2011 Population Census Town Directory⚓︎
Table Summary⚓︎
Town Directory provides information on population growth, physical, economic, civic and development parameters of each notified town in India.
File Metadata⚓︎
Table Information (SHRID)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
SHRID | pc11_td_clean_shrid.dta | shrid2 |
Variable Information (SHRID)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
pc11_td_k_road | Total length of urban paved roads (km) | 5% | 7,330 |
pc11_td_disp | Number of urban dispensary and/or health centres | 1% | 7,617 |
pc11_td_f_w_ctr | Number of urban family welfare centres | 1% | 7,608 |
pc11_td_mc_w_ctr | Number of urban maternity and child welfare centres | 1% | 7,608 |
pc11_td_mh_clinic | Number of urban mobile health clinics | 1% | 7,605 |
pc11_td_middle_gov | Number of urban government middle schools | 5% | 7,310 |
pc11_td_sec_gov | Number of urban government secondary schools | 0% | 7,647 |
pc11_td_primary_gov | Number of urban government primary schools | 0% | 7,648 |
pc11_td_m_sc | Total Scheduled Castes Male Population of Town (2011 Population Census Town Directory) | 1% | 7,622 |
pc11_td_f_sc | Total Scheduled Castes Female Population of Town | 1% | 7,622 |
pc11_td_m_st | Total Scheduled Tribes Male Population of Town (2011 Population Census Town Directory) | 0% | 7,648 |
pc11_td_f_st | Total Scheduled Tribes Female Population of Town | 0% | 7,648 |
pc11_td_p_lib_gov | Govt.-Public Library | 3% | 7,480 |
pc11_tot_p | Total population, 2011 | 0% | 7,650 |
pc11_td_no_hh | Total Households | 0% | 7,649 |
Total Population of Town | 0% | 7,650 | |
pc11_td_tot_m | Total Male Population of Town | 0% | 7,648 |
pc11_td_tot_f | Total Female Population of Town | 0% | 7,648 |
pc11_td_p_sc2 | Total Scheduled Castes Population of Town | 1% | 7,622 |
pc11_td_p_st2 | Total Scheduled Tribes Population of Town | 0% | 7,648 |
pc11_td_area | Area (sq. km.) | 1% | 7,612 |
pc11_td_no_hh_hless | Number of Households including Houseless Households (2011 Census) | 14% | 6,630 |
pc11_td_p_sc | Scheduled Castes Population (2011 Census) | 13% | 6,692 |
pc11_td_p_st | Scheduled Tribes Population (2011 Census) | 12% | 6,753 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1901 | Town Population (Census 1901) | 68% | 2,428 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1911 | Town Population (Census 1911) | 68% | 2,473 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1921 | Town Population (Census 1921) | 67% | 2,561 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1931 | Town Population (Census 1931) | 65% | 2,662 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1941 | Town Population (Census 1941) | 64% | 2,761 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1951 | Town Population (Census 1951) | 61% | 2,959 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1961 | Town Population (Census 1961) | 62% | 2,938 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1971 | Town Population (Census 1971) | 59% | 3,170 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1981 | Town Population (Census 1981) | 52% | 3,714 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1991 | Town Population (Census 1991) | 46% | 4,119 |
pc11_td_tot_p_2001 | Town Population (Census 2001) | 31% | 5,308 |
pc11_td_tot_p_2011 | Town Population (Census 2011) | 15% | 6,554 |
pc11_td_avg_rain | Rainfall (mm.) | 6% | 7,229 |
pc11_td_max_temp | Maximum Temperature (in centigrade) | 4% | 7,338 |
pc11_td_min_temp | Minimum Temperature (in centigrade) | 5% | 7,333 |
pc11_td_sh_dist | State H.Q. Road Distance (in kms.) | 4% | 7,408 |
pc11_td_dh_dist | District H.Q. Road Distance (in kms.) | 3% | 7,476 |
pc11_td_sdt_dist | Distance to subdistrict HQ | 4% | 7,398 |
pc11_td_city_dist | Nearest Ciity with Population of 1 Lakh and more Road Distance (in kms.) | 3% | 7,484 |
pc11_td_city5_dist | Nearest Ciity with Population of 5 Lakh and more Road Distance (in kms.) | 3% | 7,437 |
pc11_td_rail_dist | Railway Station Road Distance (in kms) | 4% | 7,375 |
pc11_td_br_dist | Bus Route Road Distance (in kms.) | 15% | 6,544 |
pc11_td_p_road | Kutcha Road Length (in kms.) | 11% | 6,856 |
pc11_td_lat_pit | Latrines-Pit | 4% | 7,347 |
pc11_td_lat_flush | Latrines-Flush/Pour Flush | 4% | 7,377 |
pc11_td_lat_service | Latrines-Service | 12% | 6,722 |
pc11_td_lat_oth | Latrines-Others | 9% | 7,020 |
pc11_td_sys_stor1_kl | Capacity Source-1 (in kilo-litres) | 20% | 6,123 |
pc11_td_sys_stor2_kl | Capacity Source-2 (in kilo-litres) | 82% | 1,374 |
pc11_td_sys_stor3_kl | Capacity Source-3 (in kilo-litres) | 87% | 1,006 |
pc11_td_sys_stor4_kl | Capacity Source-4 (in kilo-litres) | 89% | 865 |
pc11_td_sys_stor5_kl | Capacity Source-5 (in kilo-litres) | 90% | 739 |
pc11_td_fire_f_ser | Fire Fighting Service | 56% | 3,362 |
pc11_td_fire_dist | If Staus -2 Nearest Fire Fighting Service Location Distance (Kms) | 35% | 5,014 |
pc11_td_el_dom | Electricity-Domestic Connection | 3% | 7,427 |
pc11_td_el_ind | Electricity-Industrial Connection | 6% | 7,228 |
pc11_td_el_com | Electricity-Commercial Connection | 5% | 7,267 |
pc11_td_el_road_l | Electricity-Road Lighting Connection | 4% | 7,381 |
pc11_td_el_others | Electricity-Others Connection | 9% | 6,959 |
pc11_td_all_hospital | Hospital Allopathic | 2% | 7,527 |
pc11_td_allh_beds | Hospital Allopathic Beds | 2% | 7,499 |
pc11_td_allh_doc_tot | Hospital Allopathic Doctors-Total Strength | 2% | 7,496 |
pc11_td_allh_doc_pos | Hospital Allopathic Doctors-In Position | 3% | 7,471 |
pc11_td_allh_pmed_tot | Hospital Allopathic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 3% | 7,460 |
pc11_td_allh_pmed_pos | Hospital Allopathic Para Medical Staff-In Postion | 3% | 7,457 |
pc11_td_allh_dist | Hospital Allopathic Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 4% | 7,338 |
pc11_td_alt_hospital | Hospital Alternative Medicine | 1% | 7,583 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_beds | Hospital Alternative Medicine Beds | 2% | 7,553 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_doc_tot | Hospital Alternative Medicine Doctors-Total Strength | 1% | 7,568 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_doc_pos | Hospital Alternative Medicine Doctors-In Position | 2% | 7,566 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_pmed_tot | Hospital Alternative Medicine Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 2% | 7,558 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_pmed_pos | Hospital Alternative Medicine Para Medical Staff-In Position | 2% | 7,557 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_dist | Hospital Alternative Medicine Nearest facility Distance(in kms.) | 6% | 7,222 |
pc11_td_disp_beds | Dispensary/Health Centre Beds | 4% | 7,339 |
pc11_td_disp_doc_tot | Dispensary/Health Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 4% | 7,408 |
pc11_td_disp_doc_pos | Dispensary/Health Centre Doctors-In Position | 4% | 7,395 |
pc11_td_disp_pmed_tot | Dispensary/Health Centre Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 3% | 7,418 |
pc11_td_disp_pmed_pos | Dispensary/Health Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 4% | 7,399 |
pc11_td_disp_dist | Dispensary/Health Centre Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 5% | 7,313 |
pc11_td_fwc_beds | Family Welfare Centre Beds | 3% | 7,464 |
pc11_td_fwc_doc_tot | Family Welfare Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 2% | 7,503 |
pc11_td_fwc_doc_pos | Family Welfare Centre Doctors-In Position | 2% | 7,502 |
pc11_td_fwc_pmed_tot | Family Welfare Centre Doctors Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 2% | 7,514 |
pc11_td_fwc_pmed_pos | Family Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 2% | 7,509 |
pc11_td_fwc_dist | Family Welfare Centre Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 6% | 7,194 |
pc11_td_mcwc_beds | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Beds | 3% | 7,463 |
pc11_td_mcwc_doc_tot | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 2% | 7,526 |
pc11_td_mcwc_doc_pos | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Doctors-In Position | 2% | 7,524 |
pc11_td_mcmw_pmed_tot | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 2% | 7,527 |
pc11_td_mcwc_pmed_pos | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 2% | 7,526 |
pc11_td_mcwc_dist | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 5% | 7,284 |
pc11_td_mh_cnt | Maternity Home | 1% | 7,603 |
pc11_td_mh_beds | Maternity Home Beds | 2% | 7,531 |
pc11_td_mh_doc_tot | Maternity Home Doctors-Total Strength | 2% | 7,550 |
pc11_td_mh_doc_pos | Maternity Home Doctors-In Position | 2% | 7,545 |
pc11_td_mh_pmed_tot | Maternity Home Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 2% | 7,544 |
pc11_td_mh_pmed_pos | Maternity Home Para Medical Staff-In position | 2% | 7,544 |
pc11_td_mh_dist | Maternity Home Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 5% | 7,262 |
pc11_td_tb_clinic | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic | 1% | 7,609 |
pc11_td_tbc_beds | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Beds | 2% | 7,492 |
pc11_td_tbc_doc_tot | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Doctors-Total Strength | 2% | 7,535 |
pc11_td_tbc_doc_pos | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Doctors-In Position | 2% | 7,532 |
pc11_td_tbc_pmed_tot | T.B. Hospital/Clinic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 2% | 7,535 |
pc11_td_tbc_pmed_pos | T.B. Hospital/Clinic Para Medical Staff-In position | 2% | 7,533 |
pc11_td_tbc_dist | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 5% | 7,266 |
pc11_td_nur_homes | Nursing Home | 1% | 7,592 |
pc11_td_nh_beds | Nursing Home Beds | 2% | 7,553 |
pc11_td_nh_doc_tot | Nursing Home Doctors-Total Strength | 2% | 7,542 |
pc11_td_nh_doc_pos | Nursing Home Doctor-In Postion | 2% | 7,539 |
pc11_td_nh_pmed_tot | Nursing Home Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 2% | 7,532 |
pc11_td_nh_pmed_pos | Nursing Home Para Medical Staff-In Position | 2% | 7,532 |
pc11_td_nh_dist | Nursing Home Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 28% | 5,524 |
pc11_td_veth_cnt | Veterinary Hospital | 1% | 7,609 |
pc11_td_veth_beds | Veterinary Hospital Beds | 8% | 7,092 |
pc11_td_veth_doc_tot | Veterinary Hospital Doctors-Total Strength | 2% | 7,524 |
pc11_td_veth_doc_pos | Veterinary Hospital Doctors-In Position | 2% | 7,516 |
pc11_td_veth_pmed_tot | Veterinary Hospital Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 3% | 7,487 |
pc11_td_veth_pmed_pos | Veterinary Hospital Para Medical Staff-In Position | 3% | 7,482 |
pc11_td_veth_dist | Veterinary Hospital Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 6% | 7,239 |
pc11_td_mhc_beds | Mobile Health Clinic Beds | 1% | 7,570 |
pc11_td_mhc_doc_tot | Mobile Health Clinic Doctors-Total Strength | 1% | 7,578 |
pc11_td_mhc_doc_pos | Mobile Health Clinic Doctors-In Postion | 1% | 7,576 |
pc11_td_mhc_pmed_tot | Mobile Health Clinic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 1% | 7,579 |
pc11_td_mhc_pmed_pos | Mobile Health Clinic Para Medical Staff-In poistion | 1% | 7,581 |
pc11_td_mhc_dist | Mobile Health Clinic Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 8% | 7,074 |
pc11_td_med_oth | Others | 5% | 7,326 |
pc11_td_med_oth_beds | Others Beds | 5% | 7,278 |
pc11_td_med_oth_doc_tot | Others Doctors-Total Strength | 5% | 7,272 |
pc11_td_med_oth_doc_pos | Others Doctors-In Position | 5% | 7,273 |
pc11_td_med_oth_pmed_tot | Others Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 5% | 7,279 |
pc11_td_med_oth_pmed_pos | Others Para Medical Staff-In Position | 5% | 7,279 |
pc11_td_med_oth_dist | Others Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 36% | 4,879 |
pc11_td_out_pat | Non-Government Out-Patient | 1% | 7,579 |
pc11_td_in_out_pat | Non-Government In and Out Patient | 2% | 7,512 |
pc11_td_c_hosp_home | Non-Government Charitable-Hospital/Nursing Home | 3% | 7,443 |
pc11_td_med_shop | Non-Government Medicine Shop | 1% | 7,584 |
pc11_td_primary_gov_status | Govt. Primary School | 0% | 7,649 |
pc11_td_primary_priv_status | Private Primary School | 0% | 7,650 |
pc11_td_primary_priv | Private Primary School | 0% | 7,650 |
pc11_td_prim_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 89% | 816 |
pc11_td_middle_gov_status | Govt. Middle School | 5% | 7,312 |
pc11_td_middle_priv_status | Private Middle School | 5% | 7,312 |
pc11_td_middle_priv | Private Middle School | 6% | 7,218 |
pc11_td_middle_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 85% | 1,137 |
pc11_td_sec_gov_status | Govt. Secondary School | 0% | 7,649 |
pc11_td_sec_priv_status | Private Secondary School | 1% | 7,632 |
pc11_td_sec_priv | Private Secondary School | 1% | 7,625 |
pc11_td_sec_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 79% | 1,594 |
pc11_td_s_sec_gov_status | Govt. Senior Secondary School | 0% | 7,645 |
pc11_td_s_sec_gov | Govt. Senior Secondary School | 1% | 7,637 |
pc11_td_s_sec_priv_status | Private Senior Secondary School | 1% | 7,637 |
pc11_td_s_sec_priv | Private Senior Secondary School | 1% | 7,626 |
pc11_td_s_sec_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 70% | 2,324 |
pc11_td_arts_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art Only | 17% | 6,385 |
pc11_td_arts_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art Only | 17% | 6,361 |
pc11_td_arts_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art Only | 17% | 6,374 |
pc11_td_arts_priv | Private Degree College-Art Only | 17% | 6,342 |
pc11_td_arts_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 72% | 2,132 |
pc11_td_science_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Science Only | 17% | 6,353 |
pc11_td_science_gov | Govt. Degree College-Science Only | 18% | 6,325 |
pc11_td_science_priv_status | Private Degree College-Science Only | 18% | 6,330 |
pc11_td_science_priv | Private Degree College-Science Only | 18% | 6,311 |
pc11_td_science_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 70% | 2,313 |
pc11_td_commerce_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Commerce Only | 18% | 6,336 |
pc11_td_commerce_gov | Govt. Degree College-Commerce Only | 18% | 6,315 |
pc11_td_commerce_priv_status | Private Degree College-Commerce Only | 18% | 6,331 |
pc11_td_commerce_priv | Private Degree College-Commerce Only | 18% | 6,314 |
pc11_td_commerce_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 70% | 2,343 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art and Science Only | 3% | 7,430 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art and Science Only | 4% | 7,410 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art and Science Only | 3% | 7,419 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_priv | Private Degree College-Art and Science Only | 4% | 7,402 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 56% | 3,377 |
pc11_td_arts_co_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 3% | 7,433 |
pc11_td_arts_co_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 4% | 7,410 |
pc11_td_arts_co_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 3% | 7,429 |
pc11_td_arts_co_priv | Private Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 4% | 7,402 |
pc11_td_arts_co_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 57% | 3,277 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 1% | 7,614 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 1% | 7,590 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 1% | 7,624 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_priv | Private Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 1% | 7,586 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 40% | 4,596 |
pc11_td_law_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Law | 1% | 7,608 |
pc11_td_law_gov | Govt. Degree College-Law | 1% | 7,573 |
pc11_td_law_priv_status | Private Degree College-Law | 1% | 7,608 |
pc11_td_law_priv | Private Degree College-Law | 1% | 7,570 |
pc11_td_law_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 33% | 5,125 |
pc11_td_col_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-University | 3% | 7,437 |
pc11_td_col_gov | Govt. Degree College-University | 4% | 7,412 |
pc11_td_col_priv_status | Private Degree College-University | 3% | 7,435 |
pc11_td_col_priv | Private Degree College-University | 4% | 7,403 |
pc11_td_col_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 33% | 5,110 |
pc11_td_oth_col_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Others | 3% | 7,426 |
pc11_td_oth_col_gov | Govt. Degree College-Others | 4% | 7,399 |
pc11_td_oth_col_priv_status | Private Degree College-Others | 3% | 7,423 |
pc11_td_oth_col_priv | Private Degree College-Others | 4% | 7,402 |
pc11_td_oth_col_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 61% | 2,984 |
pc11_td_medical_gov_status | Govt.-Medical College | 1% | 7,603 |
pc11_td_medical_gov | Govt.-Medical College | 1% | 7,571 |
pc11_td_medical_priv_status | Private-Medical College | 1% | 7,602 |
pc11_td_medical_priv | Private-Medical College | 1% | 7,569 |
pc11_td_medical_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 9% | 7,012 |
pc11_td_engg_gov_status | Govt.-Engineering College | 1% | 7,617 |
pc11_td_engg_gov | Govt.-Engineering College | 1% | 7,570 |
pc11_td_engg_priv_status | Private-Engineering College | 1% | 7,616 |
pc11_td_engg_priv | Private-Engineering College | 1% | 7,567 |
pc11_td_engg_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 13% | 6,656 |
pc11_td_mgt_gov_status | Govt.-Management Institute | 1% | 7,617 |
pc11_td_mgt_gov | Govt.-Management Institute | 1% | 7,571 |
pc11_td_mgt_priv_status | Private-Management Institute | 1% | 7,616 |
pc11_td_mgt_priv | Private-Management Institute | 1% | 7,568 |
pc11_td_mgt_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 15% | 6,511 |
pc11_td_poly_gov_status | Govt.-Polytechnic | 1% | 7,616 |
pc11_td_poly_gov | Govt.-Polytechnic | 1% | 7,570 |
pc11_td_poly_priv_status | Private-Polytechnic | 1% | 7,616 |
pc11_td_poly_priv | Private-Polytechnic | 2% | 7,565 |
pc11_td_poly_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 17% | 6,347 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_gov_status | Govt.-Shorthand | 18% | 6,309 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_gov | Govt.-Shorthand | 18% | 6,268 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_priv_status | Private-Shorthand | 18% | 6,311 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_priv | Private-Shorthand | 18% | 6,268 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 67% | 2,554 |
pc11_td_type_inst_gov_status | Govt.-Typewriting | 18% | 6,287 |
pc11_td_type_inst_gov | Govt.-Typewriting | 19% | 6,244 |
pc11_td_type_inst_priv_status | Private-Typewriting | 18% | 6,316 |
pc11_td_type_inst_priv | Private-Typewriting | 18% | 6,269 |
pc11_td_type_inst_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 69% | 2,374 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_gov_status | Govt.-Shorthand and Typewriting | 1% | 7,572 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_gov | Govt.-Shorthand and Typewriting | 2% | 7,529 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_priv_status | Private-Shorthand and Typewriting | 1% | 7,569 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_priv | Private-Shorthand and Typewriting | 2% | 7,522 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 41% | 4,514 |
pc11_td_ms_off_gov_status | Govt.-MS Office | 7% | 7,178 |
pc11_td_ms_off_gov | Govt.-MS Office | 7% | 7,132 |
pc11_td_ms_off_priv_status | Private-MS Office | 7% | 7,179 |
pc11_td_ms_off_priv | Private-MS Office | 7% | 7,129 |
pc11_td_ms_off_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 61% | 2,966 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_gov_status | Govt.-Desk Top Publishing | 8% | 7,054 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_gov | Govt.-Desk Top Publishing | 9% | 7,006 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_priv_status | Private-Desk Top Publishing | 8% | 7,055 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_priv | Private-Desk Top Publishing | 9% | 7,006 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 57% | 3,313 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_gov_status | Govt.-Vocational(Others) | 4% | 7,394 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_gov | Govt.-Vocational(Others) | 4% | 7,343 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_priv_status | Private-Vocational(Others) | 4% | 7,392 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_priv | Private-Vocational(Others) | 4% | 7,346 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 55% | 3,445 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_gov_status | Govt.-Non Formal Education | 1% | 7,570 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_gov | Govt.-Non Formal Education | 2% | 7,544 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_priv_status | Private-Non Formal Education | 2% | 7,542 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_priv | Private-Non Formal Education | 2% | 7,490 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 50% | 3,861 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_gov_status | Govt.-Special School for Disabled | 2% | 7,554 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_gov | Govt.-Special School for Disabled | 2% | 7,521 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_priv_status | Private-Special School for Disabled | 2% | 7,552 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_priv | Private-Special School for Disabled | 2% | 7,517 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 20% | 6,113 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_gov_status | Govt.-Others | 15% | 6,528 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_gov | Govt.-Others | 15% | 6,499 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_priv_status | Private-Others | 15% | 6,524 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_priv | Private-Others | 15% | 6,496 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 63% | 2,835 |
pc11_td_orph_home_gov_status | Govt.-Orphanage Home | 2% | 7,501 |
pc11_td_orph_home_gov | Govt.-Orphanage Home | 3% | 7,465 |
pc11_td_orph_home_priv_status | Private-Orphanage Home | 2% | 7,501 |
pc11_td_orph_home_priv | Private-Orphanage Home | 3% | 7,471 |
pc11_td_orph_home_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 20% | 6,119 |
pc11_td_wwh_gov_status | Govt.-Working Women's Hostel | 2% | 7,499 |
pc11_td_wwh_gov | Govt.-Working Women's Hostel | 3% | 7,465 |
pc11_td_wwh_priv_status | Private-Working Women's Hostel | 2% | 7,498 |
pc11_td_wwh_priv | Private-Working Women's Hostel | 3% | 7,466 |
pc11_td_wwh_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 21% | 6,092 |
pc11_td_old_home_gov_status | Govt.-Old Age Home | 2% | 7,497 |
pc11_td_old_home_gov | Govt.-Old Age Home | 3% | 7,464 |
pc11_td_old_home_priv_status | Private-Old Age Home | 2% | 7,497 |
pc11_td_old_home_priv | Private-Old Age Home | 3% | 7,466 |
pc11_td_old_home_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 22% | 6,024 |
pc11_td_stadium_gov_status | Govt.-Stadium | 2% | 7,495 |
pc11_td_stadium_gov | Govt.-Stadium | 3% | 7,476 |
pc11_td_stadium_priv_status | Private-Stadium | 2% | 7,492 |
pc11_td_stadium_priv | Private-Stadium | 3% | 7,459 |
pc11_td_stadium_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 36% | 4,893 |
pc11_td_cinema_gov_status | Govt.-Cinema Theatre | 2% | 7,492 |
pc11_td_cinema_gov | Govt.-Cinema Theatre | 3% | 7,465 |
pc11_td_cinema_priv_status | Private-Cinema Theatre | 2% | 7,492 |
pc11_td_cinema_priv | Private-Cinema Theatre | 3% | 7,463 |
pc11_td_cinema_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 38% | 4,779 |
pc11_td_auditorium_gov_status | Govt.-Auditorium/Community Hall | 2% | 7,507 |
pc11_td_auditorium_gov | Govt.-Auditorium/Community Hall | 3% | 7,474 |
pc11_td_auditorium_priv_status | Private-Auditorium/Community Hall | 2% | 7,504 |
pc11_td_auditorium_priv | Private-Auditorium/Community Hall | 3% | 7,470 |
pc11_td_auditorium_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 55% | 3,454 |
pc11_td_p_lib_gov_status | Govt.-Public Library | 2% | 7,507 |
pc11_td_p_lib_priv_status | Private-Public Library | 2% | 7,504 |
pc11_td_p_lib_priv | Private-Public Library | 3% | 7,476 |
pc11_td_p_lib_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 51% | 3,772 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_gov_status | Govt.-Public Reading Room | 2% | 7,497 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_gov | Govt.-Public Reading Room | 3% | 7,473 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_priv_status | Private-Public Reading Room | 2% | 7,495 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_priv | Private-Public Reading Room | 3% | 7,469 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 52% | 3,698 |
pc11_td_bank_gov | Nationalised Bank | 7% | 7,151 |
pc11_td_bank_priv_com | Private Commercial Bank | 14% | 6,590 |
pc11_td_bank_coop | Co-operative Bank | 10% | 6,926 |
pc11_td_a_c_soc | Agricultural Credit Society | 11% | 6,840 |
pc11_td_n_a_c_soc | Non-Agricultural Credit Society | 16% | 6,489 |
Table Information (Subdistrict)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
Subdistrict | pc11_td_clean_pc11subdist.dta | pc11_state_id , pc11_district_id , pc11_subdistrict_id |
Variable Information (Subdistrict)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
pc11_td_k_road | Total length of urban paved roads (km) | 2% | 3,158 |
pc11_td_disp | Number of urban dispensary and/or health centres | 0% | 3,217 |
pc11_td_f_w_ctr | Number of urban family welfare centres | 0% | 3,212 |
pc11_td_mc_w_ctr | Number of urban maternity and child welfare centres | 0% | 3,211 |
pc11_td_mh_clinic | Number of urban mobile health clinics | 0% | 3,210 |
pc11_td_middle_gov | Number of urban government middle schools | 6% | 3,037 |
pc11_td_sec_gov | Number of urban government secondary schools | 0% | 3,219 |
pc11_td_primary_gov | Number of urban government primary schools | 0% | 3,219 |
pc11_td_m_sc | Total Scheduled Castes Male Population of Town (2011 Population Census Town Directory) | 1% | 3,200 |
pc11_td_f_sc | Total Scheduled Castes Female Population of Town | 1% | 3,200 |
pc11_td_m_st | Total Scheduled Tribes Male Population of Town (2011 Population Census Town Directory) | 0% | 3,220 |
pc11_td_f_st | Total Scheduled Tribes Female Population of Town | 0% | 3,220 |
pc11_td_p_lib_gov | Govt.-Public Library | 1% | 3,174 |
pc11_tot_p | Total population, 2011 | 0% | 3,220 |
pc11_td_no_hh | Total Households | 0% | 3,220 |
Total Population of Town | 0% | 3,220 | |
pc11_td_tot_m | Total Male Population of Town | 0% | 3,220 |
pc11_td_tot_f | Total Female Population of Town | 0% | 3,220 |
pc11_td_p_sc2 | Total Scheduled Castes Population of Town | 1% | 3,200 |
pc11_td_p_st2 | Total Scheduled Tribes Population of Town | 0% | 3,220 |
pc11_td_area | Area (sq. km.) | 1% | 3,193 |
pc11_td_no_hh_hless | Number of Households including Houseless Households (2011 Census) | 10% | 2,905 |
pc11_td_p_sc | Scheduled Castes Population (2011 Census) | 8% | 2,954 |
pc11_td_p_st | Scheduled Tribes Population (2011 Census) | 6% | 3,013 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1901 | Town Population (Census 1901) | 49% | 1,639 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1911 | Town Population (Census 1911) | 48% | 1,671 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1921 | Town Population (Census 1921) | 46% | 1,724 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1931 | Town Population (Census 1931) | 45% | 1,774 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1941 | Town Population (Census 1941) | 43% | 1,840 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1951 | Town Population (Census 1951) | 39% | 1,967 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1961 | Town Population (Census 1961) | 38% | 2,011 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1971 | Town Population (Census 1971) | 33% | 2,145 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1981 | Town Population (Census 1981) | 28% | 2,306 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1991 | Town Population (Census 1991) | 24% | 2,452 |
pc11_td_tot_p_2001 | Town Population (Census 2001) | 16% | 2,716 |
pc11_td_tot_p_2011 | Town Population (Census 2011) | 11% | 2,850 |
pc11_td_avg_rain | Rainfall (mm.) | 2% | 3,160 |
pc11_td_max_temp | Maximum Temperature (in centigrade) | 2% | 3,150 |
pc11_td_min_temp | Minimum Temperature (in centigrade) | 2% | 3,149 |
pc11_td_sh_dist | State H.Q. Road Distance (in kms.) | 1% | 3,183 |
pc11_td_dh_dist | District H.Q. Road Distance (in kms.) | 1% | 3,203 |
pc11_td_sdt_dist | Distance to subdistrict HQ | 2% | 3,163 |
pc11_td_city_dist | Nearest Ciity with Population of 1 Lakh and more Road Distance (in kms.) | 1% | 3,197 |
pc11_td_city5_dist | Nearest Ciity with Population of 5 Lakh and more Road Distance (in kms.) | 1% | 3,184 |
pc11_td_rail_dist | Railway Station Road Distance (in kms) | 2% | 3,171 |
pc11_td_br_dist | Bus Route Road Distance (in kms.) | 10% | 2,904 |
pc11_td_p_road | Kutcha Road Length (in kms.) | 7% | 2,991 |
pc11_td_lat_pit | Latrines-Pit | 2% | 3,142 |
pc11_td_lat_flush | Latrines-Flush/Pour Flush | 2% | 3,162 |
pc11_td_lat_service | Latrines-Service | 13% | 2,788 |
pc11_td_lat_oth | Latrines-Others | 7% | 2,987 |
pc11_td_sys_stor1_kl | Capacity Source-1 (in kilo-litres) | 14% | 2,775 |
pc11_td_sys_stor2_kl | Capacity Source-2 (in kilo-litres) | 74% | 827 |
pc11_td_sys_stor3_kl | Capacity Source-3 (in kilo-litres) | 82% | 574 |
pc11_td_sys_stor4_kl | Capacity Source-4 (in kilo-litres) | 85% | 496 |
pc11_td_sys_stor5_kl | Capacity Source-5 (in kilo-litres) | 86% | 444 |
pc11_td_fire_f_ser | Fire Fighting Service | 57% | 1,385 |
pc11_td_fire_dist | If Staus -2 Nearest Fire Fighting Service Location Distance (Kms) | 36% | 2,073 |
pc11_td_el_dom | Electricity-Domestic Connection | 1% | 3,173 |
pc11_td_el_ind | Electricity-Industrial Connection | 3% | 3,121 |
pc11_td_el_com | Electricity-Commercial Connection | 2% | 3,146 |
pc11_td_el_road_l | Electricity-Road Lighting Connection | 2% | 3,147 |
pc11_td_el_others | Electricity-Others Connection | 6% | 3,029 |
pc11_td_all_hospital | Hospital Allopathic | 2% | 3,140 |
pc11_td_allh_beds | Hospital Allopathic Beds | 3% | 3,132 |
pc11_td_allh_doc_tot | Hospital Allopathic Doctors-Total Strength | 3% | 3,134 |
pc11_td_allh_doc_pos | Hospital Allopathic Doctors-In Position | 3% | 3,130 |
pc11_td_allh_pmed_tot | Hospital Allopathic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 3% | 3,126 |
pc11_td_allh_pmed_pos | Hospital Allopathic Para Medical Staff-In Postion | 3% | 3,126 |
pc11_td_allh_dist | Hospital Allopathic Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 6% | 3,042 |
pc11_td_alt_hospital | Hospital Alternative Medicine | 1% | 3,193 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_beds | Hospital Alternative Medicine Beds | 1% | 3,175 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_doc_tot | Hospital Alternative Medicine Doctors-Total Strength | 1% | 3,189 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_doc_pos | Hospital Alternative Medicine Doctors-In Position | 1% | 3,187 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_pmed_tot | Hospital Alternative Medicine Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 1% | 3,180 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_pmed_pos | Hospital Alternative Medicine Para Medical Staff-In Position | 1% | 3,180 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_dist | Hospital Alternative Medicine Nearest facility Distance(in kms.) | 4% | 3,088 |
pc11_td_disp_beds | Dispensary/Health Centre Beds | 2% | 3,150 |
pc11_td_disp_doc_tot | Dispensary/Health Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 2% | 3,168 |
pc11_td_disp_doc_pos | Dispensary/Health Centre Doctors-In Position | 2% | 3,165 |
pc11_td_disp_pmed_tot | Dispensary/Health Centre Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 1% | 3,175 |
pc11_td_disp_pmed_pos | Dispensary/Health Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 2% | 3,170 |
pc11_td_disp_dist | Dispensary/Health Centre Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 5% | 3,053 |
pc11_td_fwc_beds | Family Welfare Centre Beds | 2% | 3,159 |
pc11_td_fwc_doc_tot | Family Welfare Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 1% | 3,184 |
pc11_td_fwc_doc_pos | Family Welfare Centre Doctors-In Position | 1% | 3,184 |
pc11_td_fwc_pmed_tot | Family Welfare Centre Doctors Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 1% | 3,181 |
pc11_td_fwc_pmed_pos | Family Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 1% | 3,178 |
pc11_td_fwc_dist | Family Welfare Centre Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 6% | 3,026 |
pc11_td_mcwc_beds | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Beds | 2% | 3,161 |
pc11_td_mcwc_doc_tot | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 1% | 3,182 |
pc11_td_mcwc_doc_pos | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Doctors-In Position | 1% | 3,182 |
pc11_td_mcmw_pmed_tot | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 1% | 3,181 |
pc11_td_mcwc_pmed_pos | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 1% | 3,182 |
pc11_td_mcwc_dist | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 4% | 3,076 |
pc11_td_mh_cnt | Maternity Home | 0% | 3,209 |
pc11_td_mh_beds | Maternity Home Beds | 2% | 3,166 |
pc11_td_mh_doc_tot | Maternity Home Doctors-Total Strength | 1% | 3,186 |
pc11_td_mh_doc_pos | Maternity Home Doctors-In Position | 1% | 3,183 |
pc11_td_mh_pmed_tot | Maternity Home Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 1% | 3,184 |
pc11_td_mh_pmed_pos | Maternity Home Para Medical Staff-In position | 1% | 3,184 |
pc11_td_mh_dist | Maternity Home Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 3% | 3,112 |
pc11_td_tb_clinic | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic | 0% | 3,214 |
pc11_td_tbc_beds | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Beds | 2% | 3,155 |
pc11_td_tbc_doc_tot | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Doctors-Total Strength | 1% | 3,192 |
pc11_td_tbc_doc_pos | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Doctors-In Position | 1% | 3,191 |
pc11_td_tbc_pmed_tot | T.B. Hospital/Clinic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 1% | 3,187 |
pc11_td_tbc_pmed_pos | T.B. Hospital/Clinic Para Medical Staff-In position | 1% | 3,187 |
pc11_td_tbc_dist | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 5% | 3,056 |
pc11_td_nur_homes | Nursing Home | 1% | 3,199 |
pc11_td_nh_beds | Nursing Home Beds | 1% | 3,187 |
pc11_td_nh_doc_tot | Nursing Home Doctors-Total Strength | 1% | 3,188 |
pc11_td_nh_doc_pos | Nursing Home Doctor-In Postion | 1% | 3,188 |
pc11_td_nh_pmed_tot | Nursing Home Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 1% | 3,187 |
pc11_td_nh_pmed_pos | Nursing Home Para Medical Staff-In Position | 1% | 3,187 |
pc11_td_nh_dist | Nursing Home Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 16% | 2,716 |
pc11_td_veth_cnt | Veterinary Hospital | 0% | 3,213 |
pc11_td_veth_beds | Veterinary Hospital Beds | 8% | 2,948 |
pc11_td_veth_doc_tot | Veterinary Hospital Doctors-Total Strength | 1% | 3,176 |
pc11_td_veth_doc_pos | Veterinary Hospital Doctors-In Position | 1% | 3,172 |
pc11_td_veth_pmed_tot | Veterinary Hospital Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 2% | 3,159 |
pc11_td_veth_pmed_pos | Veterinary Hospital Para Medical Staff-In Position | 2% | 3,157 |
pc11_td_veth_dist | Veterinary Hospital Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 6% | 3,019 |
pc11_td_mhc_beds | Mobile Health Clinic Beds | 1% | 3,194 |
pc11_td_mhc_doc_tot | Mobile Health Clinic Doctors-Total Strength | 1% | 3,196 |
pc11_td_mhc_doc_pos | Mobile Health Clinic Doctors-In Postion | 1% | 3,195 |
pc11_td_mhc_pmed_tot | Mobile Health Clinic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 1% | 3,197 |
pc11_td_mhc_pmed_pos | Mobile Health Clinic Para Medical Staff-In poistion | 1% | 3,199 |
pc11_td_mhc_dist | Mobile Health Clinic Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 5% | 3,045 |
pc11_td_med_oth | Others | 5% | 3,068 |
pc11_td_med_oth_beds | Others Beds | 5% | 3,043 |
pc11_td_med_oth_doc_tot | Others Doctors-Total Strength | 6% | 3,037 |
pc11_td_med_oth_doc_pos | Others Doctors-In Position | 6% | 3,037 |
pc11_td_med_oth_pmed_tot | Others Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 6% | 3,037 |
pc11_td_med_oth_pmed_pos | Others Para Medical Staff-In Position | 6% | 3,037 |
pc11_td_med_oth_dist | Others Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 28% | 2,303 |
pc11_td_out_pat | Non-Government Out-Patient | 1% | 3,198 |
pc11_td_in_out_pat | Non-Government In and Out Patient | 2% | 3,157 |
pc11_td_c_hosp_home | Non-Government Charitable-Hospital/Nursing Home | 4% | 3,091 |
pc11_td_med_shop | Non-Government Medicine Shop | 0% | 3,208 |
pc11_td_primary_gov_status | Govt. Primary School | 0% | 3,220 |
pc11_td_primary_priv_status | Private Primary School | 0% | 3,220 |
pc11_td_primary_priv | Private Primary School | 0% | 3,220 |
pc11_td_prim_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 92% | 270 |
pc11_td_middle_gov_status | Govt. Middle School | 6% | 3,038 |
pc11_td_middle_priv_status | Private Middle School | 6% | 3,038 |
pc11_td_middle_priv | Private Middle School | 7% | 2,984 |
pc11_td_middle_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 86% | 446 |
pc11_td_sec_gov_status | Govt. Secondary School | 0% | 3,220 |
pc11_td_sec_priv_status | Private Secondary School | 0% | 3,215 |
pc11_td_sec_priv | Private Secondary School | 0% | 3,213 |
pc11_td_sec_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 77% | 725 |
pc11_td_s_sec_gov_status | Govt. Senior Secondary School | 0% | 3,220 |
pc11_td_s_sec_gov | Govt. Senior Secondary School | 0% | 3,217 |
pc11_td_s_sec_priv_status | Private Senior Secondary School | 0% | 3,216 |
pc11_td_s_sec_priv | Private Senior Secondary School | 0% | 3,210 |
pc11_td_s_sec_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 67% | 1,061 |
pc11_td_arts_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art Only | 10% | 2,897 |
pc11_td_arts_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art Only | 10% | 2,882 |
pc11_td_arts_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art Only | 10% | 2,890 |
pc11_td_arts_priv | Private Degree College-Art Only | 11% | 2,865 |
pc11_td_arts_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 64% | 1,161 |
pc11_td_science_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Science Only | 11% | 2,874 |
pc11_td_science_gov | Govt. Degree College-Science Only | 11% | 2,856 |
pc11_td_science_priv_status | Private Degree College-Science Only | 11% | 2,859 |
pc11_td_science_priv | Private Degree College-Science Only | 12% | 2,842 |
pc11_td_science_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 61% | 1,257 |
pc11_td_commerce_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Commerce Only | 11% | 2,864 |
pc11_td_commerce_gov | Govt. Degree College-Commerce Only | 12% | 2,847 |
pc11_td_commerce_priv_status | Private Degree College-Commerce Only | 11% | 2,861 |
pc11_td_commerce_priv | Private Degree College-Commerce Only | 12% | 2,844 |
pc11_td_commerce_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 61% | 1,240 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art and Science Only | 4% | 3,079 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art and Science Only | 5% | 3,061 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art and Science Only | 5% | 3,069 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_priv | Private Degree College-Art and Science Only | 5% | 3,051 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 54% | 1,468 |
pc11_td_arts_co_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 4% | 3,078 |
pc11_td_arts_co_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 5% | 3,059 |
pc11_td_arts_co_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 5% | 3,074 |
pc11_td_arts_co_priv | Private Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 5% | 3,052 |
pc11_td_arts_co_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 57% | 1,388 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 0% | 3,212 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 1% | 3,193 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 0% | 3,218 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_priv | Private Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 1% | 3,189 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 39% | 1,952 |
pc11_td_law_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Law | 1% | 3,193 |
pc11_td_law_gov | Govt. Degree College-Law | 2% | 3,165 |
pc11_td_law_priv_status | Private Degree College-Law | 1% | 3,193 |
pc11_td_law_priv | Private Degree College-Law | 2% | 3,162 |
pc11_td_law_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 29% | 2,295 |
pc11_td_col_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-University | 4% | 3,079 |
pc11_td_col_gov | Govt. Degree College-University | 5% | 3,061 |
pc11_td_col_priv_status | Private Degree College-University | 4% | 3,077 |
pc11_td_col_priv | Private Degree College-University | 5% | 3,051 |
pc11_td_col_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 30% | 2,242 |
pc11_td_oth_col_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Others | 5% | 3,069 |
pc11_td_oth_col_gov | Govt. Degree College-Others | 5% | 3,048 |
pc11_td_oth_col_priv_status | Private Degree College-Others | 5% | 3,066 |
pc11_td_oth_col_priv | Private Degree College-Others | 5% | 3,051 |
pc11_td_oth_col_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 60% | 1,301 |
pc11_td_medical_gov_status | Govt.-Medical College | 0% | 3,211 |
pc11_td_medical_gov | Govt.-Medical College | 1% | 3,185 |
pc11_td_medical_priv_status | Private-Medical College | 0% | 3,210 |
pc11_td_medical_priv | Private-Medical College | 1% | 3,183 |
pc11_td_medical_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 4% | 3,079 |
pc11_td_engg_gov_status | Govt.-Engineering College | 0% | 3,219 |
pc11_td_engg_gov | Govt.-Engineering College | 1% | 3,184 |
pc11_td_engg_priv_status | Private-Engineering College | 0% | 3,218 |
pc11_td_engg_priv | Private-Engineering College | 1% | 3,181 |
pc11_td_engg_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 8% | 2,964 |
pc11_td_mgt_gov_status | Govt.-Management Institute | 0% | 3,219 |
pc11_td_mgt_gov | Govt.-Management Institute | 1% | 3,185 |
pc11_td_mgt_priv_status | Private-Management Institute | 0% | 3,218 |
pc11_td_mgt_priv | Private-Management Institute | 1% | 3,183 |
pc11_td_mgt_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 9% | 2,920 |
pc11_td_poly_gov_status | Govt.-Polytechnic | 0% | 3,218 |
pc11_td_poly_gov | Govt.-Polytechnic | 1% | 3,184 |
pc11_td_poly_priv_status | Private-Polytechnic | 0% | 3,218 |
pc11_td_poly_priv | Private-Polytechnic | 1% | 3,179 |
pc11_td_poly_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 14% | 2,775 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_gov_status | Govt.-Shorthand | 10% | 2,887 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_gov | Govt.-Shorthand | 11% | 2,855 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_priv_status | Private-Shorthand | 10% | 2,887 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_priv | Private-Shorthand | 11% | 2,854 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 60% | 1,277 |
pc11_td_type_inst_gov_status | Govt.-Typewriting | 11% | 2,859 |
pc11_td_type_inst_gov | Govt.-Typewriting | 12% | 2,828 |
pc11_td_type_inst_priv_status | Private-Typewriting | 11% | 2,878 |
pc11_td_type_inst_priv | Private-Typewriting | 12% | 2,843 |
pc11_td_type_inst_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 65% | 1,128 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_gov_status | Govt.-Shorthand and Typewriting | 1% | 3,194 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_gov | Govt.-Shorthand and Typewriting | 2% | 3,163 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_priv_status | Private-Shorthand and Typewriting | 1% | 3,193 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_priv | Private-Shorthand and Typewriting | 2% | 3,157 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 36% | 2,051 |
pc11_td_ms_off_gov_status | Govt.-MS Office | 7% | 3,003 |
pc11_td_ms_off_gov | Govt.-MS Office | 8% | 2,969 |
pc11_td_ms_off_priv_status | Private-MS Office | 7% | 3,004 |
pc11_td_ms_off_priv | Private-MS Office | 8% | 2,966 |
pc11_td_ms_off_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 59% | 1,312 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_gov_status | Govt.-Desk Top Publishing | 8% | 2,948 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_gov | Govt.-Desk Top Publishing | 10% | 2,912 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_priv_status | Private-Desk Top Publishing | 8% | 2,949 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_priv | Private-Desk Top Publishing | 10% | 2,913 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 52% | 1,546 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_gov_status | Govt.-Vocational(Others) | 4% | 3,080 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_gov | Govt.-Vocational(Others) | 6% | 3,042 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_priv_status | Private-Vocational(Others) | 4% | 3,078 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_priv | Private-Vocational(Others) | 5% | 3,043 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 50% | 1,607 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_gov_status | Govt.-Non Formal Education | 0% | 3,211 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_gov | Govt.-Non Formal Education | 1% | 3,191 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_priv_status | Private-Non Formal Education | 1% | 3,197 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_priv | Private-Non Formal Education | 2% | 3,159 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 38% | 1,998 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_gov_status | Govt.-Special School for Disabled | 1% | 3,203 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_gov | Govt.-Special School for Disabled | 1% | 3,177 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_priv_status | Private-Special School for Disabled | 0% | 3,205 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_priv | Private-Special School for Disabled | 1% | 3,178 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 14% | 2,762 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_gov_status | Govt.-Others | 6% | 3,026 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_gov | Govt.-Others | 7% | 3,004 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_priv_status | Private-Others | 6% | 3,025 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_priv | Private-Others | 7% | 3,004 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 55% | 1,464 |
pc11_td_orph_home_gov_status | Govt.-Orphanage Home | 1% | 3,190 |
pc11_td_orph_home_gov | Govt.-Orphanage Home | 2% | 3,162 |
pc11_td_orph_home_priv_status | Private-Orphanage Home | 1% | 3,190 |
pc11_td_orph_home_priv | Private-Orphanage Home | 2% | 3,169 |
pc11_td_orph_home_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 13% | 2,792 |
pc11_td_wwh_gov_status | Govt.-Working Women's Hostel | 1% | 3,189 |
pc11_td_wwh_gov | Govt.-Working Women's Hostel | 2% | 3,162 |
pc11_td_wwh_priv_status | Private-Working Women's Hostel | 1% | 3,188 |
pc11_td_wwh_priv | Private-Working Women's Hostel | 2% | 3,163 |
pc11_td_wwh_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 14% | 2,765 |
pc11_td_old_home_gov_status | Govt.-Old Age Home | 1% | 3,187 |
pc11_td_old_home_gov | Govt.-Old Age Home | 2% | 3,160 |
pc11_td_old_home_priv_status | Private-Old Age Home | 1% | 3,187 |
pc11_td_old_home_priv | Private-Old Age Home | 2% | 3,163 |
pc11_td_old_home_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 14% | 2,755 |
pc11_td_stadium_gov_status | Govt.-Stadium | 1% | 3,186 |
pc11_td_stadium_gov | Govt.-Stadium | 1% | 3,173 |
pc11_td_stadium_priv_status | Private-Stadium | 1% | 3,183 |
pc11_td_stadium_priv | Private-Stadium | 2% | 3,158 |
pc11_td_stadium_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 27% | 2,350 |
pc11_td_cinema_gov_status | Govt.-Cinema Theatre | 1% | 3,182 |
pc11_td_cinema_gov | Govt.-Cinema Theatre | 2% | 3,161 |
pc11_td_cinema_priv_status | Private-Cinema Theatre | 1% | 3,182 |
pc11_td_cinema_priv | Private-Cinema Theatre | 2% | 3,160 |
pc11_td_cinema_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 34% | 2,121 |
pc11_td_auditorium_gov_status | Govt.-Auditorium/Community Hall | 1% | 3,192 |
pc11_td_auditorium_gov | Govt.-Auditorium/Community Hall | 2% | 3,168 |
pc11_td_auditorium_priv_status | Private-Auditorium/Community Hall | 1% | 3,190 |
pc11_td_auditorium_priv | Private-Auditorium/Community Hall | 2% | 3,166 |
pc11_td_auditorium_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 49% | 1,650 |
pc11_td_p_lib_gov_status | Govt.-Public Library | 1% | 3,191 |
pc11_td_p_lib_priv_status | Private-Public Library | 1% | 3,190 |
pc11_td_p_lib_priv | Private-Public Library | 2% | 3,169 |
pc11_td_p_lib_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 44% | 1,805 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_gov_status | Govt.-Public Reading Room | 1% | 3,187 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_gov | Govt.-Public Reading Room | 2% | 3,169 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_priv_status | Private-Public Reading Room | 1% | 3,184 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_priv | Private-Public Reading Room | 2% | 3,165 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 45% | 1,785 |
pc11_td_bank_gov | Nationalised Bank | 2% | 3,159 |
pc11_td_bank_priv_com | Private Commercial Bank | 9% | 2,924 |
pc11_td_bank_coop | Co-operative Bank | 3% | 3,111 |
pc11_td_a_c_soc | Agricultural Credit Society | 5% | 3,062 |
pc11_td_n_a_c_soc | Non-Agricultural Credit Society | 11% | 2,880 |
Table Information (District)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
District | pc11_td_clean_pc11dist.dta | pc11_state_id , pc11_district_id |
Variable Information (District)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
pc11_td_k_road | Total length of urban paved roads (km) | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_disp | Number of urban dispensary and/or health centres | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_f_w_ctr | Number of urban family welfare centres | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_mc_w_ctr | Number of urban maternity and child welfare centres | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_mh_clinic | Number of urban mobile health clinics | 0% | 633 |
pc11_td_middle_gov | Number of urban government middle schools | 4% | 608 |
pc11_td_sec_gov | Number of urban government secondary schools | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_primary_gov | Number of urban government primary schools | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_m_sc | Total Scheduled Castes Male Population of Town (2011 Population Census Town Directory) | 2% | 624 |
pc11_td_f_sc | Total Scheduled Castes Female Population of Town | 2% | 624 |
pc11_td_m_st | Total Scheduled Tribes Male Population of Town (2011 Population Census Town Directory) | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_f_st | Total Scheduled Tribes Female Population of Town | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_p_lib_gov | Govt.-Public Library | 1% | 627 |
pc11_tot_p | Total population, 2011 | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_no_hh | Total Households | 0% | 635 |
Total Population of Town | 0% | 635 | |
pc11_td_tot_m | Total Male Population of Town | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_tot_f | Total Female Population of Town | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_p_sc2 | Total Scheduled Castes Population of Town | 2% | 624 |
pc11_td_p_st2 | Total Scheduled Tribes Population of Town | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_area | Area (sq. km.) | 3% | 618 |
pc11_td_no_hh_hless | Number of Households including Houseless Households (2011 Census) | 3% | 613 |
pc11_td_p_sc | Scheduled Castes Population (2011 Census) | 7% | 590 |
pc11_td_p_st | Scheduled Tribes Population (2011 Census) | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1901 | Town Population (Census 1901) | 28% | 459 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1911 | Town Population (Census 1911) | 26% | 473 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1921 | Town Population (Census 1921) | 23% | 486 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1931 | Town Population (Census 1931) | 22% | 495 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1941 | Town Population (Census 1941) | 20% | 508 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1951 | Town Population (Census 1951) | 17% | 528 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1961 | Town Population (Census 1961) | 13% | 555 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1971 | Town Population (Census 1971) | 9% | 581 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1981 | Town Population (Census 1981) | 9% | 579 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1991 | Town Population (Census 1991) | 7% | 590 |
pc11_td_tot_p_2001 | Town Population (Census 2001) | 3% | 615 |
pc11_td_tot_p_2011 | Town Population (Census 2011) | 5% | 601 |
pc11_td_avg_rain | Rainfall (mm.) | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_max_temp | Maximum Temperature (in centigrade) | 1% | 629 |
pc11_td_min_temp | Minimum Temperature (in centigrade) | 1% | 629 |
pc11_td_sh_dist | State H.Q. Road Distance (in kms.) | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_dh_dist | District H.Q. Road Distance (in kms.) | 0% | 633 |
pc11_td_sdt_dist | Distance to subdistrict HQ | 3% | 618 |
pc11_td_city_dist | Nearest Ciity with Population of 1 Lakh and more Road Distance (in kms.) | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_city5_dist | Nearest Ciity with Population of 5 Lakh and more Road Distance (in kms.) | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_rail_dist | Railway Station Road Distance (in kms) | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_br_dist | Bus Route Road Distance (in kms.) | 11% | 565 |
pc11_td_p_road | Kutcha Road Length (in kms.) | 5% | 603 |
pc11_td_lat_pit | Latrines-Pit | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_lat_flush | Latrines-Flush/Pour Flush | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_lat_service | Latrines-Service | 12% | 559 |
pc11_td_lat_oth | Latrines-Others | 2% | 625 |
pc11_td_sys_stor1_kl | Capacity Source-1 (in kilo-litres) | 5% | 602 |
pc11_td_sys_stor2_kl | Capacity Source-2 (in kilo-litres) | 54% | 292 |
pc11_td_sys_stor3_kl | Capacity Source-3 (in kilo-litres) | 74% | 163 |
pc11_td_sys_stor4_kl | Capacity Source-4 (in kilo-litres) | 80% | 125 |
pc11_td_sys_stor5_kl | Capacity Source-5 (in kilo-litres) | 84% | 101 |
pc11_td_fire_f_ser | Fire Fighting Service | 50% | 315 |
pc11_td_fire_dist | If Staus -2 Nearest Fire Fighting Service Location Distance (Kms) | 14% | 545 |
pc11_td_el_dom | Electricity-Domestic Connection | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_el_ind | Electricity-Industrial Connection | 0% | 632 |
pc11_td_el_com | Electricity-Commercial Connection | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_el_road_l | Electricity-Road Lighting Connection | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_el_others | Electricity-Others Connection | 1% | 630 |
pc11_td_all_hospital | Hospital Allopathic | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_allh_beds | Hospital Allopathic Beds | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_allh_doc_tot | Hospital Allopathic Doctors-Total Strength | 0% | 633 |
pc11_td_allh_doc_pos | Hospital Allopathic Doctors-In Position | 0% | 632 |
pc11_td_allh_pmed_tot | Hospital Allopathic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 0% | 632 |
pc11_td_allh_pmed_pos | Hospital Allopathic Para Medical Staff-In Postion | 0% | 632 |
pc11_td_allh_dist | Hospital Allopathic Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 5% | 605 |
pc11_td_alt_hospital | Hospital Alternative Medicine | 2% | 623 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_beds | Hospital Alternative Medicine Beds | 3% | 613 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_doc_tot | Hospital Alternative Medicine Doctors-Total Strength | 2% | 621 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_doc_pos | Hospital Alternative Medicine Doctors-In Position | 2% | 621 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_pmed_tot | Hospital Alternative Medicine Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 3% | 618 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_pmed_pos | Hospital Alternative Medicine Para Medical Staff-In Position | 3% | 618 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_dist | Hospital Alternative Medicine Nearest facility Distance(in kms.) | 2% | 623 |
pc11_td_disp_beds | Dispensary/Health Centre Beds | 2% | 621 |
pc11_td_disp_doc_tot | Dispensary/Health Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 2% | 620 |
pc11_td_disp_doc_pos | Dispensary/Health Centre Doctors-In Position | 3% | 618 |
pc11_td_disp_pmed_tot | Dispensary/Health Centre Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 1% | 628 |
pc11_td_disp_pmed_pos | Dispensary/Health Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 2% | 625 |
pc11_td_disp_dist | Dispensary/Health Centre Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 3% | 616 |
pc11_td_fwc_beds | Family Welfare Centre Beds | 3% | 618 |
pc11_td_fwc_doc_tot | Family Welfare Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 1% | 629 |
pc11_td_fwc_doc_pos | Family Welfare Centre Doctors-In Position | 1% | 629 |
pc11_td_fwc_pmed_tot | Family Welfare Centre Doctors Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 1% | 630 |
pc11_td_fwc_pmed_pos | Family Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 1% | 628 |
pc11_td_fwc_dist | Family Welfare Centre Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 3% | 613 |
pc11_td_mcwc_beds | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Beds | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_mcwc_doc_tot | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 2% | 620 |
pc11_td_mcwc_doc_pos | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Doctors-In Position | 2% | 620 |
pc11_td_mcmw_pmed_tot | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_mcwc_pmed_pos | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_mcwc_dist | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 2% | 622 |
pc11_td_mh_cnt | Maternity Home | 0% | 632 |
pc11_td_mh_beds | Maternity Home Beds | 3% | 618 |
pc11_td_mh_doc_tot | Maternity Home Doctors-Total Strength | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_mh_doc_pos | Maternity Home Doctors-In Position | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_mh_pmed_tot | Maternity Home Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_mh_pmed_pos | Maternity Home Para Medical Staff-In position | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_mh_dist | Maternity Home Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 1% | 626 |
pc11_td_tb_clinic | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_tbc_beds | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Beds | 2% | 624 |
pc11_td_tbc_doc_tot | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Doctors-Total Strength | 1% | 630 |
pc11_td_tbc_doc_pos | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Doctors-In Position | 1% | 629 |
pc11_td_tbc_pmed_tot | T.B. Hospital/Clinic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 1% | 629 |
pc11_td_tbc_pmed_pos | T.B. Hospital/Clinic Para Medical Staff-In position | 1% | 629 |
pc11_td_tbc_dist | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 3% | 613 |
pc11_td_nur_homes | Nursing Home | 1% | 626 |
pc11_td_nh_beds | Nursing Home Beds | 2% | 620 |
pc11_td_nh_doc_tot | Nursing Home Doctors-Total Strength | 2% | 620 |
pc11_td_nh_doc_pos | Nursing Home Doctor-In Postion | 2% | 620 |
pc11_td_nh_pmed_tot | Nursing Home Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 2% | 620 |
pc11_td_nh_pmed_pos | Nursing Home Para Medical Staff-In Position | 2% | 620 |
pc11_td_nh_dist | Nursing Home Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 11% | 564 |
pc11_td_veth_cnt | Veterinary Hospital | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_veth_beds | Veterinary Hospital Beds | 7% | 593 |
pc11_td_veth_doc_tot | Veterinary Hospital Doctors-Total Strength | 1% | 631 |
pc11_td_veth_doc_pos | Veterinary Hospital Doctors-In Position | 1% | 630 |
pc11_td_veth_pmed_tot | Veterinary Hospital Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 1% | 631 |
pc11_td_veth_pmed_pos | Veterinary Hospital Para Medical Staff-In Position | 1% | 630 |
pc11_td_veth_dist | Veterinary Hospital Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 5% | 605 |
pc11_td_mhc_beds | Mobile Health Clinic Beds | 1% | 627 |
pc11_td_mhc_doc_tot | Mobile Health Clinic Doctors-Total Strength | 1% | 629 |
pc11_td_mhc_doc_pos | Mobile Health Clinic Doctors-In Postion | 1% | 628 |
pc11_td_mhc_pmed_tot | Mobile Health Clinic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 1% | 630 |
pc11_td_mhc_pmed_pos | Mobile Health Clinic Para Medical Staff-In poistion | 1% | 630 |
pc11_td_mhc_dist | Mobile Health Clinic Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 3% | 616 |
pc11_td_med_oth | Others | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_med_oth_beds | Others Beds | 4% | 607 |
pc11_td_med_oth_doc_tot | Others Doctors-Total Strength | 5% | 606 |
pc11_td_med_oth_doc_pos | Others Doctors-In Position | 5% | 606 |
pc11_td_med_oth_pmed_tot | Others Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 5% | 606 |
pc11_td_med_oth_pmed_pos | Others Para Medical Staff-In Position | 5% | 606 |
pc11_td_med_oth_dist | Others Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 14% | 546 |
pc11_td_out_pat | Non-Government Out-Patient | 1% | 629 |
pc11_td_in_out_pat | Non-Government In and Out Patient | 1% | 630 |
pc11_td_c_hosp_home | Non-Government Charitable-Hospital/Nursing Home | 3% | 618 |
pc11_td_med_shop | Non-Government Medicine Shop | 0% | 633 |
pc11_td_primary_gov_status | Govt. Primary School | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_primary_priv_status | Private Primary School | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_primary_priv | Private Primary School | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_prim_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 89% | 73 |
pc11_td_middle_gov_status | Govt. Middle School | 4% | 608 |
pc11_td_middle_priv_status | Private Middle School | 4% | 608 |
pc11_td_middle_priv | Private Middle School | 5% | 602 |
pc11_td_middle_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 77% | 144 |
pc11_td_sec_gov_status | Govt. Secondary School | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_sec_priv_status | Private Secondary School | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_sec_priv | Private Secondary School | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_sec_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 54% | 290 |
pc11_td_s_sec_gov_status | Govt. Senior Secondary School | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_s_sec_gov | Govt. Senior Secondary School | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_s_sec_priv_status | Private Senior Secondary School | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_s_sec_priv | Private Senior Secondary School | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_s_sec_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 38% | 396 |
pc11_td_arts_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art Only | 7% | 591 |
pc11_td_arts_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art Only | 7% | 589 |
pc11_td_arts_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art Only | 7% | 589 |
pc11_td_arts_priv | Private Degree College-Art Only | 9% | 577 |
pc11_td_arts_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 38% | 395 |
pc11_td_science_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Science Only | 9% | 578 |
pc11_td_science_gov | Govt. Degree College-Science Only | 10% | 573 |
pc11_td_science_priv_status | Private Degree College-Science Only | 10% | 573 |
pc11_td_science_priv | Private Degree College-Science Only | 11% | 563 |
pc11_td_science_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 42% | 368 |
pc11_td_commerce_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Commerce Only | 9% | 576 |
pc11_td_commerce_gov | Govt. Degree College-Commerce Only | 11% | 567 |
pc11_td_commerce_priv_status | Private Degree College-Commerce Only | 9% | 575 |
pc11_td_commerce_priv | Private Degree College-Commerce Only | 11% | 565 |
pc11_td_commerce_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 43% | 364 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art and Science Only | 3% | 615 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art and Science Only | 5% | 603 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art and Science Only | 4% | 608 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_priv | Private Degree College-Art and Science Only | 6% | 596 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 34% | 417 |
pc11_td_arts_co_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 3% | 613 |
pc11_td_arts_co_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 6% | 600 |
pc11_td_arts_co_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 4% | 612 |
pc11_td_arts_co_priv | Private Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 6% | 598 |
pc11_td_arts_co_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 36% | 407 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 0% | 633 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 2% | 621 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_priv | Private Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 2% | 623 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 13% | 555 |
pc11_td_law_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Law | 2% | 625 |
pc11_td_law_gov | Govt. Degree College-Law | 4% | 610 |
pc11_td_law_priv_status | Private Degree College-Law | 2% | 625 |
pc11_td_law_priv | Private Degree College-Law | 4% | 609 |
pc11_td_law_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 23% | 490 |
pc11_td_col_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-University | 4% | 610 |
pc11_td_col_gov | Govt. Degree College-University | 5% | 604 |
pc11_td_col_priv_status | Private Degree College-University | 4% | 608 |
pc11_td_col_priv | Private Degree College-University | 6% | 595 |
pc11_td_col_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 26% | 468 |
pc11_td_oth_col_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Others | 5% | 604 |
pc11_td_oth_col_gov | Govt. Degree College-Others | 7% | 592 |
pc11_td_oth_col_priv_status | Private Degree College-Others | 5% | 602 |
pc11_td_oth_col_priv | Private Degree College-Others | 6% | 596 |
pc11_td_oth_col_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 55% | 288 |
pc11_td_medical_gov_status | Govt.-Medical College | 0% | 632 |
pc11_td_medical_gov | Govt.-Medical College | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_medical_priv_status | Private-Medical College | 1% | 631 |
pc11_td_medical_priv | Private-Medical College | 3% | 618 |
pc11_td_medical_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 2% | 624 |
pc11_td_engg_gov_status | Govt.-Engineering College | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_engg_gov | Govt.-Engineering College | 3% | 618 |
pc11_td_engg_priv_status | Private-Engineering College | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_engg_priv | Private-Engineering College | 3% | 615 |
pc11_td_engg_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 1% | 626 |
pc11_td_mgt_gov_status | Govt.-Management Institute | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_mgt_gov | Govt.-Management Institute | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_mgt_priv_status | Private-Management Institute | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_mgt_priv | Private-Management Institute | 3% | 617 |
pc11_td_mgt_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 2% | 623 |
pc11_td_poly_gov_status | Govt.-Polytechnic | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_poly_gov | Govt.-Polytechnic | 3% | 618 |
pc11_td_poly_priv_status | Private-Polytechnic | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_poly_priv | Private-Polytechnic | 3% | 615 |
pc11_td_poly_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 3% | 618 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_gov_status | Govt.-Shorthand | 8% | 587 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_gov | Govt.-Shorthand | 10% | 573 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_priv_status | Private-Shorthand | 8% | 587 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_priv | Private-Shorthand | 10% | 572 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 37% | 399 |
pc11_td_type_inst_gov_status | Govt.-Typewriting | 10% | 574 |
pc11_td_type_inst_gov | Govt.-Typewriting | 12% | 561 |
pc11_td_type_inst_priv_status | Private-Typewriting | 8% | 584 |
pc11_td_type_inst_priv | Private-Typewriting | 11% | 567 |
pc11_td_type_inst_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 43% | 365 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_gov_status | Govt.-Shorthand and Typewriting | 1% | 628 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_gov | Govt.-Shorthand and Typewriting | 3% | 615 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_priv_status | Private-Shorthand and Typewriting | 1% | 627 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_priv | Private-Shorthand and Typewriting | 4% | 610 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 12% | 560 |
pc11_td_ms_off_gov_status | Govt.-MS Office | 7% | 591 |
pc11_td_ms_off_gov | Govt.-MS Office | 9% | 575 |
pc11_td_ms_off_priv_status | Private-MS Office | 7% | 591 |
pc11_td_ms_off_priv | Private-MS Office | 10% | 572 |
pc11_td_ms_off_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 37% | 397 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_gov_status | Govt.-Desk Top Publishing | 7% | 588 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_gov | Govt.-Desk Top Publishing | 10% | 570 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_priv_status | Private-Desk Top Publishing | 7% | 589 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_priv | Private-Desk Top Publishing | 10% | 571 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 37% | 399 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_gov_status | Govt.-Vocational(Others) | 4% | 612 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_gov | Govt.-Vocational(Others) | 6% | 594 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_priv_status | Private-Vocational(Others) | 4% | 611 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_priv | Private-Vocational(Others) | 6% | 594 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 34% | 419 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_gov_status | Govt.-Non Formal Education | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_gov | Govt.-Non Formal Education | 2% | 624 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_priv_status | Private-Non Formal Education | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_priv | Private-Non Formal Education | 3% | 616 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 11% | 562 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_gov_status | Govt.-Special School for Disabled | 0% | 632 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_gov | Govt.-Special School for Disabled | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_priv_status | Private-Special School for Disabled | 0% | 632 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_priv | Private-Special School for Disabled | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 3% | 616 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_gov_status | Govt.-Others | 3% | 617 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_gov | Govt.-Others | 5% | 606 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_priv_status | Private-Others | 3% | 616 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_priv | Private-Others | 5% | 604 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 37% | 400 |
pc11_td_orph_home_gov_status | Govt.-Orphanage Home | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_orph_home_gov | Govt.-Orphanage Home | 3% | 617 |
pc11_td_orph_home_priv_status | Private-Orphanage Home | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_orph_home_priv | Private-Orphanage Home | 2% | 625 |
pc11_td_orph_home_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 3% | 615 |
pc11_td_wwh_gov_status | Govt.-Working Women's Hostel | 0% | 633 |
pc11_td_wwh_gov | Govt.-Working Women's Hostel | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_wwh_priv_status | Private-Working Women's Hostel | 0% | 632 |
pc11_td_wwh_priv | Private-Working Women's Hostel | 3% | 619 |
pc11_td_wwh_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 4% | 609 |
pc11_td_old_home_gov_status | Govt.-Old Age Home | 0% | 632 |
pc11_td_old_home_gov | Govt.-Old Age Home | 3% | 617 |
pc11_td_old_home_priv_status | Private-Old Age Home | 0% | 632 |
pc11_td_old_home_priv | Private-Old Age Home | 2% | 620 |
pc11_td_old_home_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 4% | 610 |
pc11_td_stadium_gov_status | Govt.-Stadium | 0% | 633 |
pc11_td_stadium_gov | Govt.-Stadium | 1% | 628 |
pc11_td_stadium_priv_status | Private-Stadium | 1% | 630 |
pc11_td_stadium_priv | Private-Stadium | 3% | 617 |
pc11_td_stadium_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 8% | 587 |
pc11_td_cinema_gov_status | Govt.-Cinema Theatre | 1% | 629 |
pc11_td_cinema_gov | Govt.-Cinema Theatre | 3% | 617 |
pc11_td_cinema_priv_status | Private-Cinema Theatre | 1% | 629 |
pc11_td_cinema_priv | Private-Cinema Theatre | 3% | 616 |
pc11_td_cinema_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 8% | 583 |
pc11_td_auditorium_gov_status | Govt.-Auditorium/Community Hall | 0% | 633 |
pc11_td_auditorium_gov | Govt.-Auditorium/Community Hall | 2% | 620 |
pc11_td_auditorium_priv_status | Private-Auditorium/Community Hall | 0% | 633 |
pc11_td_auditorium_priv | Private-Auditorium/Community Hall | 2% | 621 |
pc11_td_auditorium_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 21% | 501 |
pc11_td_p_lib_gov_status | Govt.-Public Library | 0% | 633 |
pc11_td_p_lib_priv_status | Private-Public Library | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_p_lib_priv | Private-Public Library | 2% | 623 |
pc11_td_p_lib_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 17% | 528 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_gov_status | Govt.-Public Reading Room | 0% | 632 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_gov | Govt.-Public Reading Room | 1% | 626 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_priv_status | Private-Public Reading Room | 1% | 630 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_priv | Private-Public Reading Room | 2% | 620 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 16% | 531 |
pc11_td_bank_gov | Nationalised Bank | 0% | 634 |
pc11_td_bank_priv_com | Private Commercial Bank | 1% | 631 |
pc11_td_bank_coop | Co-operative Bank | 0% | 635 |
pc11_td_a_c_soc | Agricultural Credit Society | 1% | 627 |
pc11_td_n_a_c_soc | Non-Agricultural Credit Society | 2% | 624 |
Table Information (AC07)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
2007 Assembly Constituency | pc11_td_clean_con07.dta | ac07_id |
Variable Information (AC07)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
pc11_td_k_road | Total length of urban paved roads (km) | 26% | 2,852 |
pc11_td_disp | Number of urban dispensary and/or health centres | 25% | 2,875 |
pc11_td_f_w_ctr | Number of urban family welfare centres | 25% | 2,869 |
pc11_td_mc_w_ctr | Number of urban maternity and child welfare centres | 25% | 2,870 |
pc11_td_mh_clinic | Number of urban mobile health clinics | 25% | 2,863 |
pc11_td_middle_gov | Number of urban government middle schools | 28% | 2,758 |
pc11_td_sec_gov | Number of urban government secondary schools | 25% | 2,876 |
pc11_td_primary_gov | Number of urban government primary schools | 25% | 2,876 |
pc11_td_m_sc | Total Scheduled Castes Male Population of Town (2011 Population Census Town Directory) | 26% | 2,858 |
pc11_td_f_sc | Total Scheduled Castes Female Population of Town | 26% | 2,858 |
pc11_td_m_st | Total Scheduled Tribes Male Population of Town (2011 Population Census Town Directory) | 25% | 2,877 |
pc11_td_f_st | Total Scheduled Tribes Female Population of Town | 25% | 2,877 |
pc11_td_p_lib_gov | Govt.-Public Library | 26% | 2,842 |
pc11_tot_p | Total population, 2011 | 25% | 2,877 |
pc11_td_no_hh | Total Households | 25% | 2,877 |
Total Population of Town | 25% | 2,877 | |
pc11_td_tot_m | Total Male Population of Town | 25% | 2,877 |
pc11_td_tot_f | Total Female Population of Town | 25% | 2,877 |
pc11_td_p_sc2 | Total Scheduled Castes Population of Town | 26% | 2,858 |
pc11_td_p_st2 | Total Scheduled Tribes Population of Town | 25% | 2,877 |
pc11_td_area | Area (sq. km.) | 25% | 2,866 |
pc11_td_no_hh_hless | Number of Households including Houseless Households (2011 Census) | 32% | 2,624 |
pc11_td_p_sc | Scheduled Castes Population (2011 Census) | 31% | 2,640 |
pc11_td_p_st | Scheduled Tribes Population (2011 Census) | 30% | 2,683 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1901 | Town Population (Census 1901) | 57% | 1,652 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1911 | Town Population (Census 1911) | 56% | 1,675 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1921 | Town Population (Census 1921) | 54% | 1,746 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1931 | Town Population (Census 1931) | 53% | 1,795 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1941 | Town Population (Census 1941) | 52% | 1,855 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1951 | Town Population (Census 1951) | 49% | 1,961 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1961 | Town Population (Census 1961) | 48% | 1,981 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1971 | Town Population (Census 1971) | 45% | 2,106 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1981 | Town Population (Census 1981) | 41% | 2,260 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1991 | Town Population (Census 1991) | 37% | 2,419 |
pc11_td_tot_p_2001 | Town Population (Census 2001) | 33% | 2,581 |
pc11_td_tot_p_2011 | Town Population (Census 2011) | 33% | 2,583 |
pc11_td_avg_rain | Rainfall (mm.) | 26% | 2,822 |
pc11_td_max_temp | Maximum Temperature (in centigrade) | 26% | 2,827 |
pc11_td_min_temp | Minimum Temperature (in centigrade) | 26% | 2,834 |
pc11_td_sh_dist | State H.Q. Road Distance (in kms.) | 26% | 2,856 |
pc11_td_dh_dist | District H.Q. Road Distance (in kms.) | 25% | 2,873 |
pc11_td_sdt_dist | Distance to subdistrict HQ | 27% | 2,815 |
pc11_td_city_dist | Nearest Ciity with Population of 1 Lakh and more Road Distance (in kms.) | 25% | 2,866 |
pc11_td_city5_dist | Nearest Ciity with Population of 5 Lakh and more Road Distance (in kms.) | 26% | 2,857 |
pc11_td_rail_dist | Railway Station Road Distance (in kms) | 26% | 2,845 |
pc11_td_br_dist | Bus Route Road Distance (in kms.) | 34% | 2,523 |
pc11_td_p_road | Kutcha Road Length (in kms.) | 29% | 2,731 |
pc11_td_lat_pit | Latrines-Pit | 26% | 2,829 |
pc11_td_lat_flush | Latrines-Flush/Pour Flush | 26% | 2,841 |
pc11_td_lat_service | Latrines-Service | 33% | 2,568 |
pc11_td_lat_oth | Latrines-Others | 30% | 2,702 |
pc11_td_sys_stor1_kl | Capacity Source-1 (in kilo-litres) | 33% | 2,580 |
pc11_td_sys_stor2_kl | Capacity Source-2 (in kilo-litres) | 80% | 765 |
pc11_td_sys_stor3_kl | Capacity Source-3 (in kilo-litres) | 86% | 527 |
pc11_td_sys_stor4_kl | Capacity Source-4 (in kilo-litres) | 88% | 456 |
pc11_td_sys_stor5_kl | Capacity Source-5 (in kilo-litres) | 90% | 398 |
pc11_td_fire_f_ser | Fire Fighting Service | 69% | 1,197 |
pc11_td_fire_dist | If Staus -2 Nearest Fire Fighting Service Location Distance (Kms) | 54% | 1,765 |
pc11_td_el_dom | Electricity-Domestic Connection | 26% | 2,852 |
pc11_td_el_ind | Electricity-Industrial Connection | 27% | 2,816 |
pc11_td_el_com | Electricity-Commercial Connection | 26% | 2,834 |
pc11_td_el_road_l | Electricity-Road Lighting Connection | 26% | 2,838 |
pc11_td_el_others | Electricity-Others Connection | 28% | 2,748 |
pc11_td_all_hospital | Hospital Allopathic | 27% | 2,809 |
pc11_td_allh_beds | Hospital Allopathic Beds | 27% | 2,801 |
pc11_td_allh_doc_tot | Hospital Allopathic Doctors-Total Strength | 27% | 2,793 |
pc11_td_allh_doc_pos | Hospital Allopathic Doctors-In Position | 27% | 2,789 |
pc11_td_allh_pmed_tot | Hospital Allopathic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 28% | 2,777 |
pc11_td_allh_pmed_pos | Hospital Allopathic Para Medical Staff-In Postion | 28% | 2,776 |
pc11_td_allh_dist | Hospital Allopathic Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 28% | 2,748 |
pc11_td_alt_hospital | Hospital Alternative Medicine | 26% | 2,851 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_beds | Hospital Alternative Medicine Beds | 26% | 2,829 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_doc_tot | Hospital Alternative Medicine Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,842 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_doc_pos | Hospital Alternative Medicine Doctors-In Position | 26% | 2,841 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_pmed_tot | Hospital Alternative Medicine Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,834 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_pmed_pos | Hospital Alternative Medicine Para Medical Staff-In Position | 26% | 2,834 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_dist | Hospital Alternative Medicine Nearest facility Distance(in kms.) | 28% | 2,773 |
pc11_td_disp_beds | Dispensary/Health Centre Beds | 27% | 2,803 |
pc11_td_disp_doc_tot | Dispensary/Health Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,821 |
pc11_td_disp_doc_pos | Dispensary/Health Centre Doctors-In Position | 27% | 2,816 |
pc11_td_disp_pmed_tot | Dispensary/Health Centre Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,825 |
pc11_td_disp_pmed_pos | Dispensary/Health Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 26% | 2,822 |
pc11_td_disp_dist | Dispensary/Health Centre Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 28% | 2,773 |
pc11_td_fwc_beds | Family Welfare Centre Beds | 27% | 2,806 |
pc11_td_fwc_doc_tot | Family Welfare Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,831 |
pc11_td_fwc_doc_pos | Family Welfare Centre Doctors-In Position | 26% | 2,831 |
pc11_td_fwc_pmed_tot | Family Welfare Centre Doctors Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,830 |
pc11_td_fwc_pmed_pos | Family Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 26% | 2,827 |
pc11_td_fwc_dist | Family Welfare Centre Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 29% | 2,728 |
pc11_td_mcwc_beds | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Beds | 27% | 2,815 |
pc11_td_mcwc_doc_tot | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,832 |
pc11_td_mcwc_doc_pos | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Doctors-In Position | 26% | 2,832 |
pc11_td_mcmw_pmed_tot | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,831 |
pc11_td_mcwc_pmed_pos | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 26% | 2,831 |
pc11_td_mcwc_dist | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 28% | 2,766 |
pc11_td_mh_cnt | Maternity Home | 25% | 2,867 |
pc11_td_mh_beds | Maternity Home Beds | 27% | 2,811 |
pc11_td_mh_doc_tot | Maternity Home Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,843 |
pc11_td_mh_doc_pos | Maternity Home Doctors-In Position | 26% | 2,843 |
pc11_td_mh_pmed_tot | Maternity Home Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,841 |
pc11_td_mh_pmed_pos | Maternity Home Para Medical Staff-In position | 26% | 2,841 |
pc11_td_mh_dist | Maternity Home Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 27% | 2,797 |
pc11_td_tb_clinic | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic | 25% | 2,871 |
pc11_td_tbc_beds | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Beds | 27% | 2,797 |
pc11_td_tbc_doc_tot | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,835 |
pc11_td_tbc_doc_pos | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Doctors-In Position | 26% | 2,834 |
pc11_td_tbc_pmed_tot | T.B. Hospital/Clinic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,834 |
pc11_td_tbc_pmed_pos | T.B. Hospital/Clinic Para Medical Staff-In position | 26% | 2,833 |
pc11_td_tbc_dist | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 29% | 2,743 |
pc11_td_nur_homes | Nursing Home | 26% | 2,855 |
pc11_td_nh_beds | Nursing Home Beds | 26% | 2,838 |
pc11_td_nh_doc_tot | Nursing Home Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,831 |
pc11_td_nh_doc_pos | Nursing Home Doctor-In Postion | 26% | 2,828 |
pc11_td_nh_pmed_tot | Nursing Home Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,825 |
pc11_td_nh_pmed_pos | Nursing Home Para Medical Staff-In Position | 26% | 2,825 |
pc11_td_nh_dist | Nursing Home Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 37% | 2,407 |
pc11_td_veth_cnt | Veterinary Hospital | 25% | 2,872 |
pc11_td_veth_beds | Veterinary Hospital Beds | 33% | 2,565 |
pc11_td_veth_doc_tot | Veterinary Hospital Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,827 |
pc11_td_veth_doc_pos | Veterinary Hospital Doctors-In Position | 26% | 2,824 |
pc11_td_veth_pmed_tot | Veterinary Hospital Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 27% | 2,813 |
pc11_td_veth_pmed_pos | Veterinary Hospital Para Medical Staff-In Position | 27% | 2,808 |
pc11_td_veth_dist | Veterinary Hospital Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 29% | 2,719 |
pc11_td_mhc_beds | Mobile Health Clinic Beds | 26% | 2,846 |
pc11_td_mhc_doc_tot | Mobile Health Clinic Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,849 |
pc11_td_mhc_doc_pos | Mobile Health Clinic Doctors-In Postion | 26% | 2,849 |
pc11_td_mhc_pmed_tot | Mobile Health Clinic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,849 |
pc11_td_mhc_pmed_pos | Mobile Health Clinic Para Medical Staff-In poistion | 26% | 2,851 |
pc11_td_mhc_dist | Mobile Health Clinic Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 28% | 2,751 |
pc11_td_med_oth | Others | 29% | 2,711 |
pc11_td_med_oth_beds | Others Beds | 30% | 2,676 |
pc11_td_med_oth_doc_tot | Others Doctors-Total Strength | 30% | 2,673 |
pc11_td_med_oth_doc_pos | Others Doctors-In Position | 30% | 2,673 |
pc11_td_med_oth_pmed_tot | Others Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 30% | 2,674 |
pc11_td_med_oth_pmed_pos | Others Para Medical Staff-In Position | 30% | 2,674 |
pc11_td_med_oth_dist | Others Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 46% | 2,061 |
pc11_td_out_pat | Non-Government Out-Patient | 25% | 2,863 |
pc11_td_in_out_pat | Non-Government In and Out Patient | 26% | 2,835 |
pc11_td_c_hosp_home | Non-Government Charitable-Hospital/Nursing Home | 28% | 2,767 |
pc11_td_med_shop | Non-Government Medicine Shop | 26% | 2,858 |
pc11_td_primary_gov_status | Govt. Primary School | 25% | 2,877 |
pc11_td_primary_priv_status | Private Primary School | 25% | 2,877 |
pc11_td_primary_priv | Private Primary School | 25% | 2,877 |
pc11_td_prim_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 93% | 273 |
pc11_td_middle_gov_status | Govt. Middle School | 28% | 2,759 |
pc11_td_middle_priv_status | Private Middle School | 28% | 2,759 |
pc11_td_middle_priv | Private Middle School | 29% | 2,719 |
pc11_td_middle_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 91% | 348 |
pc11_td_sec_gov_status | Govt. Secondary School | 25% | 2,877 |
pc11_td_sec_priv_status | Private Secondary School | 25% | 2,868 |
pc11_td_sec_priv | Private Secondary School | 25% | 2,867 |
pc11_td_sec_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 88% | 470 |
pc11_td_s_sec_gov_status | Govt. Senior Secondary School | 25% | 2,877 |
pc11_td_s_sec_gov | Govt. Senior Secondary School | 25% | 2,876 |
pc11_td_s_sec_priv_status | Private Senior Secondary School | 25% | 2,875 |
pc11_td_s_sec_priv | Private Senior Secondary School | 25% | 2,870 |
pc11_td_s_sec_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 81% | 728 |
pc11_td_arts_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art Only | 31% | 2,629 |
pc11_td_arts_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art Only | 32% | 2,618 |
pc11_td_arts_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art Only | 32% | 2,627 |
pc11_td_arts_priv | Private Degree College-Art Only | 32% | 2,603 |
pc11_td_arts_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 77% | 886 |
pc11_td_science_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Science Only | 32% | 2,606 |
pc11_td_science_gov | Govt. Degree College-Science Only | 32% | 2,593 |
pc11_td_science_priv_status | Private Degree College-Science Only | 33% | 2,586 |
pc11_td_science_priv | Private Degree College-Science Only | 33% | 2,569 |
pc11_td_science_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 75% | 976 |
pc11_td_commerce_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Commerce Only | 32% | 2,597 |
pc11_td_commerce_gov | Govt. Degree College-Commerce Only | 33% | 2,583 |
pc11_td_commerce_priv_status | Private Degree College-Commerce Only | 32% | 2,594 |
pc11_td_commerce_priv | Private Degree College-Commerce Only | 33% | 2,577 |
pc11_td_commerce_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 75% | 971 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art and Science Only | 27% | 2,791 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art and Science Only | 28% | 2,775 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art and Science Only | 28% | 2,779 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_priv | Private Degree College-Art and Science Only | 28% | 2,762 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 69% | 1,182 |
pc11_td_arts_co_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 27% | 2,783 |
pc11_td_arts_co_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 28% | 2,767 |
pc11_td_arts_co_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 28% | 2,781 |
pc11_td_arts_co_priv | Private Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 28% | 2,763 |
pc11_td_arts_co_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 71% | 1,119 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 25% | 2,864 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 26% | 2,845 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 25% | 2,875 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_priv | Private Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 26% | 2,849 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 59% | 1,555 |
pc11_td_law_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Law | 26% | 2,857 |
pc11_td_law_gov | Govt. Degree College-Law | 26% | 2,834 |
pc11_td_law_priv_status | Private Degree College-Law | 26% | 2,857 |
pc11_td_law_priv | Private Degree College-Law | 26% | 2,832 |
pc11_td_law_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 49% | 1,938 |
pc11_td_col_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-University | 27% | 2,787 |
pc11_td_col_gov | Govt. Degree College-University | 28% | 2,774 |
pc11_td_col_priv_status | Private Degree College-University | 28% | 2,778 |
pc11_td_col_priv | Private Degree College-University | 28% | 2,755 |
pc11_td_col_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 50% | 1,934 |
pc11_td_oth_col_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Others | 28% | 2,775 |
pc11_td_oth_col_gov | Govt. Degree College-Others | 28% | 2,755 |
pc11_td_oth_col_priv_status | Private Degree College-Others | 28% | 2,772 |
pc11_td_oth_col_priv | Private Degree College-Others | 28% | 2,759 |
pc11_td_oth_col_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 72% | 1,087 |
pc11_td_medical_gov_status | Govt.-Medical College | 25% | 2,871 |
pc11_td_medical_gov | Govt.-Medical College | 26% | 2,848 |
pc11_td_medical_priv_status | Private-Medical College | 25% | 2,864 |
pc11_td_medical_priv | Private-Medical College | 26% | 2,840 |
pc11_td_medical_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 32% | 2,624 |
pc11_td_engg_gov_status | Govt.-Engineering College | 25% | 2,877 |
pc11_td_engg_gov | Govt.-Engineering College | 26% | 2,847 |
pc11_td_engg_priv_status | Private-Engineering College | 25% | 2,870 |
pc11_td_engg_priv | Private-Engineering College | 26% | 2,839 |
pc11_td_engg_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 34% | 2,516 |
pc11_td_mgt_gov_status | Govt.-Management Institute | 25% | 2,877 |
pc11_td_mgt_gov | Govt.-Management Institute | 26% | 2,848 |
pc11_td_mgt_priv_status | Private-Management Institute | 25% | 2,870 |
pc11_td_mgt_priv | Private-Management Institute | 26% | 2,840 |
pc11_td_mgt_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 36% | 2,466 |
pc11_td_poly_gov_status | Govt.-Polytechnic | 25% | 2,870 |
pc11_td_poly_gov | Govt.-Polytechnic | 26% | 2,841 |
pc11_td_poly_priv_status | Private-Polytechnic | 25% | 2,870 |
pc11_td_poly_priv | Private-Polytechnic | 26% | 2,838 |
pc11_td_poly_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 39% | 2,357 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_gov_status | Govt.-Shorthand | 32% | 2,612 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_gov | Govt.-Shorthand | 33% | 2,584 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_priv_status | Private-Shorthand | 32% | 2,606 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_priv | Private-Shorthand | 33% | 2,579 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 73% | 1,044 |
pc11_td_type_inst_gov_status | Govt.-Typewriting | 32% | 2,597 |
pc11_td_type_inst_gov | Govt.-Typewriting | 33% | 2,570 |
pc11_td_type_inst_priv_status | Private-Typewriting | 32% | 2,615 |
pc11_td_type_inst_priv | Private-Typewriting | 33% | 2,587 |
pc11_td_type_inst_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 75% | 949 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_gov_status | Govt.-Shorthand and Typewriting | 25% | 2,875 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_gov | Govt.-Shorthand and Typewriting | 26% | 2,848 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_priv_status | Private-Shorthand and Typewriting | 25% | 2,868 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_priv | Private-Shorthand and Typewriting | 26% | 2,840 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 57% | 1,652 |
pc11_td_ms_off_gov_status | Govt.-MS Office | 30% | 2,691 |
pc11_td_ms_off_gov | Govt.-MS Office | 31% | 2,661 |
pc11_td_ms_off_priv_status | Private-MS Office | 30% | 2,693 |
pc11_td_ms_off_priv | Private-MS Office | 31% | 2,662 |
pc11_td_ms_off_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 73% | 1,028 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_gov_status | Govt.-Desk Top Publishing | 31% | 2,649 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_gov | Govt.-Desk Top Publishing | 32% | 2,618 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_priv_status | Private-Desk Top Publishing | 31% | 2,650 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_priv | Private-Desk Top Publishing | 32% | 2,619 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 68% | 1,236 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_gov_status | Govt.-Vocational(Others) | 27% | 2,789 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_gov | Govt.-Vocational(Others) | 28% | 2,756 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_priv_status | Private-Vocational(Others) | 27% | 2,788 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_priv | Private-Vocational(Others) | 28% | 2,758 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 66% | 1,303 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_gov_status | Govt.-Non Formal Education | 25% | 2,876 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_gov | Govt.-Non Formal Education | 26% | 2,857 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_priv_status | Private-Non Formal Education | 26% | 2,856 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_priv | Private-Non Formal Education | 26% | 2,824 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 57% | 1,659 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_gov_status | Govt.-Special School for Disabled | 25% | 2,863 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_gov | Govt.-Special School for Disabled | 26% | 2,840 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_priv_status | Private-Special School for Disabled | 25% | 2,862 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_priv | Private-Special School for Disabled | 26% | 2,839 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 39% | 2,333 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_gov_status | Govt.-Others | 29% | 2,717 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_gov | Govt.-Others | 30% | 2,698 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_priv_status | Private-Others | 29% | 2,715 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_priv | Private-Others | 30% | 2,697 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 69% | 1,186 |
pc11_td_orph_home_gov_status | Govt.-Orphanage Home | 26% | 2,858 |
pc11_td_orph_home_gov | Govt.-Orphanage Home | 26% | 2,831 |
pc11_td_orph_home_priv_status | Private-Orphanage Home | 26% | 2,858 |
pc11_td_orph_home_priv | Private-Orphanage Home | 26% | 2,837 |
pc11_td_orph_home_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 38% | 2,388 |
pc11_td_wwh_gov_status | Govt.-Working Women's Hostel | 26% | 2,855 |
pc11_td_wwh_gov | Govt.-Working Women's Hostel | 26% | 2,832 |
pc11_td_wwh_priv_status | Private-Working Women's Hostel | 26% | 2,854 |
pc11_td_wwh_priv | Private-Working Women's Hostel | 26% | 2,832 |
pc11_td_wwh_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 39% | 2,355 |
pc11_td_old_home_gov_status | Govt.-Old Age Home | 26% | 2,854 |
pc11_td_old_home_gov | Govt.-Old Age Home | 26% | 2,831 |
pc11_td_old_home_priv_status | Private-Old Age Home | 26% | 2,854 |
pc11_td_old_home_priv | Private-Old Age Home | 26% | 2,833 |
pc11_td_old_home_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 39% | 2,338 |
pc11_td_stadium_gov_status | Govt.-Stadium | 26% | 2,854 |
pc11_td_stadium_gov | Govt.-Stadium | 26% | 2,844 |
pc11_td_stadium_priv_status | Private-Stadium | 26% | 2,852 |
pc11_td_stadium_priv | Private-Stadium | 26% | 2,830 |
pc11_td_stadium_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 49% | 1,949 |
pc11_td_cinema_gov_status | Govt.-Cinema Theatre | 26% | 2,852 |
pc11_td_cinema_gov | Govt.-Cinema Theatre | 26% | 2,831 |
pc11_td_cinema_priv_status | Private-Cinema Theatre | 26% | 2,852 |
pc11_td_cinema_priv | Private-Cinema Theatre | 26% | 2,831 |
pc11_td_cinema_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 56% | 1,701 |
pc11_td_auditorium_gov_status | Govt.-Auditorium/Community Hall | 25% | 2,861 |
pc11_td_auditorium_gov | Govt.-Auditorium/Community Hall | 26% | 2,837 |
pc11_td_auditorium_priv_status | Private-Auditorium/Community Hall | 25% | 2,860 |
pc11_td_auditorium_priv | Private-Auditorium/Community Hall | 26% | 2,838 |
pc11_td_auditorium_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 66% | 1,293 |
pc11_td_p_lib_gov_status | Govt.-Public Library | 25% | 2,859 |
pc11_td_p_lib_priv_status | Private-Public Library | 26% | 2,857 |
pc11_td_p_lib_priv | Private-Public Library | 26% | 2,838 |
pc11_td_p_lib_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 62% | 1,449 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_gov_status | Govt.-Public Reading Room | 26% | 2,855 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_gov | Govt.-Public Reading Room | 26% | 2,838 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_priv_status | Private-Public Reading Room | 26% | 2,854 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_priv | Private-Public Reading Room | 26% | 2,835 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 62% | 1,466 |
pc11_td_bank_gov | Nationalised Bank | 26% | 2,847 |
pc11_td_bank_priv_com | Private Commercial Bank | 30% | 2,688 |
pc11_td_bank_coop | Co-operative Bank | 27% | 2,816 |
pc11_td_a_c_soc | Agricultural Credit Society | 28% | 2,744 |
pc11_td_n_a_c_soc | Non-Agricultural Credit Society | 31% | 2,633 |
Table Information (AC08)⚓︎
Aggregation Level | File Name | Unique Identifiers |
2008 Assembly Constituency | pc11_td_clean_con08.dta | ac08_id |
Variable Information (AC08)⚓︎
Variable Name | Description | Missing % | Non-missing count |
pc11_td_k_road | Total length of urban paved roads (km) | 26% | 2,711 |
pc11_td_disp | Number of urban dispensary and/or health centres | 25% | 2,731 |
pc11_td_f_w_ctr | Number of urban family welfare centres | 25% | 2,728 |
pc11_td_mc_w_ctr | Number of urban maternity and child welfare centres | 25% | 2,727 |
pc11_td_mh_clinic | Number of urban mobile health clinics | 25% | 2,725 |
pc11_td_middle_gov | Number of urban government middle schools | 29% | 2,611 |
pc11_td_sec_gov | Number of urban government secondary schools | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_primary_gov | Number of urban government primary schools | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_m_sc | Total Scheduled Castes Male Population of Town (2011 Population Census Town Directory) | 25% | 2,723 |
pc11_td_f_sc | Total Scheduled Castes Female Population of Town | 25% | 2,723 |
pc11_td_m_st | Total Scheduled Tribes Male Population of Town (2011 Population Census Town Directory) | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_f_st | Total Scheduled Tribes Female Population of Town | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_p_lib_gov | Govt.-Public Library | 26% | 2,710 |
pc11_tot_p | Total population, 2011 | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_no_hh | Total Households | 25% | 2,735 |
Total Population of Town | 25% | 2,735 | |
pc11_td_tot_m | Total Male Population of Town | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_tot_f | Total Female Population of Town | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_p_sc2 | Total Scheduled Castes Population of Town | 25% | 2,723 |
pc11_td_p_st2 | Total Scheduled Tribes Population of Town | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_area | Area (sq. km.) | 25% | 2,729 |
pc11_td_no_hh_hless | Number of Households including Houseless Households (2011 Census) | 32% | 2,483 |
pc11_td_p_sc | Scheduled Castes Population (2011 Census) | 31% | 2,512 |
pc11_td_p_st | Scheduled Tribes Population (2011 Census) | 31% | 2,537 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1901 | Town Population (Census 1901) | 59% | 1,510 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1911 | Town Population (Census 1911) | 58% | 1,521 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1921 | Town Population (Census 1921) | 57% | 1,581 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1931 | Town Population (Census 1931) | 55% | 1,629 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1941 | Town Population (Census 1941) | 54% | 1,690 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1951 | Town Population (Census 1951) | 51% | 1,800 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1961 | Town Population (Census 1961) | 50% | 1,814 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1971 | Town Population (Census 1971) | 47% | 1,934 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1981 | Town Population (Census 1981) | 43% | 2,094 |
pc11_td_tot_p_1991 | Town Population (Census 1991) | 38% | 2,254 |
pc11_td_tot_p_2001 | Town Population (Census 2001) | 34% | 2,399 |
pc11_td_tot_p_2011 | Town Population (Census 2011) | 33% | 2,438 |
pc11_td_avg_rain | Rainfall (mm.) | 27% | 2,674 |
pc11_td_max_temp | Maximum Temperature (in centigrade) | 27% | 2,682 |
pc11_td_min_temp | Minimum Temperature (in centigrade) | 26% | 2,691 |
pc11_td_sh_dist | State H.Q. Road Distance (in kms.) | 26% | 2,711 |
pc11_td_dh_dist | District H.Q. Road Distance (in kms.) | 25% | 2,727 |
pc11_td_sdt_dist | Distance to subdistrict HQ | 26% | 2,685 |
pc11_td_city_dist | Nearest Ciity with Population of 1 Lakh and more Road Distance (in kms.) | 25% | 2,722 |
pc11_td_city5_dist | Nearest Ciity with Population of 5 Lakh and more Road Distance (in kms.) | 26% | 2,713 |
pc11_td_rail_dist | Railway Station Road Distance (in kms) | 26% | 2,700 |
pc11_td_br_dist | Bus Route Road Distance (in kms.) | 33% | 2,444 |
pc11_td_p_road | Kutcha Road Length (in kms.) | 29% | 2,603 |
pc11_td_lat_pit | Latrines-Pit | 26% | 2,686 |
pc11_td_lat_flush | Latrines-Flush/Pour Flush | 26% | 2,697 |
pc11_td_lat_service | Latrines-Service | 33% | 2,441 |
pc11_td_lat_oth | Latrines-Others | 29% | 2,577 |
pc11_td_sys_stor1_kl | Capacity Source-1 (in kilo-litres) | 34% | 2,425 |
pc11_td_sys_stor2_kl | Capacity Source-2 (in kilo-litres) | 81% | 706 |
pc11_td_sys_stor3_kl | Capacity Source-3 (in kilo-litres) | 86% | 502 |
pc11_td_sys_stor4_kl | Capacity Source-4 (in kilo-litres) | 88% | 439 |
pc11_td_sys_stor5_kl | Capacity Source-5 (in kilo-litres) | 89% | 388 |
pc11_td_fire_f_ser | Fire Fighting Service | 70% | 1,113 |
pc11_td_fire_dist | If Staus -2 Nearest Fire Fighting Service Location Distance (Kms) | 53% | 1,711 |
pc11_td_el_dom | Electricity-Domestic Connection | 26% | 2,705 |
pc11_td_el_ind | Electricity-Industrial Connection | 27% | 2,666 |
pc11_td_el_com | Electricity-Commercial Connection | 26% | 2,686 |
pc11_td_el_road_l | Electricity-Road Lighting Connection | 26% | 2,693 |
pc11_td_el_others | Electricity-Others Connection | 29% | 2,587 |
pc11_td_all_hospital | Hospital Allopathic | 27% | 2,668 |
pc11_td_allh_beds | Hospital Allopathic Beds | 27% | 2,662 |
pc11_td_allh_doc_tot | Hospital Allopathic Doctors-Total Strength | 27% | 2,663 |
pc11_td_allh_doc_pos | Hospital Allopathic Doctors-In Position | 27% | 2,657 |
pc11_td_allh_pmed_tot | Hospital Allopathic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 28% | 2,647 |
pc11_td_allh_pmed_pos | Hospital Allopathic Para Medical Staff-In Postion | 28% | 2,646 |
pc11_td_allh_dist | Hospital Allopathic Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 28% | 2,632 |
pc11_td_alt_hospital | Hospital Alternative Medicine | 26% | 2,716 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_beds | Hospital Alternative Medicine Beds | 26% | 2,708 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_doc_tot | Hospital Alternative Medicine Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,712 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_doc_pos | Hospital Alternative Medicine Doctors-In Position | 26% | 2,711 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_pmed_tot | Hospital Alternative Medicine Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,706 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_pmed_pos | Hospital Alternative Medicine Para Medical Staff-In Position | 26% | 2,706 |
pc11_td_alt_hosp_dist | Hospital Alternative Medicine Nearest facility Distance(in kms.) | 27% | 2,650 |
pc11_td_disp_beds | Dispensary/Health Centre Beds | 27% | 2,679 |
pc11_td_disp_doc_tot | Dispensary/Health Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,694 |
pc11_td_disp_doc_pos | Dispensary/Health Centre Doctors-In Position | 26% | 2,691 |
pc11_td_disp_pmed_tot | Dispensary/Health Centre Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,695 |
pc11_td_disp_pmed_pos | Dispensary/Health Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 26% | 2,691 |
pc11_td_disp_dist | Dispensary/Health Centre Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 28% | 2,641 |
pc11_td_fwc_beds | Family Welfare Centre Beds | 26% | 2,688 |
pc11_td_fwc_doc_tot | Family Welfare Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,702 |
pc11_td_fwc_doc_pos | Family Welfare Centre Doctors-In Position | 26% | 2,702 |
pc11_td_fwc_pmed_tot | Family Welfare Centre Doctors Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,703 |
pc11_td_fwc_pmed_pos | Family Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 26% | 2,701 |
pc11_td_fwc_dist | Family Welfare Centre Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 28% | 2,612 |
pc11_td_mcwc_beds | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Beds | 26% | 2,687 |
pc11_td_mcwc_doc_tot | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,705 |
pc11_td_mcwc_doc_pos | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Doctors-In Position | 26% | 2,705 |
pc11_td_mcmw_pmed_tot | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,705 |
pc11_td_mcwc_pmed_pos | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff-In Position | 26% | 2,704 |
pc11_td_mcwc_dist | Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Nearest facility Distance (in Kms.) | 28% | 2,643 |
pc11_td_mh_cnt | Maternity Home | 25% | 2,725 |
pc11_td_mh_beds | Maternity Home Beds | 26% | 2,690 |
pc11_td_mh_doc_tot | Maternity Home Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,708 |
pc11_td_mh_doc_pos | Maternity Home Doctors-In Position | 26% | 2,708 |
pc11_td_mh_pmed_tot | Maternity Home Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,708 |
pc11_td_mh_pmed_pos | Maternity Home Para Medical Staff-In position | 26% | 2,708 |
pc11_td_mh_dist | Maternity Home Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 27% | 2,663 |
pc11_td_tb_clinic | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic | 25% | 2,727 |
pc11_td_tbc_beds | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Beds | 27% | 2,683 |
pc11_td_tbc_doc_tot | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,708 |
pc11_td_tbc_doc_pos | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Doctors-In Position | 26% | 2,706 |
pc11_td_tbc_pmed_tot | T.B. Hospital/Clinic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,707 |
pc11_td_tbc_pmed_pos | T.B. Hospital/Clinic Para Medical Staff-In position | 26% | 2,706 |
pc11_td_tbc_dist | T.B. Hospital/ Clinic Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 28% | 2,627 |
pc11_td_nur_homes | Nursing Home | 26% | 2,719 |
pc11_td_nh_beds | Nursing Home Beds | 26% | 2,706 |
pc11_td_nh_doc_tot | Nursing Home Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,704 |
pc11_td_nh_doc_pos | Nursing Home Doctor-In Postion | 26% | 2,703 |
pc11_td_nh_pmed_tot | Nursing Home Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,702 |
pc11_td_nh_pmed_pos | Nursing Home Para Medical Staff-In Position | 26% | 2,702 |
pc11_td_nh_dist | Nursing Home Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 37% | 2,293 |
pc11_td_veth_cnt | Veterinary Hospital | 25% | 2,729 |
pc11_td_veth_beds | Veterinary Hospital Beds | 33% | 2,457 |
pc11_td_veth_doc_tot | Veterinary Hospital Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,693 |
pc11_td_veth_doc_pos | Veterinary Hospital Doctors-In Position | 26% | 2,691 |
pc11_td_veth_pmed_tot | Veterinary Hospital Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 27% | 2,680 |
pc11_td_veth_pmed_pos | Veterinary Hospital Para Medical Staff-In Position | 27% | 2,677 |
pc11_td_veth_dist | Veterinary Hospital Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 29% | 2,611 |
pc11_td_mhc_beds | Mobile Health Clinic Beds | 26% | 2,716 |
pc11_td_mhc_doc_tot | Mobile Health Clinic Doctors-Total Strength | 26% | 2,717 |
pc11_td_mhc_doc_pos | Mobile Health Clinic Doctors-In Postion | 26% | 2,716 |
pc11_td_mhc_pmed_tot | Mobile Health Clinic Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 26% | 2,717 |
pc11_td_mhc_pmed_pos | Mobile Health Clinic Para Medical Staff-In poistion | 26% | 2,717 |
pc11_td_mhc_dist | Mobile Health Clinic Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 28% | 2,625 |
pc11_td_med_oth | Others | 29% | 2,577 |
pc11_td_med_oth_beds | Others Beds | 30% | 2,562 |
pc11_td_med_oth_doc_tot | Others Doctors-Total Strength | 30% | 2,556 |
pc11_td_med_oth_doc_pos | Others Doctors-In Position | 30% | 2,556 |
pc11_td_med_oth_pmed_tot | Others Para Medical Staff-Total Strength | 30% | 2,557 |
pc11_td_med_oth_pmed_pos | Others Para Medical Staff-In Position | 30% | 2,557 |
pc11_td_med_oth_dist | Others Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) | 47% | 1,944 |
pc11_td_out_pat | Non-Government Out-Patient | 26% | 2,719 |
pc11_td_in_out_pat | Non-Government In and Out Patient | 26% | 2,689 |
pc11_td_c_hosp_home | Non-Government Charitable-Hospital/Nursing Home | 28% | 2,634 |
pc11_td_med_shop | Non-Government Medicine Shop | 25% | 2,721 |
pc11_td_primary_gov_status | Govt. Primary School | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_primary_priv_status | Private Primary School | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_primary_priv | Private Primary School | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_prim_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 93% | 266 |
pc11_td_middle_gov_status | Govt. Middle School | 29% | 2,611 |
pc11_td_middle_priv_status | Private Middle School | 29% | 2,611 |
pc11_td_middle_priv | Private Middle School | 30% | 2,572 |
pc11_td_middle_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 91% | 345 |
pc11_td_sec_gov_status | Govt. Secondary School | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_sec_priv_status | Private Secondary School | 25% | 2,725 |
pc11_td_sec_priv | Private Secondary School | 25% | 2,724 |
pc11_td_sec_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 87% | 475 |
pc11_td_s_sec_gov_status | Govt. Senior Secondary School | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_s_sec_gov | Govt. Senior Secondary School | 25% | 2,733 |
pc11_td_s_sec_priv_status | Private Senior Secondary School | 25% | 2,732 |
pc11_td_s_sec_priv | Private Senior Secondary School | 25% | 2,729 |
pc11_td_s_sec_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 80% | 715 |
pc11_td_arts_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art Only | 32% | 2,486 |
pc11_td_arts_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art Only | 32% | 2,476 |
pc11_td_arts_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art Only | 32% | 2,475 |
pc11_td_arts_priv | Private Degree College-Art Only | 33% | 2,454 |
pc11_td_arts_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 76% | 864 |
pc11_td_science_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Science Only | 33% | 2,453 |
pc11_td_science_gov | Govt. Degree College-Science Only | 33% | 2,438 |
pc11_td_science_priv_status | Private Degree College-Science Only | 33% | 2,443 |
pc11_td_science_priv | Private Degree College-Science Only | 33% | 2,431 |
pc11_td_science_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 74% | 937 |
pc11_td_commerce_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Commerce Only | 33% | 2,445 |
pc11_td_commerce_gov | Govt. Degree College-Commerce Only | 33% | 2,433 |
pc11_td_commerce_priv_status | Private Degree College-Commerce Only | 33% | 2,444 |
pc11_td_commerce_priv | Private Degree College-Commerce Only | 33% | 2,433 |
pc11_td_commerce_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 74% | 939 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art and Science Only | 27% | 2,648 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art and Science Only | 28% | 2,635 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art and Science Only | 28% | 2,639 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_priv | Private Degree College-Art and Science Only | 28% | 2,628 |
pc11_td_arts_sci_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 68% | 1,162 |
pc11_td_arts_co_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 28% | 2,645 |
pc11_td_arts_co_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 28% | 2,632 |
pc11_td_arts_co_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 28% | 2,642 |
pc11_td_arts_co_priv | Private Degree College-Art and Commerce Only | 28% | 2,630 |
pc11_td_arts_co_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 70% | 1,079 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 25% | 2,729 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_gov | Govt. Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 26% | 2,717 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_priv_status | Private Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 25% | 2,733 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_priv | Private Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce | 26% | 2,716 |
pc11_td_art_sc_co_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 59% | 1,506 |
pc11_td_law_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Law | 26% | 2,713 |
pc11_td_law_gov | Govt. Degree College-Law | 26% | 2,697 |
pc11_td_law_priv_status | Private Degree College-Law | 26% | 2,713 |
pc11_td_law_priv | Private Degree College-Law | 26% | 2,694 |
pc11_td_law_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 50% | 1,819 |
pc11_td_col_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-University | 28% | 2,646 |
pc11_td_col_gov | Govt. Degree College-University | 28% | 2,634 |
pc11_td_col_priv_status | Private Degree College-University | 28% | 2,646 |
pc11_td_col_priv | Private Degree College-University | 28% | 2,629 |
pc11_td_col_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 50% | 1,833 |
pc11_td_oth_col_gov_status | Govt. Degree College-Others | 28% | 2,640 |
pc11_td_oth_col_gov | Govt. Degree College-Others | 28% | 2,627 |
pc11_td_oth_col_priv_status | Private Degree College-Others | 28% | 2,639 |
pc11_td_oth_col_priv | Private Degree College-Others | 28% | 2,631 |
pc11_td_oth_col_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 72% | 1,024 |
pc11_td_medical_gov_status | Govt.-Medical College | 25% | 2,730 |
pc11_td_medical_gov | Govt.-Medical College | 26% | 2,714 |
pc11_td_medical_priv_status | Private-Medical College | 25% | 2,730 |
pc11_td_medical_priv | Private-Medical College | 26% | 2,713 |
pc11_td_medical_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 31% | 2,535 |
pc11_td_engg_gov_status | Govt.-Engineering College | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_engg_gov | Govt.-Engineering College | 26% | 2,712 |
pc11_td_engg_priv_status | Private-Engineering College | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_engg_priv | Private-Engineering College | 26% | 2,711 |
pc11_td_engg_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 34% | 2,425 |
pc11_td_mgt_gov_status | Govt.-Management Institute | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_mgt_gov | Govt.-Management Institute | 26% | 2,713 |
pc11_td_mgt_priv_status | Private-Management Institute | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_mgt_priv | Private-Management Institute | 26% | 2,712 |
pc11_td_mgt_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 35% | 2,379 |
pc11_td_poly_gov_status | Govt.-Polytechnic | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_poly_gov | Govt.-Polytechnic | 26% | 2,713 |
pc11_td_poly_priv_status | Private-Polytechnic | 25% | 2,735 |
pc11_td_poly_priv | Private-Polytechnic | 26% | 2,710 |
pc11_td_poly_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 38% | 2,267 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_gov_status | Govt.-Shorthand | 32% | 2,471 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_gov | Govt.-Shorthand | 33% | 2,449 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_priv_status | Private-Shorthand | 32% | 2,472 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_priv | Private-Shorthand | 33% | 2,451 |
pc11_td_sh_inst_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 73% | 1,003 |
pc11_td_type_inst_gov_status | Govt.-Typewriting | 33% | 2,454 |
pc11_td_type_inst_gov | Govt.-Typewriting | 33% | 2,433 |
pc11_td_type_inst_priv_status | Private-Typewriting | 32% | 2,475 |
pc11_td_type_inst_priv | Private-Typewriting | 33% | 2,453 |
pc11_td_type_inst_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 75% | 905 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_gov_status | Govt.-Shorthand and Typewriting | 25% | 2,722 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_gov | Govt.-Shorthand and Typewriting | 26% | 2,701 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_priv_status | Private-Shorthand and Typewriting | 25% | 2,722 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_priv | Private-Shorthand and Typewriting | 26% | 2,699 |
pc11_td_sh_type_in_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 56% | 1,601 |
pc11_td_ms_off_gov_status | Govt.-MS Office | 30% | 2,574 |
pc11_td_ms_off_gov | Govt.-MS Office | 30% | 2,551 |
pc11_td_ms_off_priv_status | Private-MS Office | 29% | 2,575 |
pc11_td_ms_off_priv | Private-MS Office | 30% | 2,551 |
pc11_td_ms_off_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 73% | 991 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_gov_status | Govt.-Desk Top Publishing | 31% | 2,534 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_gov | Govt.-Desk Top Publishing | 31% | 2,510 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_priv_status | Private-Desk Top Publishing | 31% | 2,534 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_priv | Private-Desk Top Publishing | 31% | 2,510 |
pc11_td_dtp_publ_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 68% | 1,174 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_gov_status | Govt.-Vocational(Others) | 27% | 2,656 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_gov | Govt.-Vocational(Others) | 28% | 2,630 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_priv_status | Private-Vocational(Others) | 27% | 2,654 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_priv | Private-Vocational(Others) | 28% | 2,631 |
pc11_td_oth_voc_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 66% | 1,231 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_gov_status | Govt.-Non Formal Education | 25% | 2,733 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_gov | Govt.-Non Formal Education | 25% | 2,721 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_priv_status | Private-Non Formal Education | 26% | 2,720 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_priv | Private-Non Formal Education | 26% | 2,695 |
pc11_td_educ_nf_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 56% | 1,591 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_gov_status | Govt.-Special School for Disabled | 25% | 2,726 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_gov | Govt.-Special School for Disabled | 26% | 2,712 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_priv_status | Private-Special School for Disabled | 25% | 2,726 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_priv | Private-Special School for Disabled | 26% | 2,710 |
pc11_td_disab_sch_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 38% | 2,250 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_gov_status | Govt.-Others | 30% | 2,559 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_gov | Govt.-Others | 30% | 2,547 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_priv_status | Private-Others | 30% | 2,559 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_priv | Private-Others | 30% | 2,547 |
pc11_td_oth_educ_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 69% | 1,121 |
pc11_td_orph_home_gov_status | Govt.-Orphanage Home | 26% | 2,719 |
pc11_td_orph_home_gov | Govt.-Orphanage Home | 26% | 2,701 |
pc11_td_orph_home_priv_status | Private-Orphanage Home | 26% | 2,719 |
pc11_td_orph_home_priv | Private-Orphanage Home | 26% | 2,705 |
pc11_td_orph_home_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 37% | 2,285 |
pc11_td_wwh_gov_status | Govt.-Working Women's Hostel | 26% | 2,718 |
pc11_td_wwh_gov | Govt.-Working Women's Hostel | 26% | 2,702 |
pc11_td_wwh_priv_status | Private-Working Women's Hostel | 26% | 2,717 |
pc11_td_wwh_priv | Private-Working Women's Hostel | 26% | 2,702 |
pc11_td_wwh_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 38% | 2,247 |
pc11_td_old_home_gov_status | Govt.-Old Age Home | 26% | 2,717 |
pc11_td_old_home_gov | Govt.-Old Age Home | 26% | 2,701 |
pc11_td_old_home_priv_status | Private-Old Age Home | 26% | 2,717 |
pc11_td_old_home_priv | Private-Old Age Home | 26% | 2,703 |
pc11_td_old_home_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 39% | 2,244 |
pc11_td_stadium_gov_status | Govt.-Stadium | 26% | 2,718 |
pc11_td_stadium_gov | Govt.-Stadium | 26% | 2,711 |
pc11_td_stadium_priv_status | Private-Stadium | 26% | 2,715 |
pc11_td_stadium_priv | Private-Stadium | 26% | 2,700 |
pc11_td_stadium_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 48% | 1,883 |
pc11_td_cinema_gov_status | Govt.-Cinema Theatre | 26% | 2,715 |
pc11_td_cinema_gov | Govt.-Cinema Theatre | 26% | 2,701 |
pc11_td_cinema_priv_status | Private-Cinema Theatre | 26% | 2,715 |
pc11_td_cinema_priv | Private-Cinema Theatre | 26% | 2,701 |
pc11_td_cinema_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 55% | 1,630 |
pc11_td_auditorium_gov_status | Govt.-Auditorium/Community Hall | 25% | 2,721 |
pc11_td_auditorium_gov | Govt.-Auditorium/Community Hall | 26% | 2,705 |
pc11_td_auditorium_priv_status | Private-Auditorium/Community Hall | 26% | 2,720 |
pc11_td_auditorium_priv | Private-Auditorium/Community Hall | 26% | 2,705 |
pc11_td_auditorium_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 66% | 1,253 |
pc11_td_p_lib_gov_status | Govt.-Public Library | 25% | 2,721 |
pc11_td_p_lib_priv_status | Private-Public Library | 26% | 2,720 |
pc11_td_p_lib_priv | Private-Public Library | 26% | 2,708 |
pc11_td_p_lib_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 62% | 1,397 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_gov_status | Govt.-Public Reading Room | 26% | 2,719 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_gov | Govt.-Public Reading Room | 26% | 2,708 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_priv_status | Private-Public Reading Room | 26% | 2,717 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_priv | Private-Public Reading Room | 26% | 2,705 |
pc11_td_r_rooms_dist | Nearest Village/Town Distance (in kms.) | 61% | 1,418 |
pc11_td_bank_gov | Nationalised Bank | 26% | 2,703 |
pc11_td_bank_priv_com | Private Commercial Bank | 30% | 2,544 |
pc11_td_bank_coop | Co-operative Bank | 27% | 2,676 |
pc11_td_a_c_soc | Agricultural Credit Society | 28% | 2,626 |
pc11_td_n_a_c_soc | Non-Agricultural Credit Society | 32% | 2,489 |
- Missing %: Proportion of observations with missing data
- Zero %: Proportion of observations with zero values
- Canary variable: The
indicates the canary variable for imputation, see this link for more details about the imputation algorithm.