce | Does the village have access to custom hiring centre (agricultural equipment)? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_children_in_icds_cas | Total Number of children in ICDS Common Application Software | 12% | 521,223 |
total_area_covered_under_irrigat | Total area covered under irrigation using drip sprinkler | 12% | 521,223 |
total_minority_children_getting_ | Number of SC/ST/OBC/minority children getting scholarship | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_shg_promoted | Number of SHGs federated into Village Organisations (VOs) | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_mobilized_into_pg | Number of households mobilized into Producer Groups (PGs) | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_children_0_to_6_year | Total number of children (0-6 years) immunized under ICDS | 12% | 521,223 |
is_bank_buss_correspondent_with_ | Do the business correspondents have internet connectivity? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_engaged_in_non_farm_ac | Number of households engaged majorly in Numbern-farm activities | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_in_pmay_permanent_wait | Number of households who are in the PMAY permanent waitlist | 12% | 521,223 |
recreational_centre | Are there any recreational centres/ sports playground, etc? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years_r | Number of children aged 0-3 years registered in Aanganwadis | 12% | 521,223 |
total_childs_aged_3_to_6_years_r | Number of children aged 3-6 years registered in Aanganwadis | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_have_got_pmay_house | Number of households who have received a PMAY House (completed or sanctioned) | 12% | 521,223 |
total_underweight_child_age_unde | Number of children under the age of 6 years who are underweight | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_having_solor_wind_ener | Number of households electrified by solar energy/ wind energy | 87% | 79,339 |
total_trained_trainee_under_skil | Number of trainees trained under any skill development program | 12% | 521,223 |
is_community_biogas_waste_recycl | Is there community level biogas waste recycling for production? | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_in_perm_waitlist_under | Number of households who are in the permanent wait list of a state specific housing scheme | 12% | 521,223 |
total_childs_categorized_non_stu | Number of children categorized as non-stunted as per ICDS record | 12% | 521,223 |
total_minority_hh_provided_bank_ | Number of SC/ST/OBC/minority households that received bank loans | 12% | 521,223 |
gp_total_hhd_receiving_food_grai | Number of households receiving food grains from Fair Price shops | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_having_pmsbhgy_benefit | Number of households availing the benefits under Saubhagya scheme | 12% | 521,223 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years | Number of children in the age group of 0-3 years | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_farm_gate_proces | Availability of primary processing facilities at the village level | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_engaged_cottage_small_ | Number of households engaged in cottage and small scale production (fabrication, construction material, dairy, textile etc.) | 89% | 66,611 |
total_hhd_registered_under_pmjay | Number of households registered for health insurance services under Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)/ state specific health insurance schemes | 12% | 521,223 |
public_info_board | Availability of public information board under People's Plan campaign | 12% | 521,223 |
gp_total_hhd_eligible_under_nfsa | Number of eligible households under National Food Security Act (NFSA) | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_elect_rep_undergone_ | Number of elected representatives who underwent refresher training under Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_milk_routes | Availability of milk collection centre /milk routes / chilling centres | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_got_benefit_under_stat | Number of households who have received benefits from any state-specific housing scheme | 12% | 521,223 |
internal_pucca_road | Is the village fully covered by an internal pucca road? | 12% | 521,223 |
is_vocational_edu_centre_availab | Availability of vocational training centre/polytechnic/ITI/RSETI /DDU-GKY | 12% | 521,223 |
no_of_physically_challenged_recv | Number of physically challenged persons who received implants and appliances | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_availing_pension_under | Number of households getting pensions under National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) (Old Age/Disability/Widow/National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS)) | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_women_delivered_babi | Number of women who delivered babies at hospitals and are registered with ASHA Anganwadi workers | 12% | 521,223 |
gp_total_no_of_eligible_benefici | Number of eligible beneficiaries under Aayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any state government health scheme | 12% | 521,223 |
availability_of_rain_harvest_sys | Availability of community rainwater harvesting system, pond, dam, check dam, etc. | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_elect_rep_oriented_u | Number of elected representatives oriented under Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan | 12% | 521,223 |
gp_total_no_of_beneficiaries_rec | Number of beneficiaries receiving benefits under Aayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt Health scheme | 12% | 521,223 |
total_expenditure_approved_under | Total expenditure approved under NRM in the labour budget for the year 2018-19 | 12% | 521,223 |
total_hhd_source_of_minor_forest | Number of households where only source of livelihood is minor forest production | 84% | 91,942 |
total_no_of_farmers_received_ben | Number of farmers who received benefits under PMFBY (Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana) | 12% | 521,223 |
total_no_of_young_anemic_childre | Number of young anaemic children in ICDS Common Application Software (6-59 months) | 12% | 521,223 |
Table Information (Subdistrict)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
Subdistrict | antyodaya_pc11subdist.dta | pc11_state_id , pc11_district_id , pc11_subdistrict_id |
Variable Information (Subdistrict)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
total_no_of_farmers | Number of farmers | 6% | 5,506 |
net_sown_area_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) | 7% | 5,498 |
is_bank_available | Is there a bank? | 6% | 5,506 |
is_atm_available | Is there an ATM? | 6% | 5,506 |
mandi | Is there a mandi (agricultural market)? | 6% | 5,506 |
is_handloom | Are handlooms prevalent? | 6% | 5,506 |
is_bee_farming | Is bee keeping prevalent? | 6% | 5,506 |
weekly_haat | Availablity of weekly haat | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_lactating_mothers | Number of lactating mothers | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd | Total household count (2020) | 6% | 5,506 |
Total rural population (2020) | 6% | 5,506 | |
availability_of_high_school | Is a high school available? | 6% | 5,506 |
is_village_connected_to_all_weat | Is there an all-weather road? | 6% | 5,506 |
open_kuchha_drainage | Presence of open kuccha drain | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_public_library | Is a public library available? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_pregnant_women | Total number of pregnant women | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_middle_school | Is a middle school available? | 6% | 5,506 |
canal | Is canal irrigation being used? | 7% | 5,498 |
is_fertilizer_shop_available | Is there a fertilizer shop? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_registered_children_ | Number of children in Anganwadi | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_panchayat_bhawan | Are there any panchayat bhawans? | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_primary_school | Is a primary school available? | 6% | 5,506 |
regular_market | Is there a regular market? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_anemic_pregnant_women | Number of anaemic pregnant women | 6% | 5,506 |
is_handicrafts | Is there a handicrafts industry? | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_community_forest | Availability of community forest | 6% | 5,506 |
pc11_land_area | Population Census 2011 land area | 7% | 5,497 |
availability_of_railway_station | Is a railway station present? | 6% | 5,506 |
area_irrigated_in_hac | Total irrigated area (in hectare) | 7% | 5,498 |
telephone_services | Are telephone services available? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_shg | Number of Self Help Groups (SHGs) | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_elected_representati | Number of elected representatives | 6% | 5,506 |
male_population | Total rural male population (2020) | 6% | 5,506 |
total_grd_and_pg_in_village | Number of graduates/post-graduates | 6% | 5,506 |
total_anemic_adolescent_girls | Number of anaemic adolescent girls | 6% | 5,506 |
closed_drainage | Presence of closed drainage system | 6% | 5,506 |
sub_centre | Is there a health sub-centre? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_cultivable_area_in_hac | Total cultivable area (in hectares) | 7% | 5,498 |
public_transport | Is public transportation available? | 6% | 5,506 |
is_primary_school_with_playgroun | Do primary schools have playground? | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_govt_degree_coll | Is there a degree granting college? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_male_child_age_bw_0_6 | Number of male children (0-6 years) | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_solor_wind_energ | Is solar/wind electricity available? | 6% | 5,506 |
female_population | Total rural female population (2020) | 6% | 5,506 |
is_soil_testing_centre_available | Is there a soil testing centre? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_unirrigated_land_area_in_h | Total unirrigated area (in hectares) | 7% | 5,498 |
is_primary_school_with_electrici | Do primary schools have electricity? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_female_child_age_bw_0_6 | Number of female children (0-6 years) | 6% | 5,506 |
any_primary_sch_toilet | Number of primary schools with toilet | 7% | 5,459 |
surface_water | Is anyone using surface water irrigation? | 7% | 5,498 |
availability_of_adult_edu_centre | Availability of adult education centre | 6% | 5,506 |
phc | Is there a primary health centre? | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_fish_farming | Are community ponds used for fisheries? | 6% | 5,506 |
is_primary_school_with_computer_ | Do primary schools have a computer lab? | 6% | 5,506 |
is_primary_school_have_drinking_ | Do primary schools have drinking water? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_primary_school_students | Number of students in primary school(s) | 6% | 5,506 |
total_primary_school_teachers | Number of teachers in primary school(s) | 6% | 5,506 |
no_of_children_not_attending_sch | Number of children not attending school | 6% | 5,506 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years_i | Number of children aged 0-3 years immunized | 6% | 5,506 |
total_shg_accessed_bank_loans | Number of SHGs that accessed bank loans | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_minor_forest_pro | Availability of minor forest production | 6% | 5,506 |
ground_water | Is anyone using ground water irrigation? | 7% | 5,498 |
is_govt_seed_centre_available | Is there a government seed centre? | 6% | 5,506 |
is_broadband_available | Is there an internet/broadband facility? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_mobilized_into_shg | Number of households mobilized into SHGs | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_farmers_registered_u | Number of farmers registered under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana (PMKPY) | 6% | 5,506 |
other_irrigation | Availability of oher irrigation sources | 7% | 5,498 |
chc | Is there a community health centre? | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_watershed_dev_pr | Is there a Watershed Development project? | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_mother_child_hea | Is there a maternal health facility? | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_ssc_school | Is there a higher/senior secondary school? | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_cottage_small_sc | Presence of cottage and small scale units (fabrication/ construction material/ dairy based/ textile etc.) units | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_poultry_dev_proj | Any project supporting poultry development? | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_goatary_dev_proj | Any project supporting goatery development? | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_pigery_developme | Any project supporting piggery development? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_availing_pmuy_benefits | Number of households availing Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) benefits | 6% | 5,506 |
is_community_waste_disposal_syst | Is there a community waste disposal system? | 6% | 5,506 |
is_sericulture | Is sericulture (silk production) prevalent? | 6% | 5,506 |
open_uncovered_drainage | Presence of open uncovered drainage system | 6% | 5,506 |
fpo | Are there any Farmer produce organizations? | 6% | 5,506 |
is_aanganwadi_centre_available | Is there an aanganwadi child care centre? | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_food_storage_war | Is there a warehouse for food grain storage? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_having_bpl_cards | Number of Households having BPL ration cards | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_eligible_beneficiari | Number of eligible beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana | 6% | 5,506 |
is_veterinary_hospital_available | Is a veterinary clinic or hospital available? | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_fish_community_p | Is any pisciculture community project present? (inland fishery/ coastal fishery/ any other) | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_elect_supply_to_ | Is electricity supply available to MSME units? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_with_more_than_2_child | Number of households with more than 2 children | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_having_piped_water_con | Number of households having piped water connection | 6% | 5,506 |
is_post_office_available | Is there a post office / sub-post office? | 6% | 5,506 |
is_pds_available | Is public distribution system (PDS) available? | 6% | 5,506 |
net_sown_area_rabi_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during the rabi growing season | 7% | 5,498 |
no_of_farmers_using_drip_sprinkl | Number of farmers using drip/sprinkler irrigation | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_with_kuccha_wall_kucch | Number of households with kuccha wall and kuccha roof | 6% | 5,506 |
piped_water_fully_covered | Is piped tap water available in every habitation? | 6% | 5,506 |
is_common_pastures_available | Are there common pastures as per revenue records? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_availing_pmjdy_bank_ac | Number of households having Jan-Dhan bank account | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_not_having_sanitary_la | Number of households not having sanitary latrines | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_farmers_subscribed_a | Number of farmers in the age of 18-40 years who have subscribed to Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana (PMKPY) | 6% | 5,506 |
total_approved_labour_budget_for | Total approved labour budget for the year 2018-19 | 6% | 5,506 |
open_covered_drainage | Presence of open drainage covered with tile slabs | 6% | 5,506 |
net_sown_area_other_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during any other growing season | 7% | 5,498 |
availability_of_jan_aushadhi_ken | Are there any pharmacies under Jan Aushadhi Kendra? | 6% | 5,506 |
net_sown_area_kharif_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during the kharif growing season | 7% | 5,498 |
availability_of_aquaculture_ext_ | Are extension facilities for aquaculture available? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_pregnant_women_recei | Number of pregnant women receiving services under ICDS | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_mid_day_meal_sch | Is mid day meal scheme available in primary schools? | 6% | 5,506 |
is_early_childhood_edu_provided_ | Is early childhood education provided in Anganwadis? | 6% | 5,506 |
no_electricity | Does the village have no electricity? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_with_clean_energy | Number of households using clean energy (LPG/ biogas) | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_newly_born_children | Number of newly born children during the year 2018-19 | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_newly_born_underweig | Number of newly born children during the year 2018-19 | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_farmers_adopted_organic | Number of farmers who adopted organic farming during 2018-19 | 6% | 5,506 |
csc | Is there a Common Service Centre (CSC) in the village? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_lactating_mothers_re | Number of lactating mothers receiving services under ICDS | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_beneficiaries_receiv | Number of beneficiaries receiving benefits under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_farmers_add_fert_in_ | Number of farmers who received the soil testing report | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_engaged_in_farm_activi | Number of households engaged majorly in farm activities | 6% | 5,506 |
livestock_ext_services | Does the village have any livestock extension services? | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_custom_hiring_ce | Does the village have access to custom hiring centre (agricultural equipment)? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_children_in_icds_cas | Total Number of children in ICDS Common Application Software | 6% | 5,506 |
total_area_covered_under_irrigat | Total area covered under irrigation using drip sprinkler | 7% | 5,498 |
total_minority_children_getting_ | Number of SC/ST/OBC/minority children getting scholarship | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_shg_promoted | Number of SHGs federated into Village Organisations (VOs) | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_mobilized_into_pg | Number of households mobilized into Producer Groups (PGs) | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_children_0_to_6_year | Total number of children (0-6 years) immunized under ICDS | 6% | 5,506 |
is_bank_buss_correspondent_with_ | Do the business correspondents have internet connectivity? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_engaged_in_non_farm_ac | Number of households engaged majorly in Numbern-farm activities | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_in_pmay_permanent_wait | Number of households who are in the PMAY permanent waitlist | 6% | 5,506 |
recreational_centre | Are there any recreational centres/ sports playground, etc? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years_r | Number of children aged 0-3 years registered in Aanganwadis | 6% | 5,506 |
total_childs_aged_3_to_6_years_r | Number of children aged 3-6 years registered in Aanganwadis | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_have_got_pmay_house | Number of households who have received a PMAY House (completed or sanctioned) | 6% | 5,506 |
total_underweight_child_age_unde | Number of children under the age of 6 years who are underweight | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_having_solor_wind_ener | Number of households electrified by solar energy/ wind energy | 76% | 1,421 |
total_trained_trainee_under_skil | Number of trainees trained under any skill development program | 6% | 5,506 |
is_community_biogas_waste_recycl | Is there community level biogas waste recycling for production? | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_in_perm_waitlist_under | Number of households who are in the permanent wait list of a state specific housing scheme | 6% | 5,506 |
total_childs_categorized_non_stu | Number of children categorized as non-stunted as per ICDS record | 6% | 5,506 |
total_minority_hh_provided_bank_ | Number of SC/ST/OBC/minority households that received bank loans | 6% | 5,506 |
gp_total_hhd_receiving_food_grai | Number of households receiving food grains from Fair Price shops | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_having_pmsbhgy_benefit | Number of households availing the benefits under Saubhagya scheme | 6% | 5,506 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years | Number of children in the age group of 0-3 years | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_farm_gate_proces | Availability of primary processing facilities at the village level | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_engaged_cottage_small_ | Number of households engaged in cottage and small scale production (fabrication, construction material, dairy, textile etc.) | 76% | 1,419 |
total_hhd_registered_under_pmjay | Number of households registered for health insurance services under Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)/ state specific health insurance schemes | 6% | 5,506 |
public_info_board | Availability of public information board under People's Plan campaign | 6% | 5,506 |
gp_total_hhd_eligible_under_nfsa | Number of eligible households under National Food Security Act (NFSA) | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_elect_rep_undergone_ | Number of elected representatives who underwent refresher training under Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_milk_routes | Availability of milk collection centre /milk routes / chilling centres | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_got_benefit_under_stat | Number of households who have received benefits from any state-specific housing scheme | 6% | 5,506 |
internal_pucca_road | Is the village fully covered by an internal pucca road? | 6% | 5,506 |
is_vocational_edu_centre_availab | Availability of vocational training centre/polytechnic/ITI/RSETI /DDU-GKY | 6% | 5,506 |
no_of_physically_challenged_recv | Number of physically challenged persons who received implants and appliances | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_availing_pension_under | Number of households getting pensions under National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) (Old Age/Disability/Widow/National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS)) | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_women_delivered_babi | Number of women who delivered babies at hospitals and are registered with ASHA Anganwadi workers | 6% | 5,506 |
gp_total_no_of_eligible_benefici | Number of eligible beneficiaries under Aayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any state government health scheme | 6% | 5,506 |
availability_of_rain_harvest_sys | Availability of community rainwater harvesting system, pond, dam, check dam, etc. | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_elect_rep_oriented_u | Number of elected representatives oriented under Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan | 6% | 5,506 |
gp_total_no_of_beneficiaries_rec | Number of beneficiaries receiving benefits under Aayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt Health scheme | 6% | 5,506 |
total_expenditure_approved_under | Total expenditure approved under NRM in the labour budget for the year 2018-19 | 6% | 5,506 |
total_hhd_source_of_minor_forest | Number of households where only source of livelihood is minor forest production | 71% | 1,685 |
total_no_of_farmers_received_ben | Number of farmers who received benefits under PMFBY (Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana) | 6% | 5,506 |
total_no_of_young_anemic_childre | Number of young anaemic children in ICDS Common Application Software (6-59 months) | 6% | 5,506 |
Table Information (District)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
District | antyodaya_pc11dist.dta | pc11_state_id , pc11_district_id |
Variable Information (District)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
total_no_of_farmers | Number of farmers | 4% | 607 |
net_sown_area_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) | 4% | 604 |
is_bank_available | Is there a bank? | 4% | 607 |
is_atm_available | Is there an ATM? | 4% | 607 |
mandi | Is there a mandi (agricultural market)? | 4% | 607 |
is_handloom | Are handlooms prevalent? | 4% | 607 |
is_bee_farming | Is bee keeping prevalent? | 4% | 607 |
weekly_haat | Availablity of weekly haat | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_lactating_mothers | Number of lactating mothers | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd | Total household count (2020) | 4% | 607 |
Total rural population (2020) | 4% | 607 | |
availability_of_high_school | Is a high school available? | 4% | 607 |
is_village_connected_to_all_weat | Is there an all-weather road? | 4% | 607 |
open_kuchha_drainage | Presence of open kuccha drain | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_public_library | Is a public library available? | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_pregnant_women | Total number of pregnant women | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_middle_school | Is a middle school available? | 4% | 607 |
canal | Is canal irrigation being used? | 4% | 604 |
is_fertilizer_shop_available | Is there a fertilizer shop? | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_registered_children_ | Number of children in Anganwadi | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_panchayat_bhawan | Are there any panchayat bhawans? | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_primary_school | Is a primary school available? | 4% | 607 |
regular_market | Is there a regular market? | 4% | 607 |
total_anemic_pregnant_women | Number of anaemic pregnant women | 4% | 607 |
is_handicrafts | Is there a handicrafts industry? | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_community_forest | Availability of community forest | 4% | 607 |
pc11_land_area | Population Census 2011 land area | 4% | 604 |
availability_of_railway_station | Is a railway station present? | 4% | 607 |
area_irrigated_in_hac | Total irrigated area (in hectare) | 4% | 604 |
telephone_services | Are telephone services available? | 4% | 607 |
total_shg | Number of Self Help Groups (SHGs) | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_elected_representati | Number of elected representatives | 4% | 607 |
male_population | Total rural male population (2020) | 4% | 607 |
total_grd_and_pg_in_village | Number of graduates/post-graduates | 4% | 607 |
total_anemic_adolescent_girls | Number of anaemic adolescent girls | 4% | 607 |
closed_drainage | Presence of closed drainage system | 4% | 607 |
sub_centre | Is there a health sub-centre? | 4% | 607 |
total_cultivable_area_in_hac | Total cultivable area (in hectares) | 4% | 604 |
public_transport | Is public transportation available? | 4% | 607 |
is_primary_school_with_playgroun | Do primary schools have playground? | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_govt_degree_coll | Is there a degree granting college? | 4% | 607 |
total_male_child_age_bw_0_6 | Number of male children (0-6 years) | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_solor_wind_energ | Is solar/wind electricity available? | 4% | 607 |
female_population | Total rural female population (2020) | 4% | 607 |
is_soil_testing_centre_available | Is there a soil testing centre? | 4% | 607 |
total_unirrigated_land_area_in_h | Total unirrigated area (in hectares) | 4% | 604 |
is_primary_school_with_electrici | Do primary schools have electricity? | 4% | 607 |
total_female_child_age_bw_0_6 | Number of female children (0-6 years) | 4% | 607 |
any_primary_sch_toilet | Number of primary schools with toilet | 5% | 602 |
surface_water | Is anyone using surface water irrigation? | 4% | 604 |
availability_of_adult_edu_centre | Availability of adult education centre | 4% | 607 |
phc | Is there a primary health centre? | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_fish_farming | Are community ponds used for fisheries? | 4% | 607 |
is_primary_school_with_computer_ | Do primary schools have a computer lab? | 4% | 607 |
is_primary_school_have_drinking_ | Do primary schools have drinking water? | 4% | 607 |
total_primary_school_students | Number of students in primary school(s) | 4% | 607 |
total_primary_school_teachers | Number of teachers in primary school(s) | 4% | 607 |
no_of_children_not_attending_sch | Number of children not attending school | 4% | 607 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years_i | Number of children aged 0-3 years immunized | 4% | 607 |
total_shg_accessed_bank_loans | Number of SHGs that accessed bank loans | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_minor_forest_pro | Availability of minor forest production | 4% | 607 |
ground_water | Is anyone using ground water irrigation? | 4% | 604 |
is_govt_seed_centre_available | Is there a government seed centre? | 4% | 607 |
is_broadband_available | Is there an internet/broadband facility? | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_mobilized_into_shg | Number of households mobilized into SHGs | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_farmers_registered_u | Number of farmers registered under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana (PMKPY) | 4% | 607 |
other_irrigation | Availability of oher irrigation sources | 4% | 604 |
chc | Is there a community health centre? | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_watershed_dev_pr | Is there a Watershed Development project? | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_mother_child_hea | Is there a maternal health facility? | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_ssc_school | Is there a higher/senior secondary school? | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_cottage_small_sc | Presence of cottage and small scale units (fabrication/ construction material/ dairy based/ textile etc.) units | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_poultry_dev_proj | Any project supporting poultry development? | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_goatary_dev_proj | Any project supporting goatery development? | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_pigery_developme | Any project supporting piggery development? | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_availing_pmuy_benefits | Number of households availing Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) benefits | 4% | 607 |
is_community_waste_disposal_syst | Is there a community waste disposal system? | 4% | 607 |
is_sericulture | Is sericulture (silk production) prevalent? | 4% | 607 |
open_uncovered_drainage | Presence of open uncovered drainage system | 4% | 607 |
fpo | Are there any Farmer produce organizations? | 4% | 607 |
is_aanganwadi_centre_available | Is there an aanganwadi child care centre? | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_food_storage_war | Is there a warehouse for food grain storage? | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_having_bpl_cards | Number of Households having BPL ration cards | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_eligible_beneficiari | Number of eligible beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana | 4% | 607 |
is_veterinary_hospital_available | Is a veterinary clinic or hospital available? | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_fish_community_p | Is any pisciculture community project present? (inland fishery/ coastal fishery/ any other) | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_elect_supply_to_ | Is electricity supply available to MSME units? | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_with_more_than_2_child | Number of households with more than 2 children | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_having_piped_water_con | Number of households having piped water connection | 4% | 607 |
is_post_office_available | Is there a post office / sub-post office? | 4% | 607 |
is_pds_available | Is public distribution system (PDS) available? | 4% | 607 |
net_sown_area_rabi_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during the rabi growing season | 4% | 604 |
no_of_farmers_using_drip_sprinkl | Number of farmers using drip/sprinkler irrigation | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_with_kuccha_wall_kucch | Number of households with kuccha wall and kuccha roof | 4% | 607 |
piped_water_fully_covered | Is piped tap water available in every habitation? | 4% | 607 |
is_common_pastures_available | Are there common pastures as per revenue records? | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_availing_pmjdy_bank_ac | Number of households having Jan-Dhan bank account | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_not_having_sanitary_la | Number of households not having sanitary latrines | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_farmers_subscribed_a | Number of farmers in the age of 18-40 years who have subscribed to Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana (PMKPY) | 4% | 607 |
total_approved_labour_budget_for | Total approved labour budget for the year 2018-19 | 4% | 607 |
open_covered_drainage | Presence of open drainage covered with tile slabs | 4% | 607 |
net_sown_area_other_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during any other growing season | 4% | 604 |
availability_of_jan_aushadhi_ken | Are there any pharmacies under Jan Aushadhi Kendra? | 4% | 607 |
net_sown_area_kharif_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during the kharif growing season | 4% | 604 |
availability_of_aquaculture_ext_ | Are extension facilities for aquaculture available? | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_pregnant_women_recei | Number of pregnant women receiving services under ICDS | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_mid_day_meal_sch | Is mid day meal scheme available in primary schools? | 4% | 607 |
is_early_childhood_edu_provided_ | Is early childhood education provided in Anganwadis? | 4% | 607 |
no_electricity | Does the village have no electricity? | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_with_clean_energy | Number of households using clean energy (LPG/ biogas) | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_newly_born_children | Number of newly born children during the year 2018-19 | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_newly_born_underweig | Number of newly born children during the year 2018-19 | 4% | 607 |
total_no_farmers_adopted_organic | Number of farmers who adopted organic farming during 2018-19 | 4% | 607 |
csc | Is there a Common Service Centre (CSC) in the village? | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_lactating_mothers_re | Number of lactating mothers receiving services under ICDS | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_beneficiaries_receiv | Number of beneficiaries receiving benefits under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_farmers_add_fert_in_ | Number of farmers who received the soil testing report | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_engaged_in_farm_activi | Number of households engaged majorly in farm activities | 4% | 607 |
livestock_ext_services | Does the village have any livestock extension services? | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_custom_hiring_ce | Does the village have access to custom hiring centre (agricultural equipment)? | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_children_in_icds_cas | Total Number of children in ICDS Common Application Software | 4% | 607 |
total_area_covered_under_irrigat | Total area covered under irrigation using drip sprinkler | 4% | 604 |
total_minority_children_getting_ | Number of SC/ST/OBC/minority children getting scholarship | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_shg_promoted | Number of SHGs federated into Village Organisations (VOs) | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_mobilized_into_pg | Number of households mobilized into Producer Groups (PGs) | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_children_0_to_6_year | Total number of children (0-6 years) immunized under ICDS | 4% | 607 |
is_bank_buss_correspondent_with_ | Do the business correspondents have internet connectivity? | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_engaged_in_non_farm_ac | Number of households engaged majorly in Numbern-farm activities | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_in_pmay_permanent_wait | Number of households who are in the PMAY permanent waitlist | 4% | 607 |
recreational_centre | Are there any recreational centres/ sports playground, etc? | 4% | 607 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years_r | Number of children aged 0-3 years registered in Aanganwadis | 4% | 607 |
total_childs_aged_3_to_6_years_r | Number of children aged 3-6 years registered in Aanganwadis | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_have_got_pmay_house | Number of households who have received a PMAY House (completed or sanctioned) | 4% | 607 |
total_underweight_child_age_unde | Number of children under the age of 6 years who are underweight | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_having_solor_wind_ener | Number of households electrified by solar energy/ wind energy | 74% | 165 |
total_trained_trainee_under_skil | Number of trainees trained under any skill development program | 4% | 607 |
is_community_biogas_waste_recycl | Is there community level biogas waste recycling for production? | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_in_perm_waitlist_under | Number of households who are in the permanent wait list of a state specific housing scheme | 4% | 607 |
total_childs_categorized_non_stu | Number of children categorized as non-stunted as per ICDS record | 4% | 607 |
total_minority_hh_provided_bank_ | Number of SC/ST/OBC/minority households that received bank loans | 4% | 607 |
gp_total_hhd_receiving_food_grai | Number of households receiving food grains from Fair Price shops | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_having_pmsbhgy_benefit | Number of households availing the benefits under Saubhagya scheme | 4% | 607 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years | Number of children in the age group of 0-3 years | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_farm_gate_proces | Availability of primary processing facilities at the village level | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_engaged_cottage_small_ | Number of households engaged in cottage and small scale production (fabrication, construction material, dairy, textile etc.) | 77% | 148 |
total_hhd_registered_under_pmjay | Number of households registered for health insurance services under Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)/ state specific health insurance schemes | 4% | 607 |
public_info_board | Availability of public information board under People's Plan campaign | 4% | 607 |
gp_total_hhd_eligible_under_nfsa | Number of eligible households under National Food Security Act (NFSA) | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_elect_rep_undergone_ | Number of elected representatives who underwent refresher training under Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_milk_routes | Availability of milk collection centre /milk routes / chilling centres | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_got_benefit_under_stat | Number of households who have received benefits from any state-specific housing scheme | 4% | 607 |
internal_pucca_road | Is the village fully covered by an internal pucca road? | 4% | 607 |
is_vocational_edu_centre_availab | Availability of vocational training centre/polytechnic/ITI/RSETI /DDU-GKY | 4% | 607 |
no_of_physically_challenged_recv | Number of physically challenged persons who received implants and appliances | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_availing_pension_under | Number of households getting pensions under National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) (Old Age/Disability/Widow/National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS)) | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_women_delivered_babi | Number of women who delivered babies at hospitals and are registered with ASHA Anganwadi workers | 4% | 607 |
gp_total_no_of_eligible_benefici | Number of eligible beneficiaries under Aayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any state government health scheme | 4% | 607 |
availability_of_rain_harvest_sys | Availability of community rainwater harvesting system, pond, dam, check dam, etc. | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_elect_rep_oriented_u | Number of elected representatives oriented under Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan | 4% | 607 |
gp_total_no_of_beneficiaries_rec | Number of beneficiaries receiving benefits under Aayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt Health scheme | 4% | 607 |
total_expenditure_approved_under | Total expenditure approved under NRM in the labour budget for the year 2018-19 | 4% | 607 |
total_hhd_source_of_minor_forest | Number of households where only source of livelihood is minor forest production | 74% | 165 |
total_no_of_farmers_received_ben | Number of farmers who received benefits under PMFBY (Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana) | 4% | 607 |
total_no_of_young_anemic_childre | Number of young anaemic children in ICDS Common Application Software (6-59 months) | 4% | 607 |
Table Information (AC07)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
2007 Assembly Constituency | antyodaya_con07.dta | ac07_id |
Variable Information (AC07)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
total_no_of_farmers | Number of farmers | 16% | 3,215 |
net_sown_area_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) | 16% | 3,214 |
is_bank_available | Is there a bank? | 16% | 3,215 |
is_atm_available | Is there an ATM? | 16% | 3,215 |
mandi | Is there a mandi (agricultural market)? | 16% | 3,215 |
is_handloom | Are handlooms prevalent? | 16% | 3,215 |
is_bee_farming | Is bee keeping prevalent? | 16% | 3,215 |
weekly_haat | Availablity of weekly haat | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_lactating_mothers | Number of lactating mothers | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd | Total household count (2020) | 16% | 3,215 |
Total rural population (2020) | 16% | 3,215 | |
availability_of_high_school | Is a high school available? | 16% | 3,215 |
is_village_connected_to_all_weat | Is there an all-weather road? | 16% | 3,215 |
open_kuchha_drainage | Presence of open kuccha drain | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_public_library | Is a public library available? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_pregnant_women | Total number of pregnant women | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_middle_school | Is a middle school available? | 16% | 3,215 |
canal | Is canal irrigation being used? | 16% | 3,214 |
is_fertilizer_shop_available | Is there a fertilizer shop? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_registered_children_ | Number of children in Anganwadi | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_panchayat_bhawan | Are there any panchayat bhawans? | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_primary_school | Is a primary school available? | 16% | 3,215 |
regular_market | Is there a regular market? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_anemic_pregnant_women | Number of anaemic pregnant women | 16% | 3,215 |
is_handicrafts | Is there a handicrafts industry? | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_community_forest | Availability of community forest | 16% | 3,215 |
pc11_land_area | Population Census 2011 land area | 16% | 3,214 |
availability_of_railway_station | Is a railway station present? | 16% | 3,215 |
area_irrigated_in_hac | Total irrigated area (in hectare) | 16% | 3,214 |
telephone_services | Are telephone services available? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_shg | Number of Self Help Groups (SHGs) | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_elected_representati | Number of elected representatives | 16% | 3,215 |
male_population | Total rural male population (2020) | 16% | 3,215 |
total_grd_and_pg_in_village | Number of graduates/post-graduates | 16% | 3,215 |
total_anemic_adolescent_girls | Number of anaemic adolescent girls | 16% | 3,215 |
closed_drainage | Presence of closed drainage system | 16% | 3,215 |
sub_centre | Is there a health sub-centre? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_cultivable_area_in_hac | Total cultivable area (in hectares) | 16% | 3,214 |
public_transport | Is public transportation available? | 16% | 3,215 |
is_primary_school_with_playgroun | Do primary schools have playground? | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_govt_degree_coll | Is there a degree granting college? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_male_child_age_bw_0_6 | Number of male children (0-6 years) | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_solor_wind_energ | Is solar/wind electricity available? | 16% | 3,215 |
female_population | Total rural female population (2020) | 16% | 3,215 |
is_soil_testing_centre_available | Is there a soil testing centre? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_unirrigated_land_area_in_h | Total unirrigated area (in hectares) | 16% | 3,214 |
is_primary_school_with_electrici | Do primary schools have electricity? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_female_child_age_bw_0_6 | Number of female children (0-6 years) | 16% | 3,215 |
any_primary_sch_toilet | Number of primary schools with toilet | 17% | 3,188 |
surface_water | Is anyone using surface water irrigation? | 16% | 3,214 |
availability_of_adult_edu_centre | Availability of adult education centre | 16% | 3,215 |
phc | Is there a primary health centre? | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_fish_farming | Are community ponds used for fisheries? | 16% | 3,215 |
is_primary_school_with_computer_ | Do primary schools have a computer lab? | 16% | 3,215 |
is_primary_school_have_drinking_ | Do primary schools have drinking water? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_primary_school_students | Number of students in primary school(s) | 16% | 3,215 |
total_primary_school_teachers | Number of teachers in primary school(s) | 16% | 3,215 |
no_of_children_not_attending_sch | Number of children not attending school | 16% | 3,215 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years_i | Number of children aged 0-3 years immunized | 16% | 3,215 |
total_shg_accessed_bank_loans | Number of SHGs that accessed bank loans | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_minor_forest_pro | Availability of minor forest production | 16% | 3,215 |
ground_water | Is anyone using ground water irrigation? | 16% | 3,214 |
is_govt_seed_centre_available | Is there a government seed centre? | 16% | 3,215 |
is_broadband_available | Is there an internet/broadband facility? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_mobilized_into_shg | Number of households mobilized into SHGs | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_farmers_registered_u | Number of farmers registered under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana (PMKPY) | 16% | 3,215 |
other_irrigation | Availability of oher irrigation sources | 16% | 3,214 |
chc | Is there a community health centre? | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_watershed_dev_pr | Is there a Watershed Development project? | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_mother_child_hea | Is there a maternal health facility? | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_ssc_school | Is there a higher/senior secondary school? | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_cottage_small_sc | Presence of cottage and small scale units (fabrication/ construction material/ dairy based/ textile etc.) units | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_poultry_dev_proj | Any project supporting poultry development? | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_goatary_dev_proj | Any project supporting goatery development? | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_pigery_developme | Any project supporting piggery development? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_availing_pmuy_benefits | Number of households availing Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) benefits | 16% | 3,215 |
is_community_waste_disposal_syst | Is there a community waste disposal system? | 16% | 3,215 |
is_sericulture | Is sericulture (silk production) prevalent? | 16% | 3,215 |
open_uncovered_drainage | Presence of open uncovered drainage system | 16% | 3,215 |
fpo | Are there any Farmer produce organizations? | 16% | 3,215 |
is_aanganwadi_centre_available | Is there an aanganwadi child care centre? | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_food_storage_war | Is there a warehouse for food grain storage? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_having_bpl_cards | Number of Households having BPL ration cards | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_eligible_beneficiari | Number of eligible beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana | 16% | 3,215 |
is_veterinary_hospital_available | Is a veterinary clinic or hospital available? | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_fish_community_p | Is any pisciculture community project present? (inland fishery/ coastal fishery/ any other) | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_elect_supply_to_ | Is electricity supply available to MSME units? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_with_more_than_2_child | Number of households with more than 2 children | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_having_piped_water_con | Number of households having piped water connection | 16% | 3,215 |
is_post_office_available | Is there a post office / sub-post office? | 16% | 3,215 |
is_pds_available | Is public distribution system (PDS) available? | 16% | 3,215 |
net_sown_area_rabi_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during the rabi growing season | 16% | 3,214 |
no_of_farmers_using_drip_sprinkl | Number of farmers using drip/sprinkler irrigation | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_with_kuccha_wall_kucch | Number of households with kuccha wall and kuccha roof | 16% | 3,215 |
piped_water_fully_covered | Is piped tap water available in every habitation? | 16% | 3,215 |
is_common_pastures_available | Are there common pastures as per revenue records? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_availing_pmjdy_bank_ac | Number of households having Jan-Dhan bank account | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_not_having_sanitary_la | Number of households not having sanitary latrines | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_farmers_subscribed_a | Number of farmers in the age of 18-40 years who have subscribed to Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana (PMKPY) | 16% | 3,215 |
total_approved_labour_budget_for | Total approved labour budget for the year 2018-19 | 16% | 3,215 |
open_covered_drainage | Presence of open drainage covered with tile slabs | 16% | 3,215 |
net_sown_area_other_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during any other growing season | 16% | 3,214 |
availability_of_jan_aushadhi_ken | Are there any pharmacies under Jan Aushadhi Kendra? | 16% | 3,215 |
net_sown_area_kharif_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during the kharif growing season | 16% | 3,214 |
availability_of_aquaculture_ext_ | Are extension facilities for aquaculture available? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_pregnant_women_recei | Number of pregnant women receiving services under ICDS | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_mid_day_meal_sch | Is mid day meal scheme available in primary schools? | 16% | 3,215 |
is_early_childhood_edu_provided_ | Is early childhood education provided in Anganwadis? | 16% | 3,215 |
no_electricity | Does the village have no electricity? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_with_clean_energy | Number of households using clean energy (LPG/ biogas) | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_newly_born_children | Number of newly born children during the year 2018-19 | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_newly_born_underweig | Number of newly born children during the year 2018-19 | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_farmers_adopted_organic | Number of farmers who adopted organic farming during 2018-19 | 16% | 3,215 |
csc | Is there a Common Service Centre (CSC) in the village? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_lactating_mothers_re | Number of lactating mothers receiving services under ICDS | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_beneficiaries_receiv | Number of beneficiaries receiving benefits under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_farmers_add_fert_in_ | Number of farmers who received the soil testing report | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_engaged_in_farm_activi | Number of households engaged majorly in farm activities | 16% | 3,215 |
livestock_ext_services | Does the village have any livestock extension services? | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_custom_hiring_ce | Does the village have access to custom hiring centre (agricultural equipment)? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_children_in_icds_cas | Total Number of children in ICDS Common Application Software | 16% | 3,215 |
total_area_covered_under_irrigat | Total area covered under irrigation using drip sprinkler | 16% | 3,214 |
total_minority_children_getting_ | Number of SC/ST/OBC/minority children getting scholarship | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_shg_promoted | Number of SHGs federated into Village Organisations (VOs) | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_mobilized_into_pg | Number of households mobilized into Producer Groups (PGs) | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_children_0_to_6_year | Total number of children (0-6 years) immunized under ICDS | 16% | 3,215 |
is_bank_buss_correspondent_with_ | Do the business correspondents have internet connectivity? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_engaged_in_non_farm_ac | Number of households engaged majorly in Numbern-farm activities | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_in_pmay_permanent_wait | Number of households who are in the PMAY permanent waitlist | 16% | 3,215 |
recreational_centre | Are there any recreational centres/ sports playground, etc? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years_r | Number of children aged 0-3 years registered in Aanganwadis | 16% | 3,215 |
total_childs_aged_3_to_6_years_r | Number of children aged 3-6 years registered in Aanganwadis | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_have_got_pmay_house | Number of households who have received a PMAY House (completed or sanctioned) | 16% | 3,215 |
total_underweight_child_age_unde | Number of children under the age of 6 years who are underweight | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_having_solor_wind_ener | Number of households electrified by solar energy/ wind energy | 76% | 910 |
total_trained_trainee_under_skil | Number of trainees trained under any skill development program | 16% | 3,215 |
is_community_biogas_waste_recycl | Is there community level biogas waste recycling for production? | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_in_perm_waitlist_under | Number of households who are in the permanent wait list of a state specific housing scheme | 16% | 3,215 |
total_childs_categorized_non_stu | Number of children categorized as non-stunted as per ICDS record | 16% | 3,215 |
total_minority_hh_provided_bank_ | Number of SC/ST/OBC/minority households that received bank loans | 16% | 3,215 |
gp_total_hhd_receiving_food_grai | Number of households receiving food grains from Fair Price shops | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_having_pmsbhgy_benefit | Number of households availing the benefits under Saubhagya scheme | 16% | 3,215 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years | Number of children in the age group of 0-3 years | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_farm_gate_proces | Availability of primary processing facilities at the village level | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_engaged_cottage_small_ | Number of households engaged in cottage and small scale production (fabrication, construction material, dairy, textile etc.) | 78% | 852 |
total_hhd_registered_under_pmjay | Number of households registered for health insurance services under Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)/ state specific health insurance schemes | 16% | 3,215 |
public_info_board | Availability of public information board under People's Plan campaign | 16% | 3,215 |
gp_total_hhd_eligible_under_nfsa | Number of eligible households under National Food Security Act (NFSA) | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_elect_rep_undergone_ | Number of elected representatives who underwent refresher training under Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_milk_routes | Availability of milk collection centre /milk routes / chilling centres | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_got_benefit_under_stat | Number of households who have received benefits from any state-specific housing scheme | 16% | 3,215 |
internal_pucca_road | Is the village fully covered by an internal pucca road? | 16% | 3,215 |
is_vocational_edu_centre_availab | Availability of vocational training centre/polytechnic/ITI/RSETI /DDU-GKY | 16% | 3,215 |
no_of_physically_challenged_recv | Number of physically challenged persons who received implants and appliances | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_availing_pension_under | Number of households getting pensions under National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) (Old Age/Disability/Widow/National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS)) | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_women_delivered_babi | Number of women who delivered babies at hospitals and are registered with ASHA Anganwadi workers | 16% | 3,215 |
gp_total_no_of_eligible_benefici | Number of eligible beneficiaries under Aayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any state government health scheme | 16% | 3,215 |
availability_of_rain_harvest_sys | Availability of community rainwater harvesting system, pond, dam, check dam, etc. | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_elect_rep_oriented_u | Number of elected representatives oriented under Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan | 16% | 3,215 |
gp_total_no_of_beneficiaries_rec | Number of beneficiaries receiving benefits under Aayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt Health scheme | 16% | 3,215 |
total_expenditure_approved_under | Total expenditure approved under NRM in the labour budget for the year 2018-19 | 16% | 3,215 |
total_hhd_source_of_minor_forest | Number of households where only source of livelihood is minor forest production | 79% | 802 |
total_no_of_farmers_received_ben | Number of farmers who received benefits under PMFBY (Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana) | 16% | 3,215 |
total_no_of_young_anemic_childre | Number of young anaemic children in ICDS Common Application Software (6-59 months) | 16% | 3,215 |
Table Information (AC08)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
2008 Assembly Constituency | antyodaya_con08.dta | ac08_id |
Variable Information (AC08)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
total_no_of_farmers | Number of farmers | 18% | 3,004 |
net_sown_area_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) | 18% | 3,001 |
is_bank_available | Is there a bank? | 18% | 3,004 |
is_atm_available | Is there an ATM? | 18% | 3,004 |
mandi | Is there a mandi (agricultural market)? | 18% | 3,004 |
is_handloom | Are handlooms prevalent? | 18% | 3,004 |
is_bee_farming | Is bee keeping prevalent? | 18% | 3,004 |
weekly_haat | Availablity of weekly haat | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_lactating_mothers | Number of lactating mothers | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd | Total household count (2020) | 18% | 3,004 |
Total rural population (2020) | 18% | 3,004 | |
availability_of_high_school | Is a high school available? | 18% | 3,004 |
is_village_connected_to_all_weat | Is there an all-weather road? | 18% | 3,004 |
open_kuchha_drainage | Presence of open kuccha drain | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_public_library | Is a public library available? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_pregnant_women | Total number of pregnant women | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_middle_school | Is a middle school available? | 18% | 3,004 |
canal | Is canal irrigation being used? | 18% | 3,001 |
is_fertilizer_shop_available | Is there a fertilizer shop? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_registered_children_ | Number of children in Anganwadi | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_panchayat_bhawan | Are there any panchayat bhawans? | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_primary_school | Is a primary school available? | 18% | 3,004 |
regular_market | Is there a regular market? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_anemic_pregnant_women | Number of anaemic pregnant women | 18% | 3,004 |
is_handicrafts | Is there a handicrafts industry? | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_community_forest | Availability of community forest | 18% | 3,004 |
pc11_land_area | Population Census 2011 land area | 18% | 3,001 |
availability_of_railway_station | Is a railway station present? | 18% | 3,004 |
area_irrigated_in_hac | Total irrigated area (in hectare) | 18% | 3,001 |
telephone_services | Are telephone services available? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_shg | Number of Self Help Groups (SHGs) | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_elected_representati | Number of elected representatives | 18% | 3,004 |
male_population | Total rural male population (2020) | 18% | 3,004 |
total_grd_and_pg_in_village | Number of graduates/post-graduates | 18% | 3,004 |
total_anemic_adolescent_girls | Number of anaemic adolescent girls | 18% | 3,004 |
closed_drainage | Presence of closed drainage system | 18% | 3,004 |
sub_centre | Is there a health sub-centre? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_cultivable_area_in_hac | Total cultivable area (in hectares) | 18% | 3,001 |
public_transport | Is public transportation available? | 18% | 3,004 |
is_primary_school_with_playgroun | Do primary schools have playground? | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_govt_degree_coll | Is there a degree granting college? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_male_child_age_bw_0_6 | Number of male children (0-6 years) | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_solor_wind_energ | Is solar/wind electricity available? | 18% | 3,004 |
female_population | Total rural female population (2020) | 18% | 3,004 |
is_soil_testing_centre_available | Is there a soil testing centre? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_unirrigated_land_area_in_h | Total unirrigated area (in hectares) | 18% | 3,001 |
is_primary_school_with_electrici | Do primary schools have electricity? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_female_child_age_bw_0_6 | Number of female children (0-6 years) | 18% | 3,004 |
any_primary_sch_toilet | Number of primary schools with toilet | 18% | 2,989 |
surface_water | Is anyone using surface water irrigation? | 18% | 3,001 |
availability_of_adult_edu_centre | Availability of adult education centre | 18% | 3,004 |
phc | Is there a primary health centre? | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_fish_farming | Are community ponds used for fisheries? | 18% | 3,004 |
is_primary_school_with_computer_ | Do primary schools have a computer lab? | 18% | 3,004 |
is_primary_school_have_drinking_ | Do primary schools have drinking water? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_primary_school_students | Number of students in primary school(s) | 18% | 3,004 |
total_primary_school_teachers | Number of teachers in primary school(s) | 18% | 3,004 |
no_of_children_not_attending_sch | Number of children not attending school | 18% | 3,004 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years_i | Number of children aged 0-3 years immunized | 18% | 3,004 |
total_shg_accessed_bank_loans | Number of SHGs that accessed bank loans | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_minor_forest_pro | Availability of minor forest production | 18% | 3,004 |
ground_water | Is anyone using ground water irrigation? | 18% | 3,001 |
is_govt_seed_centre_available | Is there a government seed centre? | 18% | 3,004 |
is_broadband_available | Is there an internet/broadband facility? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_mobilized_into_shg | Number of households mobilized into SHGs | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_farmers_registered_u | Number of farmers registered under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana (PMKPY) | 18% | 3,004 |
other_irrigation | Availability of oher irrigation sources | 18% | 3,001 |
chc | Is there a community health centre? | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_watershed_dev_pr | Is there a Watershed Development project? | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_mother_child_hea | Is there a maternal health facility? | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_ssc_school | Is there a higher/senior secondary school? | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_cottage_small_sc | Presence of cottage and small scale units (fabrication/ construction material/ dairy based/ textile etc.) units | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_poultry_dev_proj | Any project supporting poultry development? | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_goatary_dev_proj | Any project supporting goatery development? | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_pigery_developme | Any project supporting piggery development? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_availing_pmuy_benefits | Number of households availing Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) benefits | 18% | 3,004 |
is_community_waste_disposal_syst | Is there a community waste disposal system? | 18% | 3,004 |
is_sericulture | Is sericulture (silk production) prevalent? | 18% | 3,004 |
open_uncovered_drainage | Presence of open uncovered drainage system | 18% | 3,004 |
fpo | Are there any Farmer produce organizations? | 18% | 3,004 |
is_aanganwadi_centre_available | Is there an aanganwadi child care centre? | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_food_storage_war | Is there a warehouse for food grain storage? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_having_bpl_cards | Number of Households having BPL ration cards | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_eligible_beneficiari | Number of eligible beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana | 18% | 3,004 |
is_veterinary_hospital_available | Is a veterinary clinic or hospital available? | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_fish_community_p | Is any pisciculture community project present? (inland fishery/ coastal fishery/ any other) | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_elect_supply_to_ | Is electricity supply available to MSME units? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_with_more_than_2_child | Number of households with more than 2 children | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_having_piped_water_con | Number of households having piped water connection | 18% | 3,004 |
is_post_office_available | Is there a post office / sub-post office? | 18% | 3,004 |
is_pds_available | Is public distribution system (PDS) available? | 18% | 3,004 |
net_sown_area_rabi_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during the rabi growing season | 18% | 3,001 |
no_of_farmers_using_drip_sprinkl | Number of farmers using drip/sprinkler irrigation | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_with_kuccha_wall_kucch | Number of households with kuccha wall and kuccha roof | 18% | 3,004 |
piped_water_fully_covered | Is piped tap water available in every habitation? | 18% | 3,004 |
is_common_pastures_available | Are there common pastures as per revenue records? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_availing_pmjdy_bank_ac | Number of households having Jan-Dhan bank account | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_not_having_sanitary_la | Number of households not having sanitary latrines | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_farmers_subscribed_a | Number of farmers in the age of 18-40 years who have subscribed to Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana (PMKPY) | 18% | 3,004 |
total_approved_labour_budget_for | Total approved labour budget for the year 2018-19 | 18% | 3,004 |
open_covered_drainage | Presence of open drainage covered with tile slabs | 18% | 3,004 |
net_sown_area_other_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during any other growing season | 18% | 3,001 |
availability_of_jan_aushadhi_ken | Are there any pharmacies under Jan Aushadhi Kendra? | 18% | 3,004 |
net_sown_area_kharif_in_hac | Net sown area (ha) during the kharif growing season | 18% | 3,001 |
availability_of_aquaculture_ext_ | Are extension facilities for aquaculture available? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_pregnant_women_recei | Number of pregnant women receiving services under ICDS | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_mid_day_meal_sch | Is mid day meal scheme available in primary schools? | 18% | 3,004 |
is_early_childhood_edu_provided_ | Is early childhood education provided in Anganwadis? | 18% | 3,004 |
no_electricity | Does the village have no electricity? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_with_clean_energy | Number of households using clean energy (LPG/ biogas) | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_newly_born_children | Number of newly born children during the year 2018-19 | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_newly_born_underweig | Number of newly born children during the year 2018-19 | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_farmers_adopted_organic | Number of farmers who adopted organic farming during 2018-19 | 18% | 3,004 |
csc | Is there a Common Service Centre (CSC) in the village? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_lactating_mothers_re | Number of lactating mothers receiving services under ICDS | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_beneficiaries_receiv | Number of beneficiaries receiving benefits under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_farmers_add_fert_in_ | Number of farmers who received the soil testing report | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_engaged_in_farm_activi | Number of households engaged majorly in farm activities | 18% | 3,004 |
livestock_ext_services | Does the village have any livestock extension services? | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_custom_hiring_ce | Does the village have access to custom hiring centre (agricultural equipment)? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_children_in_icds_cas | Total Number of children in ICDS Common Application Software | 18% | 3,004 |
total_area_covered_under_irrigat | Total area covered under irrigation using drip sprinkler | 18% | 3,001 |
total_minority_children_getting_ | Number of SC/ST/OBC/minority children getting scholarship | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_shg_promoted | Number of SHGs federated into Village Organisations (VOs) | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_mobilized_into_pg | Number of households mobilized into Producer Groups (PGs) | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_children_0_to_6_year | Total number of children (0-6 years) immunized under ICDS | 18% | 3,004 |
is_bank_buss_correspondent_with_ | Do the business correspondents have internet connectivity? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_engaged_in_non_farm_ac | Number of households engaged majorly in Numbern-farm activities | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_in_pmay_permanent_wait | Number of households who are in the PMAY permanent waitlist | 18% | 3,004 |
recreational_centre | Are there any recreational centres/ sports playground, etc? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years_r | Number of children aged 0-3 years registered in Aanganwadis | 18% | 3,004 |
total_childs_aged_3_to_6_years_r | Number of children aged 3-6 years registered in Aanganwadis | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_have_got_pmay_house | Number of households who have received a PMAY House (completed or sanctioned) | 18% | 3,004 |
total_underweight_child_age_unde | Number of children under the age of 6 years who are underweight | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_having_solor_wind_ener | Number of households electrified by solar energy/ wind energy | 77% | 851 |
total_trained_trainee_under_skil | Number of trainees trained under any skill development program | 18% | 3,004 |
is_community_biogas_waste_recycl | Is there community level biogas waste recycling for production? | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_in_perm_waitlist_under | Number of households who are in the permanent wait list of a state specific housing scheme | 18% | 3,004 |
total_childs_categorized_non_stu | Number of children categorized as non-stunted as per ICDS record | 18% | 3,004 |
total_minority_hh_provided_bank_ | Number of SC/ST/OBC/minority households that received bank loans | 18% | 3,004 |
gp_total_hhd_receiving_food_grai | Number of households receiving food grains from Fair Price shops | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_having_pmsbhgy_benefit | Number of households availing the benefits under Saubhagya scheme | 18% | 3,004 |
total_childs_aged_0_to_3_years | Number of children in the age group of 0-3 years | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_farm_gate_proces | Availability of primary processing facilities at the village level | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_engaged_cottage_small_ | Number of households engaged in cottage and small scale production (fabrication, construction material, dairy, textile etc.) | 78% | 817 |
total_hhd_registered_under_pmjay | Number of households registered for health insurance services under Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)/ state specific health insurance schemes | 18% | 3,004 |
public_info_board | Availability of public information board under People's Plan campaign | 18% | 3,004 |
gp_total_hhd_eligible_under_nfsa | Number of eligible households under National Food Security Act (NFSA) | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_elect_rep_undergone_ | Number of elected representatives who underwent refresher training under Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_milk_routes | Availability of milk collection centre /milk routes / chilling centres | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_got_benefit_under_stat | Number of households who have received benefits from any state-specific housing scheme | 18% | 3,004 |
internal_pucca_road | Is the village fully covered by an internal pucca road? | 18% | 3,004 |
is_vocational_edu_centre_availab | Availability of vocational training centre/polytechnic/ITI/RSETI /DDU-GKY | 18% | 3,004 |
no_of_physically_challenged_recv | Number of physically challenged persons who received implants and appliances | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_availing_pension_under | Number of households getting pensions under National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) (Old Age/Disability/Widow/National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS)) | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_women_delivered_babi | Number of women who delivered babies at hospitals and are registered with ASHA Anganwadi workers | 18% | 3,004 |
gp_total_no_of_eligible_benefici | Number of eligible beneficiaries under Aayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any state government health scheme | 18% | 3,004 |
availability_of_rain_harvest_sys | Availability of community rainwater harvesting system, pond, dam, check dam, etc. | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_elect_rep_oriented_u | Number of elected representatives oriented under Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan | 18% | 3,004 |
gp_total_no_of_beneficiaries_rec | Number of beneficiaries receiving benefits under Aayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt Health scheme | 18% | 3,004 |
total_expenditure_approved_under | Total expenditure approved under NRM in the labour budget for the year 2018-19 | 18% | 3,004 |
total_hhd_source_of_minor_forest | Number of households where only source of livelihood is minor forest production | 79% | 757 |
total_no_of_farmers_received_ben | Number of farmers who received benefits under PMFBY (Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana) | 18% | 3,004 |
total_no_of_young_anemic_childre | Number of young anaemic children in ICDS Common Application Software (6-59 months) | 18% | 3,004 |
- Missing %: Proportion of observations with missing data
- Zero %: Proportion of observations with zero values
- Canary variable: The
indicates the canary variable for imputation, see this link for more details about the imputation algorithm.